Frontier Exploration and Trade
- Beyond the Stellar Empire Links -
The Imperials:
FET - The Frontier Exploration and Trade
GTT - The Galatic Transport and Trade
IMP - The Imperial Services Homepage
SMS - The Stellar Mining and Smelting Homepage
The Confederates:
BHD - The Brotherhood
The New Knights of the Temple - NKT
CIA - The Confederate Intelligence Agency Homepage
CIA Operations Division
CNF - The Confederates
The 3D-Alliance:
DEN - The Dewiek Elder Nation Homepage
DOM - The Dominion
DTR - The Detinus Republic Homepage
Romanov Family Holdings
DTR Market Site
The Flagritz Republic:
FGZ - The Flagritz Republic
Alpha Fleet
HVE - The Hive Hierarchy
The (officially) non-associated/allied affiliatons:
AFT - The Association of Free Traders Homepage
DNA - Democratic Native Alliance
EEM - The Extraterrestial Economic Monopoly (GM controlled)
FCN - The Falconian Empire
House Eagle
House Raven
FEL - The Felini
HXM - The Hexamon
IND - The Independants
IND - INDepth
KAS - The Kastorians (Yank, GM controlled)
KST - The Kastorians (Kastor, GM controlled)
KRL - The Krell Imperium
Clan Dark Angels
RIP - The Raiders of the Imperial Periphery
SQM - The Squamata
BSE Overviews, Helps, Mailing List and Discussion Forum:
BSE Affiliation Overview
DTR Market Site
SMS Market Site
SMS Travel Route Calculator
BSE Resource Site
BSE Politics
UK-BSE mailing list
To the list send a mail with following message body (not the subject line):
subscribe uk-bse
The Higher Regions:
KJC Games
Main Page
Last Update: 200.49