Click to subscribe to TuxRose
My 1st award!!!^_^ P.S. I don't know how to do html fragments so pic. will link to the page I won it from. |
Click Blinki to get cool animations from a friend of mine. |
Hi I'm Zarkion the Destorier I'll guide you once there's a place to guide to. OK? BYB-BYB |
Z: Click banner for Anime Hitman!!! |
You are rose # |

waiting to be hurled at a villian! |
E-mail me @: |
All Material I used Belongs to the companies with the trademarks if i post anything that offends please E-mail me! Thank you!! |
I adopted these on 2/11/99 click Darian to view. |
Once again I can't do html fragments so their banner is a link to their page. |
Hi all want a FREE e-mail address. |
Hi All I'm adding this on Monday 9/20/99 I'm learning html then I will be moving to Hope you will see me there. ^_^