The Alien Adoption Page

Welcome to Venus! The unoffcial alien adoption agency!

[Eppekicheppertitum] Translation: Welcome to my world of alien friends! Keepicheeper is my female alien and she brought a clutch of eggs from Azarkian to Venus. Emenmy ivaders had come and zapped out the plant fourtunatly Keepicheeper and a clutch of eggs survived.There are ten eggs in each clutch. As your aliens breed and their children breed the aliens will get spots or zig-zags and swirls, but they start out as a solid color. You are aloud to adopt two aliens per clutch. Sometimes eggs might contain twins or triplets ad if your really lucky you'll get quadroplets they come every 3 clutches triplets every two and twins one in each clutch. YAY the eggs are here! I Keepicheeper finally came with the eggs thanks to Aliena for helping me. By the way e-mail me at Okay? I'm so happy!!!!! Please adopt the eggs! You'll love them.
Well lookie at those ten beautiful eggs! Please adopt one. One egg will contain twins, one triplets, and one quaddrouplets! I wonder which one! Each egg is labeled with a number and if it's a male or female. Send me an e-mail ( at with which number you would like. Then I'll send you the egg! When all the eggs are on their pages then each one will hatch and you will get a certificate of ownership and will find out what your baby alien looks like! Here are the eggs!
Well there are the eggs! Be ready for Rules, a mall, hatchery, message board, and more! But it won't happen untill you adopt!

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