Welcome to my Guestbook!

Ghost of the Boar-Basher - 10/26/00 22:12:58

Ah, I see that once again the powers of the almighy Boar-Basher are being called upon. Yes, wood-goobles are a formidable opponent, one worthy of me revealing a fraction of my limitless power. ALL HAIL THE BOARBASHER...WOOD-GOOBLES FLEE AND WET YOURSELF IN FRIGHT!!!!! AH HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Berkie Horkenheimer, former Wood-Gooble slayer and current resident of Stromgarde Institute for the Sanity Impaired - 10/26/00 21:18:50


Berkinsquasher, Chief of the Wood Goobles - 10/26/00 18:59:48

Shut your mouth Peon #438! I did not give you permission to talk. I will do the talking for my people. Ahem...WE ARE LEGION!! WE ARE UNNUMBERABLE!!! WE ARE AS COUNTLESS AS...THINGS THAT ARE UNCOUNTABLE!!!

Wood Gooble Peon #438 - 10/26/00 18:43:56
We are minion! Our numbers are countless! We are like the sands of the seas! (Only a little bigger and don't lie on the beach all day).

common villager - 10/25/00 21:53:11
I have seen this weapon. It has eyes and they glow. It is adorned with all sorts of trophies taken from its victims. When this weapon is used it is far better to run and save your own hide. I should know, being who I am.

Hagbod Neershfaller former slayer of Wood-Goobles - 10/25/00 21:39:20
Great Scott!!!! I thought the evil wood-goobles had been eliminated years ago. Woe is me!!! Run for your lives!!! For those who dare oppose the wood-goobles remember this, only the magic of custard can defeat them. Using normal weapons only makes them m ltiply, however there was a rumor of one weapon so powerful that it could destroy wood-goobles without invoking their powers of multiplication...what was it called...the something something, the something breaker, the something smasher, the something bash r...i dont remember, oh well. Beware and good gooble hunting.

Arthur, King of the Wood Goobles - 10/25/00 17:09:14
We are coming for you, my pretties, yes, we will find you! Ahahahahaha!

Luthor the Rocky - 10/25/00 12:11:27
Oh yeah baby, vampires suck, quasi-demonic looking vampire hunters rule. But beware. Beware the WOOD-GOOBLES!

Draeden, Forge, Drakus, Corbin - 10/24/00 19:16:13
We are not amused by those who would impersonate us and make false claims under our name. We are above such petty deceptions and will continue our quests. We do, however, offer advice to those of 4 arms or made of bark. If you would spend all that ener y used in complaining in fighting the forces of evil, you too could be as great as we.

Patchy Thornbeard - 10/24/00 19:09:08
The Quick and Nimble Swarthy Dwarves Guild is looking for a few good men! (Women also welcome.) Requirements 1. Quick 2. Nimble 3. Swarthy 4. Dwarven Please fill out the membership scroll in the town of Navavava. Ask for Patchy. P.S Working knowledge of protecting, chinese checkers, and bismarcks is prefered.

Draeden, Forge, Drakus, Corbin - From the Evil Universe - 10/20/00 20:10:54

Draeden, Forge, Drakus, Corbin - From the Evil Universe - 10/20/00 20:09:01
I just want everyone to know that we would not hide behind the fact that we already know what will happen. To be real honest it is nice to know when a foe is unbeatable. Then we can just take a few steps back and let everyone take the punishment. And we a e very tired of the sniveling Romper Room rejects, and we are so sorry that you have defects like 4 arms or the fact that you are a tree and wish you had powers in this world. The fact is you guys are L-O-S-E-R-S. We have got to go. We will not waste our ime on those who whine and complain continuously. We have evil forces to (learn about)oh I mean vanquish. So long suckers.

Draeden, Forge, Drakus, Corbin - 10/18/00 13:53:09
We can't help it if you sniveling Romper Room rejects can't fight your way out of a wet paper sack. We became great because we completed every mission, vanquished every foe, rescued every damsel in distress and overcame the great evils of the world. We ut in many hours of training and hard work to achieve our Legendary Hero status. *We* didn't run off at the drop of a hat or go to bed early because we were tired. Those who complete the quests get the goods. We will not even waste our time with a mete r shower on those who whine and complain continuously. We have evil forces to vanquish.

