Things I love about Eunice

Her eyes kill me
The way she tiptoes when she kisses me
Her gentle heart
Her soft lips
How she's ticklish in the subscapularis
She says "Hi" as if for the first time even though we've been together for hours
How she teaches me anatomical terms
When you nibble her knees she laughs
Her ears are ticklish when I kiss them
She makes me laugh
Her embarrassment when we partake in PDA
Her sharp mind
Her big heart
Her awesome emails
Her eyes are devastating
When she sneezes it's so cute
The way she leans on me when lounging
She's laid back
Her cool friends
Did I mention her eyes?
The way she dresses
She likes my friends
She inspires and conspires-with me on t-shirt ideas
She sold her flute at a pawn shop
Always polite, she says "Sorry" and "Thank You"
She's well travelled
She's gotten Dr. Jane Goodall, Diet Coke (in the third person)
The way she makes me care about her
The way she makes me think about my life up to now
The way she looks when I make her laugh
She laughs at "A-a-a-a-a-are you German"
Bay-bee, buay-bee, bway-bee, buay-bee
She could save my life if I had a heart attack
She's beautiful,
Making her laugh makes me laugh
Someday she might make me "Mr. Dr. Eunice Kang"
She makes me feel things for someone I've never felt before
She's so cute when I tickle her too much
She actually likes Steely Dan!
Down Fire!
Underarm sniffing
Laughs instead of runs when I wear fart bags in my bosom at Lee's Market
Introduces me to foods I would never have tried
Her eyes

Eunice, we've only been together for 5 months and it's been the best 5 months of my life, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, start a family of quadruped and bipedal mammals, and grow old with you. I love you and care for you so much. I would be honored if you would make me your life partner. Let's get married baby! I think Tabasco has something for you...

What was Tabasco's take?