The mission of Teknotropheo..
-MYDM " Mangyan Youth Development Mission
"MYDM: Mangyan Youth Development Mission
is the pilot mission of Teknotropheo in the Mangyan Tribal Community of Abra de Ilog, Occidental Mindoro, Mindoro Island, Philippines.
The Mangyan people is one of the Philippines' most depressed cultural minorities . Despite the many social, religious and government agencies that have come to reach the Mangyans, many are still living under the shadow of the mountains. Survival in this fast changing society is what they are crying for, they are in search of changes and ways to attain a life that is full, a life that has 'life' in it. They dream of education for their children, a 'land' of their own and a place in the society , after all they are Mangyans, which means 'tao' in Tagalog or a human being.
G Eon Mission
We are commited to support Teknotropheo with their mission helping the children of the Philippines. Upholding the future and education of these families, we are donating 5% from every profit we get from our projects.
We believe on taking part on giving a helping hand with God's creation to have a purpose and contributing to the lives of our community.
If you want to know more and need to contact them. See the contact info on the right.
Criselda Malicdem | |
109-B Matatag St. Brgy. Central Diliman, 1128
Quezon City,Philippines |
P.O. Box 2554 Q.C. Central Post Office 1165
Quezon City, Philippines |
Tel. |
(632)433-30-04/ |