Stone - 10/17/00 22:15:52
My four armed friend. It seems that you have fallen victim of the non gmcharacter syndrome. I am one of a very elite group that has almost overcome this problem. Well I've got to run, it looks like we will be having a meteorite storm tonight.

Kabal the quadri-appendaged - 09/18/00 19:22:44
I the mighty Kabal am at a loss. Since I left my homeland, I have become strangely less than fully functional. I can't seem to find out why I am not able to fight at my full capacity. Its strange here that with twice as many arms as most beings here, I am not able to go much more than these normal two armed beings. Strange, if someone can explain this, I would be much obliged, until then, fight well fellow warriors.

- 09/04/00 22:35:41

Herkhimer Gullywasher - 08/25/00 14:41:38
Uh, your title seems to be on fire on the main page. A Katastrophic Kustard Kascade should do the trick...

Adam - 08/08/00 19:03:25
My Email:Lootz01@aol.com

Bark the ever witty - 08/07/00 02:37:16
Hey you guys are dummy poopy-pee heads. I cant beat my way out of a wet paper sack ever since this whole trans-dimensional rift thingy took place and i lost all my powers. Therefore i will refrain from "hurling insults" as it were, so as to avoid circli g meteors and large dragons and such. That is all, you are all now dismissed.

Nockmaar the Marginally Amused - 07/28/00 18:37:41
Nockmaar fears no one, least of all a blowhard coward such as Stone. I would love a scooby-snack, though...

Stone - 07/28/00 18:15:34
Nockmaar the ever winded, feathered friend. I did not mean to scare you. You remind me of a little school boy trying to get up the courage to sleep without his night light. Stone is far above picking on feeble pups like yourself. If you would like stone w ll get you some scooby snacks and maybe that will help with nockmaars upset stomach. Oh by the way Stone does outclass every foe that he has encounterd.

Ghost of the Boarbasher - 07/28/00 17:08:05
Hey Spork, I of course did not mean to belittle your youth. All of us go through hard times, and if playing chinese checkers and eating creamy bismarks and long johns with Sauron helped you through a trying time, then hang on to that memory with pride. Attle on Spork!!!!! P.S If anyone wants to WIN a battle, consider using the all powerful BOARBASHER club! Don't believe the GM if he says it only has glowing eyes for a power, even he is blinded to the ONE TRUE power of the ultimate Boarbasher.

Nockmaar the Incensed - 07/28/00 16:43:20
Very well. Since Stone's courage is so lacking that he must choose to do battle with an opponent that he hopelessly outclasses, Nockmaar will do him one better. Although it shames me to meet on the field of battle with such a coward, I accept this Kidne Stone's challenge, if any foul utterance from this worthless creature's fetid mouth can be given the honor of being called a challenge. I freely give myself to battle with an opponent many times my match in size and strength, if for no other reason but o prove that Stone has not the courage to do the same. Prepare yourself, Stone. Prepare to taste Fingon's Broadsword! I will make such a showing as to be worthy of a song, while Stone's name shall be forevermore cursed and reviled, uttered only in the oulest pits of existence.

Drew Griffen - 07/28/00 15:03:31
I feel that I must pray for your souls. As we are gathered here slandering our fellow characters I think that we should take a moment to remember why we are all here. Let's face it you want to fight and at the end of the day you want to feel as you have d ne what is best. (At least for you.) That is why I say fight. When you start to feel guilty for something give me a little money and i will say a little prayer for you and it will be all better. All donations can be sent care of Father Drew Griffen. Amen nd Amen and safe fighting fellas.

Stone - 07/28/00 14:57:24
As I knew would be the outcome, Nockmaar "one of little courage" has grown feathers and has resorted to having a little lizard ,named after a utensil you can get at taco bell, stand up and protect him. Spork I just want to know where you got the stuff you have been smoking. I want some.

