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Welcome to the official home page of the Knights of Legend Role Playing Game.   Knights of Legend is a role playing game that I invented.  It is a traditional "pencil and paper" RPG. I took the best parts of several other systems that I enjoyed playing and put them together.  Disclaimer: some of the information used to create this world has been taken from various resources on the net and other books and then formatted to fit the Knights of Legend role playing system.  If you find something which violates a copyright, please let me know. 

Please choose one of the options below:

flamme.gif (21280 bytes)Enter keyword(s) into the Search engine to find your favorite character, weapon, city or tavern.

flamme.gif (21280 bytes)View the Rules and all the information needed to create your own character and play the game. Updated 10/20/2000.

flamme.gif (21280 bytes)Enter the current World of Knights. This is the largest section of this site by far. In here you will find a complete fantasy world describing every dimension that exists in the World of Knights down to the details of a magical weapon held by a character in one of the realms many taverns. I will update this much more in the weeks to come. I will also be taking ideas. If you want to help design this world, go to the Design page. If there is a specific part of the world that you would like more details on, mail me at KnightsOfLegend@nospamhotmail.com and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. Remember to remove the 'nospam' from the address. Be as specific in your wish list as you desire. Updated 12/04/01.

For quick reference, take a look at the reference page to get a quick listing of characters, magical weapons, creatures, etc that inhabit the World of Knights.

There is now a Knights of Legend chat room where you can talk live with me and other Knights of Legend players.

flamme.gif (21280 bytes)View and Download various Utilities I have written to aid in game play.  Such utilities include a Character Generator and online pages that compare various attributes of Knights characters and weapons. I have newer versions of these and others which are not yet posted. If interested, send me an email.

As always, feedback, bug reports and new feature requests are always welcomed. Send them to KnightsOfLegend@nospamhotmail.com. Remember to remove 'nospam' from the address.

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