~Lady Joiya Wolfsinger, Druidess/Paladin~

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As you walk along the road, the shadows growing longer before you as the sun sets at your back, you slowly begin to realize that the woods have become predominantly oak. Twined about the gnarled branches of majestic oaks grow vines of mistletoe. The ground to either side of the road is hidden by lush ferns as high as a man's hip, with clusters of snowy white mushrooms huddled beneath the waving fronds.

Just as the first cool breeze of evening begins to ruffle your hair, the road turns sharply around the base of a redstone cliff, rising abruptly from the forest floor. You become aware of the sound of splashing water and the scent of many flowers. Turning the corner, you see before you a Keep. The walls gleam with the freshness of newly hewn stone, though you can see that a village is already growing up about the base of Keep's outer walls. Beyond the Keep, you see well-tended groves of fruit trees, giving over to fields of rippling grain. You hear the bustle of local industry, the clanging of the smithies. Children play among the whitewashed cottages, accompanied by dogs and - to your surprise - the occasional young dragon. Beside the Keep, dominating the view of the serene village, you see a majestic waterfall cascading from a height several times that of the Keep.

Curious to see a prosperous settlement in these woods, you walk forward, your feet landing silently on the springy, moss-covered road. Suddenly, you hear a flapping a wings and a young purple dragon with shimmering blue wings, appears directly in front of you, hovering several feet above the road. Startled, you step back before realizing that this creature is a bit larger than the draft horses on your father's estates.

The dragon makes several soft clicking, whirring sounds, glancing at the Keep, then back to you, then back to the Keep again. With a last look at you, it turns and flutters its way to the Keep, flying in at the topmost window of the Keep's single tower. You decide to follow, and walk through the village to the gate of the Keep.

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Please click on Alandra to visit the adoption agency where I found him. Unfortunately, dragons are quickly becoming extinct. It's up to you and me to take them into our homes and care for them. By the way, Alandra loves to read the Guestbook, and loves to find messages to himself there!

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