Leif of the Bouncing Bandwagon - 07/28/00 14:31:18
Hmmm, since everyone else is venting their grievances against this mysterious GM who holds sway against our very lives, Leif the Slayer will now throw in his two coppers. Ahem. Why, OH WHY, was I a mighty semi-immortal Asgardian under the old knights sy tem (which had much better character sheets, by the way) and have now been reduced to a mere High Man??? Bring back the Asgardians!!! Without Asgardians, there will be no one left to guard everyone's...Anyway, they were cool. Now if you'll excuse me, t ere seems to be a meteor shower of sorts heading this way. Ow! Hey! OW!!! OW!!!

Nockmaar the Insulted - 07/28/00 11:46:25
Mr. Diamond Dragon Lord telling me to throw down. "Oooohh I'm a hard case," he says. Diamond dragonlord against a Wolfen, eh? And maybe when we're done I can challenge the King of the Fluffy White Bunnies to a showdown. That's along those same lines, 'm sure. Nockmaar must agree with the ever-wise Spork: I need no sermon about courage in battle from a coward such as Stone, who has not even the fortitude enough to challenge one of like ability. Nockmaar is courageous, but he is no fool.

Spork the meek - 07/28/00 00:29:33
just to clarify these allegations made by the honorable boar basher, the relationship i had with sauron was during a difficult time in my life, i was young and confused and he was sensitive and listened to what i had to say. drakus was nice enough to tal his manager into letting us stay in the back room at Donut World while we sorted things out...and we played chinese checkers, theres a difference. that is all, you are dismissed. All hail all powerful boar basher.

The GM-Master of all he surveys - 07/27/00 20:37:28
Since it seems to be GM bashing week, I feel it is time to step in. I don't see what relevance this Shadowstalker character has to do with Knights as he doesn't even exist in this world. The World of Knights is run fairly and it is usually the GM's char cter that gets last pick of all the good stuff. I think there are just a bunch of whiner's posting here trying to make up for their character's..."inadequacies". I'll pit any GM character against another character in the same power category with a non-p rtial player acting at Judge to any takers who dare. Oh yeah, and there are now meteors circling over head of all those who bash the GM...heh heh heh

Ghost of the Boarbasher - 07/27/00 19:52:22
RE: ShadowSucker Hey, that's right. CERTAIN GM's like to use powers and abilities no one ever heard of and don't apply to the game just to make sure their characters never lose fairly. Remind me again why the most powerful being in the universe hangs out in a sewer???? Next you will tell me Sauron lives in the back room of DonutWorld and he plays checkers with Spork.

Crohm the something witty should go here - 07/27/00 03:02:45
yeah, what he said...oh and Ahira of Clap Nutfuzz, youre not so tough as you think you is, but neither am i, so ill shut up now before one of the higher beings calls me out Nemic: Call us out!!! Call us out!!! wooooohoooo Crohm:Shut up youll get us killed! Nemic: Who cares!!! Gods are wusses!!!Bring the thunder if youve got the stones!!!AHAHAHAHAHAHA Crohm: we go now

spork the mildly amused - 07/27/00 02:56:27
wow that takes some serious testicular fortitude for a diamond dragon lord to throw down the gauntlet and say he wants to "make it fair" by using only natural abilities, like say...TURN INTO A FRICKIN 60 FOOT PIECE OF DIAMOND WITH TEETH AND CLAWS AND ARMO OUT THE WAZOO (and believe me that armor out the wazoo thing would hurt). all of this pitiful banter is really neat and all, but come on really in the end we all know that the GM wins...case and point SHADOWSTALKER, nuff said. no matter how bad any of s are, he wins because he never lets us know about the good stuff, he keeps that to himself. so all of this happy gauntlet throwing and death match mumbo jumbo can go on if it makes us all happy, but i thought you all should know the truth. oh and just quick p.s. to the all powerful Stone for brains these "demon boxes" are called computers which operate on a binary system which processes information about as fast a Pik Toerag talks when he hasnt had his Ritalin potion. theres no magic here big guy jus a simple conglomeration of zeroes and ones that make this happy little world go round. geez get with the times, even stegosauruses know this stuff and everyone says were dumb. dragonlord my tail, next thing youll tell me youve never heard of MTV. peac im out

Stone - 07/26/00 01:25:02
Nockmaar, I am readily aware of the power that you are capable of. I am also aware of the fact that your ego will ussually get the best of you. With this knowledge I will throw down the gauntlet to you and all others that may have an interest in a royal r mble. No magical items. Just natural powers and magic. If interested please send your reply through the magic box. If you do not reply than I will have seen through your big words and discovered you all as true cowards! Let the fight begin.

