RubyRats Page of LOVE!
Welcome all to my wonderful page of Rats and other things that I love. Maybe pic's of my own rats someday and the rest of the animal farm. Please excuse the current condition of this page as I am in Exams and don't have much time.
I am currently residing in the far north of Canada, the wonderful land of Polar Bears and Igloo's, eh? Spending most of my time at College leaves little time for fixing up this page so excuse the mess.
I have ratties three, Carmen, a beige hooded, Venice, an agouti and Escher a Pink-eyed white. All of which I adore with all of my heart. Must thank Chicken for introducing me to the wonderful world of rodents.
Ruby stems from the wiccan way, and the inevitable joke that stemmed from a jerk at a party who is now the man in my life. (long story) But I love the Jerk anyway! I hope that you all can enjot the links even though there isn't much else to enjoy at present.
Link to Sir Sandford Fleming college school of Natural Resources. My School!
Pictures coming soon!
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