Welcome to my Guestbook! We encourage you to participate regularly in games, sweepstakes, and surveys here at Bag End.

bernard - 11/27/00 19:13:58
My Email:bernardking@yahoo.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: sam
Favorite Tolkien Race: hobbit
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit


Steven Rolen - 10/25/00 14:08:24
My Email:rolens@bvsd.k12.co.us
Favorite Tolkien Character: Thorin Oakenshield
Favorite Tolkien Race: dwarves
Favorite Tolkien Book: all


Steven Rolen - 10/25/00 14:08:20
My Email:rolens@bvsd.k12.co.us
Favorite Tolkien Character: Thorin Oakenshield
Favorite Tolkien Race: dwarves
Favorite Tolkien Book: all


Polyak and K' - 10/22/00 07:45:48
My Email:none
Favorite Tolkien Character: Iluvatar
Favorite Tolkien Race: orks
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Bored of the Rings

Let's come and drink some VODKA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eldalin - 10/18/00 22:04:39
My URL:http://members.spree.com/thearts/hrafngythja/maia/olorin.html
My Email:Hrafndis@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Olorin
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbits
Favorite Tolkien Book: Fellowship of the Ring
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): used to back in the dayz of Yore

I like your site, esp. the Tengwar with descriptive names! I've linked to you from my site (above). Valinorian Blessings Upon Your Delvings, Eldalin

Matt Stanwood - 10/11/00 15:37:07


Jon Carter - 07/23/00 14:53:37
My Email:joncarter1@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Frodo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord of the Rings

This is one of the best small Tolkien sites I've been to.

Armik - 06/19/00 22:47:51
My URL:http://bogart.colorado.edu/~mirzayan/Home.html
My Email:mirzayan@ucsu.colorado.edu
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo Baggins
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord of the Rings

Your page is really cool!

Daniel Donovan - 05/25/00 04:24:15
My Email:donovan_3_dj@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Thorin Oakenshield
Favorite Tolkien Race: Dwarves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Two Towers

Tolkien was a genius

Samantha - 05/22/00 16:05:19
My Email:Mechanist@Yahoo.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The lord of the Rings

Sorry I sighned twice, but I forgot to say some thing.I've only read 2 Tolkien books so far, but that's good for 12. And I plan to read more soon. I love to read about fantasy or sciece fiction.

Samantha - 05/22/00 15:59:00
My Email:Mechanist@Yahoo.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Lord of the Rings
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no


Sarabi - 05/16/00 00:32:46
My Email:bdjdoyle@bellsouth.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Frodo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Return of the King
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): No

I love to read. I read eny kind of book if it can hold my attention. That is how I read The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. Yes I read the intier book in two weeks,doring school time and only 15 years old. What an acomplesment.

Rilla Shawe - 04/30/00 20:24:29
My Email:eowyn4@juno.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Eowyn
Favorite Tolkien Race: Rohirrim for their ancient Saxon sense of honor, Hobbits for being SO much more than they appear
Favorite Tolkien Book: Return
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): not yet


RainSmith - 04/03/00 07:26:37
My Email:bettalund@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Pippin
Favorite Tolkien Race: Ents
Favorite Tolkien Book: All

Glad I found you. I will try AD&D

Shane - 03/25/00 17:05:05
My Email:drevazan@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gollum
Favorite Tolkien Race: Balrog
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Rings
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): Nope


Corey Zelinski - 03/14/00 22:02:32
My URL:/area51/realm/5087/
My Email:WendellElf@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo/Frodo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit & LOTR

I recently updated my site! Hooray!

Sarah - 03/13/00 19:39:20
My Email:Guesswho311@cs.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Sam Gamgee
Favorite Tolkien Race: The Ent's
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Lord of the Rings
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): I do not know what that is.

I really liked your site and I have told my dad who is also a J.R.R Tolkien fan about it. He enjoys your site too. Keep up the good work.