Nockmaar the Mildly Amused - 07/25/00 11:17:43
Ahira of Nutballs may have some challengers, but I fear the ones he has challenged may not find it much of a contest. It is truly a sad thing to see another young and promising life smashed out of existence by a Cyclops' mighty boot or his bones picked c ean by a Dragonling. Sad, but amusing.

Boarbasher - 07/22/00 04:53:35
Why insult each other when you could all be out, Bashing Boars! Oh sure, you could be out hacking and slacking with your big old magic funky named swords, but why not try a REAL MAN'S weapon, like the Boarbasher! In fact, why not display a rotating Boar asher image right on this sight? Long live Odami! Let the legend continue! Um...Welcome to the Jungle! And uh, many other relevant sayings.

Ahira of Nircroz - 07/22/00 03:17:31
It appears that I have some challengers. It is obvious someone must inflate their own ego by putting mighty at the end of title. This Drakus must nothing but a simpleton that will perish quickly by my hand. As for this Gorgo, which has to threaten me w th a feeble axe. I shall take his axe and squish him with his own weapon. I await the day of our duel.

Stone - 07/20/00 17:44:20
Less talk more action. There seems to be a lot of bravery masked behind these demon boxes called computers. I don't understand it so I will just say it is magic. Anyways, Stone grows tired of puny wimps acting big and strong.(Much like little puppy dogs.) Stone thinks their bark is way worse than their bite. Stone demands that from this day forward be men of your words or you can be Stone's little helper and shut your dang yapper!

Gorgo the Irritated - 07/19/00 16:56:28
Ahira ignores Gorgo at his own peril

Drakus the Mighty - 07/18/00 17:25:28
Actually, all laugh at the puny Ahira of Nircroz for he is not even worth the time for the great and all powerful Drakus to stomp on.

- 07/15/00 22:55:38
It appears that all shutter to the eminant Ahira of Nircroz. Do none dare defy thy greatness. Maybe, I shall have to pick out my opponent and crush them.

Gorgo the Vampire Squisher - 07/14/00 11:23:57
Ahira of Nircroz must die. Taste the Massive Axe of Gore!!!

- 07/11/00 03:28:46
I am Ahira of Nircroz and I challenge any who dare. The Grand Master of Smuckdom shall do. If he dares.

Pik Toerag the hyper-hypo - 06/19/00 03:18:01
heyyouguysfairiesruleandratlingsandleshiestooweregonnafindforgeandgetsomecoolstuffandsomestuffandthenweregonnadrinksomehastepotionsandstealsomestuffexceptimnotallowedtohavehasteelixersonaccounttheymakemementalandthenweregonnarunaroundreallyfastandthengetd zzyandfalldownandthenthrowpiesatsomeguysandthenonetimeatbandcamp.....wasssssaaaaaaapyourethedevil

kevin - 06/05/00 19:14:24
My Email:sageman@nwga.com
what is this game and is there any sort of A posibility of a DEMO that we could TEST OUT?!? and one last thing where can i get it at a store? and wich store? nice knights. there cool!!

Herkhimer Gullywasher, Master of the Krazy Kustard Pie - 05/29/00 11:31:37
LOOK INTO MY EYES. You will fetch me custard to implement my dastardly scheme of world domination through the almighty power of custard. Just don't wear your pants backwards, or I'll have to get it myself, and what fun would that be?

Jonas - 05/27/00 21:28:35
My Email:jonashollon@hotmail.com
HELP!!!!! I don't even know how to sign up

Dave - 05/19/00 11:46:54
My Email:djh_611@hotmail.com
hi Brian ,ive been looking 4 the old origin game of K.O.L u may have seen it long ago ,it came out round 84-86 ,cant find it anywhere pls any leads would be replied 2 ....thanx dave .an old rpg gamer

Dave - 05/19/00 11:43:44
My Email:djh_611@hotmail.com

Pike the Suddenly Sunburned - 05/11/00 12:40:33
WWWWWHHHHHAAAAASSSSSSAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP!!!!! I too feel the power, brother. Although it gets a little breezy in a loincloth. You'd think an all-powerful and almighty vampire would be issued some spiffy black and red robes or something. We're a team, a bro herhood. How about jerseys? Yes! The Stratholme Undead! Crimson and black! Rah rah! Go team!

