How many times have you been listening to the radio or a new CD, and thought a certain song was a perfect anthem for Mulder, Scully, or The X-Files? Below is a list of my favorite X-Files related songs. Enjoy!
Mulder And Scully~Catatona David Duchovny Why Won't You Love Me~Bree SharpOne Week~Barenaked LadiesA Change~Sheryl CrowMaybe Angels~Sheryl CrowDreaming My Dreams~The CranberriesDon't Need The Sunshine~CatatoniaShe's Got A Way~Billy Joel Walking After You~The Foo FightersMore Than This~The CureRoad Rage~CatatoniaKind And Generous~Natalie MerchantAlone~Lisa LoebSecret Garden~Bruce SpringstienThe Sky Is Broken~MobyFor You~Tracy ChapmanHeart And Shoulder~Heather Nova I would Die For You~Jann ArdenStrange World~Sarah McLachlanAbsence Of Fear~Jewel Sand And Water~Beth Nielson Chapman