Welcome to Imaginapa Online
Imaginapa is an Amateur Press Association, or APA,
dedicated to fandom in all of its diverse forms.
Imaginapa is a Sci-Fi-based APA, and we are currently
seeking new members.
Please use the navigation links to explore our site, Imaginapa,
APAs in general, and learn more about Amateur Press Associations.
What is Imaginapa?
Imaginapa is an Amateur Press Association, or "APA". APAs are
limited-circulation, fanzine-style publications whose contents are
created by the individual members of the APA. In order to receive
copies of an APA or contribute to one, you usually need to be a
member of that APA.This is true of Imaginapa.
Apatalk has a great FAQ on APAs. Click here to link immediately to it.
What is Imaginapa about?
That's easy, and yet also complex. Imaginapa is a sci-fi APA, which
means our members are all science fiction and fantasy fans, but
we usually talk about anything; content isn't strictly sci-fi. We are
firmly based in science-fiction fandom, but members are free to contribute
anything they wish. So in any given issue you may read a sci-fi or fantasy
story, see some original artwork, enjoy poetry, essays, or even
political discussions.
Imaginapans have always prided ourselves on our openness, acceptance,
and diversity, hence our slogan: "Diversity In Fandom". Our APA is not
only a place to sharpen your skills as a writer, or artist, but a place to meet
and make new friends.
Potential new members should understand that Imaginapa is an open,
friendly APA with a "family feel", meaning, after 20 years, we've become a
pretty close group. Mailing Comments are as valued as artistic contributions.
Older members leave and come back, mixing and mingling with new
members all the time. Our Imaginapa Family is large, and we always
welcome new members as well as former members with the same
Who can join Imaginapa?
Becoming a member of the Imaginapa family is easy! First, you should try it
on to see if it fits you! Email our Central Mailer, David McCandless, to
request a speculation copy of our latest issue. When you do, please state
you heard about Imaginapa from our web site!
Members are required to contribute at least 4 pages every 3 issues and
establish a positive dues balance of at least $3.00. This dues balance
covers your costs for postage and photocopying the Official Organ.
Once you decide Imaginapa is for you, simply send David your
contribution(s), start your dues account, and you are on your way!
For a more in-depth look at the Imaginapa Constitution, click here
Imaginapa 172 features a striking cover by Eric Watts, with special graphics by outgoing CM David McCandless
Imaginapa is a hexaweekly APA, meaning our deadlines are every six weeks. Deadlines are sometimes adjusted, such as in case of SnailMail snafus, holiday interference, or other Real Life intervention.
173 Saturday 2/3/2001
174 Saturday 3/10/2001
175 Saturday 4/28/2001
176 Saturday 7/30/2001
Thanks for visiting!
This site went online on November 10, 1998.
Last Updated:
February 2, 2001