Carnage - 05/09/00 22:24:29
Coinspinner where are you? I know you are out there. Why don't you come back and make Carnage happy? Wait was is this craving that I have? I am so thirsty. I think that I want to suck your blood. Waaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssuuuuuuuupppp!!!!

rayfe the recently snacked upon - 05/07/00 17:19:52
whooohooooo!!!!!! can you feel the power brother, i feel like a new man, actually i am a new man...beast whatever. were-beasts and vampires rule. ow! silver sucks, mithril sucks more badder...raptors rule!!!!!!! wassssssssssaaaaaaaaaaap!??!?!

longhorn11586 - 05/01/00 21:33:20
My Email:longhorn11586@hotmail.com

Bark the exceptionally knotty - 04/19/00 22:35:26

Chrohm the very shiny who recently more intelligent than his weapon - 04/19/00 22:31:20

Stone - 04/15/00 15:45:32
The Big the Johnson. I think it is very neat that someone like yourself (a johnson)is able to get the feeble minded to worship you and to enter battle and die like dogs for you. I know that you must be feeling pretty big about know, but the fact is when t ey all die, so will you. A polite invitation to The Big the Johnson to "bring it on" over here.

Gorgo the Sticky-Booted - 04/08/00 00:28:49
Gorgo squash puny bug. HAH! Make big mess. Stick ugly head on a pole and make faces and rude gestures at it. Gorgo and friends drink lots of grog and fart in the general direction of ugly head. HAH! Uh, yeah. HAH!

Ungoliant - 04/06/00 22:05:57
Not even the combined efforts of Draeden, Stone, Crohm, Dega, Gorgo and Vaticus can stop me! Enter my web...if you dare!

Warlords of Nin - 04/06/00 22:04:14
I see that Tisha's death shall be unavenged. That is what I would expect from a bunch of sissy non-titans.

Xzar the Dragonlord - 04/06/00 22:03:14
If you ever wish to see the real Shronk alive again, you must quit cowering in the corner and face me!

Cain - 04/06/00 22:01:23
I see all the "mighty warriors" have tucked tail and hid. Too bad, I was hoping to personally shred each one.

Want to hold my Thunder Stone? - 03/21/00 10:48:22
Here, hold this a minute. Hee hee hee...

big the johnson - 03/20/00 03:03:45
whenever you trash talking little anus-golems wish to take on the mighty "Team Kyle" feel free to stop flapping your silly little gums and lets get it on. The fact that my characters were not chosen because they are dragons and can eat most opponents in a single bite or immortal servants of the Maiar, or even the fact that most cannot even spell their own name correctly does not diminish their courage in battle. They will fight and will die to give honor and glory to the great Big the Johnson, their imperious leader and creator. So whenever you mealy mout ed hairballs or overgrown iguanas made out of some rock wanna dance with a frog, a bear, a bird and the golem boys, shut your cake holes and grab your swords and we'll do the proper like. LET'S GET IT ON!!!!! P.S. Game Master willing Spork the Foe-Thrasher will be reunited with his friend and master so as to add to the challenge and bring even greater glory to the almighty Big.

CoJo the Sane - 03/07/00 00:42:26
Team Cory rules. No sissified Diamond Dragon Beast Lord War Mages here, just good old-fashioned normal everyday Wolfens and Ents and Asgardians and such. "We kill the old-fashoined way..."

Master Draeden - 02/22/00 18:21:52
I will take up my trusty sword, Splendor, and join the crusade against the evil whose name must not be spoken. It is truely disgraceful that no others have joined our cause. If only the mighty Vaticus were here to join us we would win the day!

Gorgo the Uni-Orbed - 02/12/00 02:57:07
Uhhh...Uhmmmm...Ungoliant is a wuss. Got any gum?

