Last Update:
Indeed, it was my intention to create a moody, atmospheric page with high production values which would look, for all intents and puposes, more or less professional.  However, due to my relative inexperience dealing with the coding of web-pages, you'll have to deal with this generic drivel!!
The man has a way with words:
Are you having trouble with Pagebuilder?

E S Kildow: No. . . I just clicked on the link and it was up and off like a Prom dress.
Quote of the Week!
<to the Quote Archive>
Summer is over and LTU&S is back in Business!!

Updates to follow!!

Stuff that's on this page:
To the Rogues Gallery
Rogues Gallery:  it's what your mom warned you about!!
My Messageboard!
Out with the old and in with the new!!  Jump on, login, and post away!  If you're really lost. . . E-mail for directions. 
Random musings by me, from Out of Nowhere
Out of Nowhere -- A glimpse into my twisted mind.  You know you're curious.   ***New!**
Features!  FUN!
Features -- Those great articles that make this page worthwhile!
The Quote of the Week Archive -- our stupidity, recorded for posterity
Marketplace for the Soul!!
Buy, sell, and trade Souls at Wholesale Prices!!
Read it, or I won't be held responsible
FAQ --  Read it or pay the price!!
Stuff that's on other pages:
www.geocities.com/eskildow/ -- Eric Kildow's home of wierdness, and home of my Marketplace for the Soul.
dok.weenradio.com -- Chris Hatfield's archive of Ween paraphanalia.  Your online source for Ween and Ween-related MP3's
www.geocities.com/thoseones/--Lucy Cunningham's page.  She's responsible for motivating me to put mine up, so complain to her
www.geocities.com/klamachpin_gengteen/--A.J., my college roommate's page.  He's an interesting guy. . . You'll have to read it.
members.hometown.aol.com/_ht_a/sunhwan/index.htm -- Jake Libby's page.  He's a friend of mine from waay back, and he's all artsy, philosophical, and, sometimes profane. . . check it out if you're in the mood to have your ideals and morals challenged.
Netscape now!
Netphoria--Smashing Pumpkins stuff
This page best viewed using a web browser of some kind.
This many fools have been here:
E-mail the purveyor of this crap
This page created using the Evil Geocities WYSIWYG web editor.  800x600 seems to work best, but if you don't like what you see, it's not my fault.
<obligatory about the author link>