Bag End

Welcome to Corey Zelinski's humble hobbit hole!

My humble hole has been visited this many times:

The Hobbit's Letter-Box: Click Here to Send Me E-Mail.

~~~Today's Survey~~~

Today's Survey Questions:

1) Who is your favorite Tolkien character?
2) What is your favorite Tolkien race?

To post your entry, E-Mail me.  In the Subj. box of the E-Mail, type "Today's Survey #2".
Include in your E-Mail your full e-mail address, so we may aknowledge your entry.  If you wish, you may also include any comments you'd like to make, etc.

Entering in "Today's Survey" makes puts you in the Mystery Prize drawing!  The prize is a secret mystery, but you are permitted to ask me questions about the prize.

Click Here to

The winner of Today's Survey #1 mystery prize drawing was Mrs. K who signed our guestbook.

Click here to go to Corey's AD&D Club (Another one of my sites)

Click here to view my brand new Art Gallery

(BELOW) There is a painting on the wall.

LEFT: Bilbo armed with Sting, RIGHT: Gollum.

Tolkien Languages Page (So you wondered what Gandalf was actually saying when he muttered those seemingly unintelligible Elvish spells?)

(ABOVE) Anglo-Saxon Runes.  These are the type of dwarf-runes that can be found on Thor's Map in The Hobbit.
(BELOW) Tengwar (Elven Runes).

The Hobbit's Guestbook

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The One Ring


This Tolkien Webring site is owned by Corey Zelinski.