Lord Stone - 01/30/00 06:40:54
I have returned from the fiery pits of, well you know the place. I bring forth the challenge to any of you that believe you are worthy. We face a challenge that few have seen before. This battle will be fought not in the fields that we know but a far off lace known only as the void. We must vanquish the most evil, the origin of evil. Ungoliant. Those willing to risk it all for life and honor must unite to fight. I fear that there are none up to this challenge and all is lost.

Kes Stormfalcon - 01/25/00 17:41:19
True heros such as I have been off vanquishing the forces of darkness. However, one such as I can always find time to match wit or blade with any who would challenge.

Sir Loin of Beef - 01/24/00 16:38:28
It has been far too quiet in the all powerful Guestbook for far too long. It seems the wit and wisdom submitted previously has been dulled by long hours of hovering over the Age of Kings screen. Where have all the heroes gone...

Xcamel - 01/13/00 21:45:48
My URL:http://Xcamel.homeSTEAD.com/XcamelD.html
My Email:xravenous_beaver@hotmail.com
KICK SITE!!!!!!!!

- 11/30/99 14:33:33
frank triplett

Avatar - 11/01/99 20:37:52
I am a Paladine of Torm, everyone they don,t respect his laws, they become look upon Torm's punishment

Krigel - 10/22/99 20:35:26
Ummm uhhhhh you got any gum?

Two-Edge the Peerless - 10/22/99 18:11:39
The only reason Grimsbane has no second name is no mighty deeds or heroic songs will ever be recorded about one whose most outstanding accomplishment was figuring out the pointy end of his sword was the dangerous end after skewering his own great grandmot er at her 95th birthday party in front of all her quilting circle friends. He then recieved a near-mortal thrashing when forty little old ladies surrounded him in their wheelchairs and began beating him with their purses. It has been said he is still fi ding knitting needles in various parts of his anatomy.

Nockmaar the Triumphant - 10/22/99 18:00:43
The only daddy associated with this Bark the Splinterous is the one he cries out for as his knobby buttocks are spanked soundly by Nockmaar's ever mighty polearm, whose length and usage is rivaled by none and envied by all.

Grimsbane the guy who is so cool he doesn't need anything after his name - 10/16/99 03:28:15
Oh look at me, I'm big and tough 'cause I'm a diamond dragon, or I'm the GM's character so I always have more experience and the best weapons, or I'm a big hairy immortal with big nasty pointy teeth, or a little guy who can drop a little building on peopl or whatever. Look at me I can type on a keyboard and say bad things about other people to try to compensate for my own insecurities about the size of my polearm or whatever I wave around in my hands all the time, and I can make fun of people less fortun te than me, look at what a big man I am...now enough or all of you will taste the swift death that accompanies the great sword Townsaver......Ya big dummies!!!!!!!!!

Spork the Foe-Thrasher - 10/16/99 03:20:59
Did it ever occur to you blathering idiots that I did not ever speak because I found it immensly cumbersome to attempt to hold intelligent converstation with any of you, save one brilliant Baeran named Grimsbane. Therefore any of your silly name-throwing childish games will further be ignored due to the fact that I refuse to join you on your infantile levels of thought. Take that you slack-jawed, trout-sniffing, bunch of Spork forkers!!!!!!!!!

Bark the Almighty - 10/16/99 03:16:30
Everyone can just refer to me as daddy, that is all, you are dismissed. (I am not hurling insults because I'm just not smart enough.)

Leif the Slayer - 10/15/99 18:49:54
Leif has returned from his travels and various slayings of Frost Giants to settle the question of the mightiest warrior. He returns to wreak his revenge on Olympians and golems (Wood golems in particular). Let he who dares step forth and perish.

Carnage - 10/08/99 16:56:09
It seems as if I am continously surrounded by idiots. All of these arguments can cease. We all know who is the greatest warrior of all. With my trusty sword I will shut up all who choose to speak against Drew Griffen.

Krigel - 10/08/99 16:52:50
Uhhh you got any gum.

Stone - 10/08/99 16:52:09
Is Stone worried about such trivial things as who the message is from. Or even smaller things like drakus the deceased. Stone does not sweat the petty things.

Stone - 10/08/99 16:51:16
Is Stone worried about such trivial things as who the message is from. Or even smaller things like drakus the deceased. Stone does not sweet the petty things.