Micah Lane - 03/01/00 19:49:16
My Email:lane5@frontiernet.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: don't have one
Favorite Tolkien Book: Felloship of The Ring


Finduilas - 02/09/00 00:13:44
My URL:http://www.spiderspace.net/finduilas/index.htm
Favorite Tolkien Character: Dont have one
Favorite Tolkien Race: Rohirrim or Dunedain
Favorite Tolkien Book: All

Nice site. The green background is hard on the eyes though

Sarah - 01/16/00 06:21:13
My Email:Guesswho311@cs.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: The White Wizards (if they are one)
Favorite Tolkien Book: So far I have only read The Hobbit
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): I am not sure what AD&D is.

I tried to e-mail to submit my anwers to the survey (number 2) but it would not go through. And I had the Hobbit read to me when I was little by my dad. But recently I have read it again, because I got it for him on Christmas. He has the collects edition f both The Hobbit and The Lord of Rings. I am soon going to start the Lord of Rings. I really enjoy J. R. R. Tolkien and what I have read so far of his writngs. And I would love so more info on him and his writings. Thanks

Katie - 12/28/99 23:45:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/kjz123/
My Email:KJZ123@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: couldn't choose
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: Return of the King
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no

Hey! Just surfing around and found your page. I like the pictures

Andrew McCrea - 12/10/99 05:11:58
Favorite Tolkien Character: Feanor
Favorite Tolkien Race: "Green Elves"
Favorite Tolkien Book: Silmarilion
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): MERP

cool site!!!!!

N \c - 09/26/99 00:43:03


Blanziflor - 09/15/99 07:01:57
My Email:pupinsn@datanet.yu
Favorite Tolkien Character: Aragorn
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobit


Elemmakil the Door Warden - 08/20/99 23:21:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/yt/elemmakil/index.html
My Email:elemmakil@angelfire.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Silmarillion
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): N?

Good site you might try centering some of your graphics to make it look cool.

Mr.Marshall - 08/13/99 03:47:02
My Email:jrm92@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Race: no favorites
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): absolutly...not

Hi Corey, I hope your summer has been as good as the weather. You have put a lot of work into this website...good job. Have you been to any conventions? Do you have their E-mail address? If so send it to me. J. Marsh

Corey Zelinski - 08/10/99 18:01:13
My URL:http://coreysadnd.virtualave.net/enter.html
My Email:WendellElf@aol.com
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): Yes

This is the webmaster of this site again. Im just saying that i've changed my email address to WendellElf@aol.com, so email me there. Thanks!

martijn neggers - 08/07/99 09:26:56
My Email:martijnneggers@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: legolas
Favorite Tolkien Race: istari
Favorite Tolkien Book: lord of the ring
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no


LadyRaven - 07/10/99 01:43:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lounge/7220
My Email:ladyraven3@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Strider
Favorite Tolkien Race: The Ents
Favorite Tolkien Book: LoTG & Sillmarillion

Hello- I really like your page- I am in the process of making a Tolkien webpage myself- I hope to have the beginnings of it up sometime in the next month :)

Will - 07/08/99 17:47:38
My Email:Mrbagnz@pacbell.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gollum
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): yes


martijn neggers - 06/27/99 07:07:31
My Email:martijnneggers@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: legolas
Favorite Tolkien Race: elfs
Favorite Tolkien Book: lord of the ring
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no


Celtic Dream - 06/21/99 20:19:17
My URL:/area51/shire/3992
My Email:celtic_dream@geocities.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Lúthien Tinúviel, the daughter of Thingol the Elfking and Melian
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elfs offcourse!
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord of the Rings

I just wanted to say thanks for making me come here(by that mail of yours!), because I really enjoyed it, : )

Come and visit me!

May the Sun shine bright on you. Eternally. C D

A.J. Guillette - 06/15/99 21:05:41
My URL:http://www.pizzawebinc.com/ (comming soon)
My Email:webmaster@pizzawebinc.com (comming soon)
Favorite Tolkien Character: none
Favorite Tolkien Race: none
Favorite Tolkien Book: none
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): when Corey makes me

What is this guy smoking?

Sarah - 06/15/99 13:49:01
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbits
Favorite Tolkien Book: Farmer Giles of Ham

I really enjoy reading the Tolkien books. At the moment we are doing about them at school.

Justine - 05/31/99 18:32:59
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Lord of The Rings!

Great website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justine - 05/31/99 18:32:37
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Lord of The Rings!

