Welcome to Michael Paul Pennington's Home Page!

Updated January 24th, 2002

Background picture was taken on the equator near New Guinea May 2001

A History

Name : Michael Paul Pennington
City born in : Middletown, OH.
Date born : October 25th, 1970
High School : Lemon-Monroe
Year Graduated : 1989
Occupation : Cryptologic Technician Operator U.S. Navy
Hobbies : Doing unto others

I was born and bred in Middletown, OH. I attended Mayfield Elementary School, Verity Middle School, and Lemon-Monroe High School and graduated with the class of 1989. I joined the U.S. Navy and went to boot camp in June 1989. I have completed over 12 years in the U.S. Navy so far. To see a list of my duty stations go here:
Duty Stations Link
I was married in May 1994 to Suzuko Ogasawara who is from Towada, Japan. To see her web page go to: Suzuko's Quilting Home Page
Our daughter Michelle was born April 2nd, 2000. My family and I are currently stationed in Sasebo, Japan and I am currently stationed onboard the USS Essex (LHD-2). My family and I will be leaving Sasebo in July 2002 and we will arrive in Yokosuka, Japan in November, 2002. On the way to Yokosuka I will attend the Advanced Network Analysis course in Pensacola, Florida.
To see pictures of my family and military pictures while I've been on the USS Essex go to The Pennington Family Digital Photo Album
Who so ever may want to contact me may do so by going to the bottom of this page or send e-mail to mikepenn@sba.attmil.ne.jp or penning@essex.navy.mil or mppenning@yahoo.com
Michael Paul Pennington!

Links to Pictures

Duty Stations Link
Christmas Pic 1991: Misawa, Japan
Pompeii, Italy Pic 1993
Wedding Pic: Springboro, OH
Vatican, Italy Pic 1994
Munich, Germany Pic 1994
Oktoberfest Pic 1994
Dismal Swamp, North Carolina 1998
Birthday Virginia Beach, Virginia 1998
Cebu, Philippines: November 02 1999
Nagasaki, Japan: December 12th, 1999
Singapore: February 22nd, 2000
Malaysia February 26th, 2000
Neo Exercise on board USS Belleau Wood March, 2000
Pictures of my House in Sasebo, Japan. April, 2000
Pohang, South Korea October, 2000
Mikes ESWS Pinning Ceremony October, 2000
Hong Kong November, 2000
Guam January 26th, 2001
The History of Middletown, Ohio
Lyrics to Black Sabath's Warpigs
Lyrics to Slayer's War Ensemble

Links outside of Michael Pennington's Home Page

The Pennington Family Digital Photo Album
The Middletown Journal (The Newspaper of Middletown, Ohio)
Lemon-Monroe Alumni Home Page
USS Essex Home Page


Drop me a line: mikepenn@sba.attmil.ne.jp>
or penning@essex.navy.mil>
or mppenning@yahoo.com>


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