Drakus the Literate - 09/23/99 19:52:26
Stone, apparently reading is not one of your skills as it was Draeden who directed his vengence to you, not I. However, your mistake has now brought upon you the mighty wrath of Drakus the Dreaded!

Stone - 09/23/99 12:38:48
To Drakus, Nothing with a Diamond Dragon is swift, unless we are talking about his attackers death.

Spork the Foe-Thrasher - 09/21/99 16:36:00

Ghost of the Boarbasher - 09/16/99 02:18:58
I'm back! Greatest weapon of all time! Glowing eyes, freaky animal parts, KILL KILL KILL! Most ultimate weapon ever created by a player! Not some sappy book weapon, talk about pure cheese. No other weapon alive, uh, or dead or whatever I am, was crea ed only for the purpose of bashing boars! Though bores work just as well. Well, brag to ya later. ALL HAIL ODAMI!

Nockmaar the Razor-Fanged - 09/15/99 16:40:29
Nockmaar's wit remains as keen as the edge of Bladorthin's mighty spear. I'll have you know I never gnaw my own leg (unless it's flea season). Excess sulfur fumes have reduced Drakus' mind to a quivering lump of troll excrement, so he may be excused fro his mindless blithering.

Drakus the Wise - 09/15/99 16:32:35
Continually gnawing on his own leg seems to have dulled Nockmaar's wits.

Nockmaar of the Freshly Chewed Milk-Bone - 09/15/99 16:24:49
I have no idea what this Crackus is talking about.

Drakus - 09/13/99 18:04:46
Nockmaar's dog breath seems to have driven everyone away from here.

Draeden - 09/13/99 17:28:09
Stone seems to be jealous of Draeden's fighting abilities and has launched a nefarious scheme to hide Draeden's character sheet. Judgement for this crime shall be swift and brutal.

- 07/26/99 19:02:32

Two-Edge the Fat B. - 06/28/99 17:16:19
I'm dead sexy!

Felicity Shagwell - 06/17/99 02:00:31
Shagwell by name, and shag very well by reputation!

Nockmaar the Randy - 06/14/99 17:57:32
I put the GRRR back in swinger, baby!

Fat B. - 06/14/99 16:44:42

Shadow Walker - 06/14/99 00:52:43
I was wondering when all of you sword toteing sissy's were going to make room for some randy spies. What's that you have to zip it. Zip it good.

fat b. - 06/14/99 00:49:18
I have a trade for you. You can keep the money and the mojo and give me the baby. I want to eat the baby. Put the baby in my belly. I want my babyback, babyback, babyback, babyback, babyback, I want my babyback, babyback, babyback, babyback, Chilie's baby ack ribs.

Grakos - 06/14/99 00:45:25
Hello, I am also from the old knights and feel lost like others of you. By some strange magic this entire world has been transformed and is now safe for noone. I compel you to, run away. Run away before the Knights of nigh return.

Krigel - 06/14/99 00:39:25
SRG in search for a life long companion. Preferably one of great wealth and a couple of artifacts. Will cook and clean to achieve the finer things in life.

Leif the Loose-Gripped - 06/12/99 20:05:52
A wise man once said, "When a grizzle jumps at you, duck."

Ehud Ditchdoik - 06/04/99 02:20:06

Ehud Ditchdoik - 06/04/99 02:13:04
My Email:dsquared@primary.net
Ahem...is this thing on? I just have one thing to say to all of the would be defenders of all that is chivalrous or some such junk like that...am I rambling? The mighty and rich Ehud Dithdoik (but you can call me Fury) has decided to make his presence known after many long eons of waiting...watching...and, oh yeah, me, my leafy Crotch and my dumb Rock are gonna kick all of your buttocks'...or something

Ehud Ditchdoik - 06/04/99 02:09:57
My Email:dsquared@primary.net
Ahem...is this thing on? I just have one thing to say to all of the would be defenders of all that is chivalrous or some such junk like that...am I rambling? The mighty and rich Ehud Dithdoik (but you can call me Fury) has decided to make his presence known after many long eons of waiting...watching...and, oh yeah, me, my leafy Crotch and my dumb Rock are gonna kick all of your buttocks'...or something

Galladorn the Leafy - 05/29/99 04:43:53
BEWARE!!! Beware the coming of Galladorn! Yes, long thought to have been blasted into oblivion by Loki himself, Galladorn the Green has returned to wreak his revenge on the chlorophyll-challenged. Consider yourself warned.