Great website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mr lucas - 05/21/99 12:36:19
Favorite Tolkien Character: all
Favorite Tolkien Race: all
Favorite Tolkien Book: Hobbit

Good site

Jacob Nielsen - 05/20/99 16:09:57
My URL:http://www.na.suite.dk
My Email:tchami@get2net.dk
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbit
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit or there and back again
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no

hmm, I don't like the design.

Diego - 05/08/99 15:02:36
My Email:delnoch@inrete.it
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gollum
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elf
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): yes


The Red Killer Dwarf - 05/05/99 00:25:16
My Email:rkaid2000@yahoo.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Race: 'Da Dwarves!
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit

Ge' day!

- 04/28/99 19:26:44
My Email:emenesale@nbpt.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Book: hobbit

You did a great job with this website. Keep up the good work.

SNAKES!!! - 04/22/99 23:12:05
My Email:rcody@mediaone.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: dildo
Favorite Tolkien Race: elven
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobit


M Richard Willard - 04/20/99 18:55:12

Incredible job!!!

Smiget_2 - 04/17/99 14:21:42
My Email:rcody.mediaone.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Race: elven archers
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobit

Hello, its Smidget_2. I like snakes!!!

maria naumann - 04/16/99 14:21:08
My Email:spadari@ciudad.com.ar
Favorite Tolkien Character: galadriel
Favorite Tolkien Race: elfs
Favorite Tolkien Book: lord of the rings 123
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no

thank you for letting me be part of the spectacular Tolkien´s world!!!!!

Ron - 04/04/99 18:13:45
My Email:rrandjj@gateway.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo Baggins
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobits
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobit
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): no

Adding the web ring is a nice touch.

Dan Smith - 04/03/99 23:48:16
My Email:DJCnwo@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Smaug
Favorite Tolkien Race: Dragon
Favorite Tolkien Book: Hobbit
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): Yes

Nice site Corey

John Selman - 04/03/99 14:40:11
My URL:http://members.aol.com/johnselman
My Email:valinor@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandolf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbits
Favorite Tolkien Book: Trilogy

Great site?

Leanie The Hobbit - 04/03/99 08:27:15
My URL:/Area51/Shire/5014
My Email:leanie@geocities.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Frodo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbit
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord of The Rings
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): not in a long time

Thanks for the invite. I will be back. When you got some time on your hands, come see me!

Mike Quill - 03/30/99 19:48:15
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo Baggins
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit

Hey Corey, nice site.

Mrs K - 03/27/99 03:16:06
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: Hobbit

Great site, Corey!

Richie Z. - 03/26/99 02:59:52
My Email:RZELI@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo Baggins
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbits
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord Of The Rings
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): No way man!

Totaly Rad site man. I mean like are you some sort of mage or something?

Tom Page - 03/26/99 02:55:26
My Email:clarinet9@hotmail.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Hobbits
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord of the Rings

Great Site. Keep up good the work.

Mr. Peabody - 03/19/99 18:28:16
My Email:peabody@nbpt.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo Bakins
Favorite Tolkien Book: Lord of the Rings

Hi Corey, I visted your page. Are you happy now? grrrrrrr

Evan Rowland - 03/14/99 17:44:06
My Email:Clawdragon@yahoo.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Gandalf
Favorite Tolkien Race: Dragon
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit

Corey,I still think this is boring.The chatroom isn't enough.Noone is ever going to be in it,and it's doubtful anyone wioll sit around waiting for it.Heres an idea:Get a message posting program,and set it up in the front page,so it's one of the first thin s you see.Make a bigger title,like Diamonds and Hobbits,or something.Anyway,good luck!

Ron - 03/07/99 22:23:18
My Email:rrandjj@gateway.net
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Ents
Favorite Tolkien Book: Haven't read them all yet.
Do you play AD&D (Y/N): No

Good luck and best wishes on this project, so far it looks first class!

Corey Zelinski - 03/06/99 22:43:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Realm/5087/index.html
My Email:QConti8171@aol.com
Favorite Tolkien Character: Bilbo / Frodo
Favorite Tolkien Race: Elves
Favorite Tolkien Book: The Hobbit/LOTR Trilogy

This is just the site's creator testing his guestbook.

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