April 28, 2002
This is a totally redone site since my deployment to a foriegn land. I have found that is hard to be at two places at once. Alot of people have been asking for what I call "Pitures" and the story that is being told by the Old Lady. I am still getting more of it through reading the Book of Ages, but it is slow in coming (at least I can still read my book, it makes this trip all that more bearable.)
April 30, 2002
- Add four new piture, 3 of Bryan (the first ones) with Zach and one more of Zach (it is under More Zach).
- Also added a the poem "A Special Person" that someone emailed to me. I liked it so much that I emailed it off to all my friends and then posted it here. If you like it, please email it to all you friends and show them that you care.
June 9, 2002
- Continuing with the on going "Old Lady Story". To date is now 16 pages long and growing. I am still about 2 pages behind where I want to be but I think it is coming along nicely. Please take a look and see for yourself.
June 30, 2002
- It has recently accured to me that I have some poetry and it is not posted out here on the web. Correction, it is now. Check it out. (Only 5 poems to date)
July 21, 2002
- Have decided to split the Old Lady's story into two parts. Yes I know that the second part is very weak right now, but I will be adding to it in the coming weeks. It was broken down, not by chapeter break or section break, but due to it's large size. Never fear, chapeters are coming. Also, to inform the viewers of this page, "updated" on the story or poem means that there is more added to it or, especially for a poem, it has been altered in a big way. "He Stood on the Mountain" will be a good example, it's updated format is coming soon, and you will not recognize it. (Name has changed too). The term "edited" means that grammer and spelling is changed, chapters or such indicated, or small meaningless rewrites. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. The fun is just begining for Heth, Randalin and Reidlos. Till next time. Ewoner
August 1, 2002
- Just added three pictures of Bryan and Zach. Ewoner
August 4, 2002
- The Old Lady passed on more of her story to me. Seams that Heth the crew finally got some sleep. Can't wait till Reidlos finds me again, that should be a great event. Till next time, enjoy. Ewoner
August 11, 2002
- More of The Old Lady Story was added today. It is now up to around 28 pages or so. They have finally made it to the King of the land and about to go and talk to him. I can not wait till the next installment. Ewoner