Join the Frontier Exploration and Trade (FET) ?
Do you want to be free to do what you want to do ?
Do you want to explore ?
Do you want to trade ?
Do you want to run your own subsidiary ?
Do you want to research ?
Do you want to fight ?
Do you want to live at the edge of law and justice ?
And most important:
Do you want to have lots of fun ?
If the answer is yes to one or more of the above questions than you should join
the Frontier Exploration and Trade !
We offer a lot to our members, just to name a few:
Free Training to cloak your ship without the need to use Korondite ! (Affiliation ability)
Missions to earn lots of money or ship upgrades.
Superb ships ! Our ships are among the best you will find:
The Deep Explorer, our class 7 ship, is one of the prime exploration vessels.
Beside being real fast it also has build in Bio- and Physics Labs as well as some other nice features.
The Pioneer, our class 8 ship, is very useful for the most different purposes,
e.g. exploring, trading, missions, etc.
Major help to build up your own colony.
Our military task force - the Frontier Patrol Group - is one of the
best you can find in the Peripheries. Members joining the Froniter Patrol Group get some additional bonuses:
Free Thorlium coating, free military equipment, free replacement
ships for those lost in combat, a monthly wage, Mission payments/bonuses, plenty of action !
When patrol ships are not in action they are left at their bases,
meaning no high costs and added protection.
So, what are you waiting for ?
Join the FET now !!!
If you want to join the FET or have any questions concering the FET,
contact the FET Director of Exploration,
Nemo Cognito
(Colin Locke, Belmont, 37 Ynys St, Port Talbot, W Glam, SA13 1YN, UK)
or any other member of the
FET Board of Directors, please.
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Latest Update: 199.32