One  Of the things that I adore about TXF is the incredibly funny things that can sometimes sneak into the dialog of he show. Maybe I am just nuts, (well, I am), but I often find myself rolling on the floor because of some of the things that are said. So, may I present to you, The Funny Zone.

"Should we be picking out china patterns, or what?"
Mulder~Small Potatos

"I'm not going to ask if you said wat you just said because I know what you just said."
Scully~War Of The Comprphages

"Well, I didn't get his name. I was too busy getting my ass kicked."

"Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted."

"You never draw MY bath."

"Bring your mittens!"

"Last time you were that engrossed, it turned out you were reading The Adult Video News."
Scully~Beyond The Sea

"Some of their ideas are down-right spooky."

"If this is monkey pee, you're on your own."
Scully~The Erlenmyer Flask

"I'm telling you, that cow had my name on it."
Mulder~Rain King

"Do you think they would have taken me more seriously if I had worn the grey suit?"

"I'll be back soon, and we can build a tower of furniture, K?"

"Is there anything you DON'T believe in, Mulder?"
Scully~Post-Modern Prometheus

"Well, if it rains sleeping bags, maybe you'll get lucky."

"Scully, I never thought I'd say this too you, but you smell bad."
Mulder~War Of The Coprophages

"I wouldn't change a day ... Well, maybe that flukeman thing. I could've lived without that just fine.
Scully~The Field Where I Died

"If I heard 'Silent Night' one more time, I was going to start taking hostages."
Scully~The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas

More Funny Stuff!!

Scully's Software/Hardware Dilemma

The Day We Were Abducted

Scully Don't Preach