Frontier Exploration and Trade
- Affiliation Overview -
This little affiliation overview is mainly tought for newcomers to the game
"Beyond the Stellar Empire"
(run by KJC Games).
This overview is thought to be as objective as possible. Nevertheless, some "subjective" opinions could have been
flown in, as this was written by members of one of the affiliations (guess which ?).
The known space of the so called Peripheries is at the moment mainly controlled by several different
Power Blocks:
- the Imperial Service - in control of mmost of the Capellan Periphery
- the Confederation - in control of mostt of the Darkfold Periphery
- the Detinus Rebublic - in control of aa number of systems
- the Dewiek Elder Nation - in control oof most of the Dewiek Pocket and Acrux/Noctollis Periphery
- the Flagritz Republic- in control of tthe Twilight and Hazzard System
- the Falconians - in control of the Acrropolis System
Imperial affiliations:
FET - The Frontier Exploration and Trade - human
An Imperially Chartered Affiliation who work around Imperial Law for the reasons of
personal wealth. The FET do, however, have a very healthy allied friendship with the IMP.
The FET offer their affiliates many aspects, i.e. exploration, combat, colonisation and
espionage, etc.
Affiliation number 56
GTT - The Galatic Trade and Transport - human
Rich trading and transporting chartered affiliation. The GTT distance themselves from Chartered Affiliation activities and because
of lack of dealings with them, especially in case of the FGZ war some years ago, which now
resulted in the outbreak of new hostilities between those two affiliations.
Affiliation number 52
Periphery arm of the Stellar Empire and overseers of
the Imperial Affiliations (FET, SMS and GTT). The IMP are mainly a militaristic
Affiliation number 51
An all-round peaceful affiliation with an
expertise in the field of exploration and exploitation of resources. Members
are, however, allowed combat ships, for which they can use as defence and
Affiliation number 53
Confederate affiliations:
Fanatic monks with warships and many members. Allied to the Confederation and
located in their space.
Affiliation number 63
As the name suggests. Their methods of
gaining information annoy many but they are better at it than most
affiliations. Allies of the Confederation.
Affiliation number 64
CNF - The Confederate Navy - human
This is the alter-ego of the IMP's. They operate in much the same way
except they don't have control of the Empire, a factor that
they are trying to change. The CNF would like to see the Emperor's brother
installed in the Imperial Throne.
Affiliation number 65
This alien affiliation, like the FGZ, has some enemies, although they try to remain
neutral. The DEN are a wolf-like race that are said to be once an advanced technological
race. However, it is believed that since their war with a strong race, known as the
Architects (ARC), they have lost some of their abilities and the technologies
that went with them. Over the past time the DEN had problems with different affiliations,
especially the CLN, CNF, FCN and not to forget the HXM.
Affiliation number 67
Rebels of the Imperial Empire who once broke away from
Imperial Law when the colonists of the colony Detinus rebelled. The Detinus
people have only just received a home in three recently discovered systems after spending
a vast amount of time as guests of the CNF.
Affiliation number 58
A respectable and friendly trading affiliation - as long as you don't step on their toes...
Affiliation number 57
The Flagritz Republic:
The FGZ have had some troubled times over the past few years, then had begun to
settle down after many hostilities but just recently started another war
against the Stellar Empire and its allies. The FGZ lost this war and were driven out of the Capeallan Periphery and are now located in
the Cluster and the Twilight system. The FGZ carry out
exploration, combat and other activities. The Teller Hive (HVE) society as well as the Wimble Nation (WMB) have been "integrated in the Flagritz Republic.
Affiliation number 26
Warlike race, living on Inversion in Storm. Had some bad experience with the FET in the past.
Affiliation number 68
(Officially) non-associated/allied affiliations:
A generally neutral affiliation who has
established many trade deals through the various affiliations. The AFT are
quite reasonable so dealings with them are welcomed by both parties involved.
Affiliation number 54
CLN - The Clan Alliance - bast
A very war-like feline race who are not afraid to enter combat.
The CLN/Bast are/were based in the Cluster Periphery and had control over
most of the systems there. Not much else can be said for them other than that
they have few friends and seem to have been mostly disbanded by now.
Affiliation number 69
Alliance of several native species, trying to protect natives from slavery and exploitation.
Affiliation number 66
The Falconians have just recently developed an inter-system engine and by
this have now contact with the other races. They are said to have a high standard
technology. The Falconian Empire has declared its neutrality and to open negotiations
with all who approach them. These bird-like aliens carry an unfortunate enzyme that
passes the Alien Plague on to those who come into contact with them. This enzyme
does not affect the Falconian people as they need it for healthy survival.
Affiliation number 70
Fierce and old enemies of the Flagritz. Not much else can be said of them yet as there are so far only rumours around that they have appeared in known space.
Affiliation number ??
HXM - The Hexamon - hexamon
So called "Teller" faction of an insectoid race, created by the mysterious architacts. Allied to the Flagritz, part of their Republic.Mysterious race, old allies of the TCA, that was eventually once at war with the DEN and definetly is now. Holders of the Acrux system.
Affiliation number 68
IND - Independent - human
Independent - thatīs what they are. Everybody is on its own.
Not a afffilation in the sense of the word though, as not organized.
Affiliation number 14
Warlike race, living on Inversion in Storm. Had some bad experience with the FET in the past.
Affiliation number 30
RIP - Raiders of the Imperial Peripheries - human
Pirates, plain and simple pirates. Nobody likes them, everyone's after the Pirate King,
and they constantly attack ships, and sometimes colonies, when they feel like it.
Nasty people with no respect.
Affiliation number 17
Modified version of the original manuscript by K.S. Tashiro (Ben L. Wickenden).
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Latest Update: 200.49