Galladorn the Leafy - 05/29/99 04:41:09
BEWARE!!! Beware the coming of Galladorn! Yes, long thought to have been blasted into oblivion by Loki himself, Galladorn the Green has returned to wreak his revenge on the chlorophyll-challenged. Consider yourself warned.

Nockmaar the Suddenly Humble - 04/20/99 20:43:33
What the ever respectful Nockmaar was implying was that with the new rules, it is nearly impossible to transfer his formidable powers from the old rules to the new. He may then have a chance against modern powerhouses such as Pumice or Brick or Stone or hatever. Alas, he can only look to contend with old rivals such as Odami the Sissified Snot Horker.

Whitestone - 04/17/99 03:35:02
Odami the time has come to end your rule! Prepare yourself for your last days!

Abdul, Purveyor of Fine Sticks - 04/08/99 21:22:27
Ridiculous, young sir. Everyone should have a stick.

Wanderer - 03/30/99 17:55:27
If anyone is interested- I have a very powerful, almighty, stick I would like to sell.

Mystery Guest - 03/26/99 21:04:59
BEWARE! Beware the coming of the BOARBASHER! Ultimate weapon! Coveted by all! Symbol of death and destruction to all creatures of the night, (and some of daylight also,) feared by all rabbits, ducks, oppossums, and especially BOARS! Run! Gather in the childen, lock yourselves in the celler! FEAR! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHackcoughcoughweezekoffAhahahahah!

Draeden, Herald of the Game Master - 03/25/99 22:09:09
The mighty Draeden enters and politely informs Nockmaar that Expert 1st Class IS Level 8 in the new system. Any further disputes over this may result in Draeden temporarily forgetting his vow of pacifism and kicking Nockmaar's hairy backside with the inf mous Bloodchill.

Nockmaar of the Ever Dull Razor - 03/25/99 21:35:11
If Nockmaar's stats were somehow miraculously transferred correctly from the old style into the present style (Expert 1st class is a heckuva lot more than level 8 :&)then Kidney Stone's Dishwater or whatever would be no more than a corncob used to wipe a wamp troll's backside.

Stone - 03/25/99 06:20:03
One Swipe of the almighty Dishani and nockmar would be no more.:)

Nockmaar the Suddenly Challengeless - 03/25/99 01:17:17

jondar the barbarian - 03/23/99 00:40:14
I can't remember my guy's name, but whoever I decide to pull out of the "ALMIGHTY STACK" would put nockmara and o'dummy in the: FANCY*FERIOUS*FART-LICKIN*FINGER-SNAP'IN FARM-LIV'IN*FIDDLE-STICKS*FIGURE!!! Also known as: THE HURT MODE

Jonathan Dodds - 03/23/99 00:15:31
My Email:jdodds@socket.net
It's Me!

Nockmaar isn't mortal, so HA - 03/22/99 22:58:28
Perhaps if Nockmaar was actually mortal this Kidney Stone person's admonition would apply to him. Happily this is not the case, as Nockmaar has died more times than can be counted for the good of his fellows and later returned his happy, bubbling, handso e self.

Stone - 03/22/99 14:35:22
STONE is getting tired of you two mortals always arguing. Nockmaar and Odami, if you are not careful your gradeschool teacher is going to seperate you and put you in time-out. Don’t start crying, STONE hates it when you guys cry.”

Nockmaar the Supreme High Yo Muckamuck - 03/19/99 02:47:06
The only huckleberries that Odami has are the ones that drop out of his shorts whenever he is confronted by the likes of the Chicken of Bristol. Scarcely had he begun running in circles and screaming like a girl than he was saved by the heroics of Nockmaar the Highly Revered, who had luckily brought a spare set of armor to replace Odami's freshly soiled set.

Imperious Odami - 03/18/99 22:42:15
Sadly, Knockmaar the Sweater-chested merely remembers a dream he had after being knocked unconcious by a goblin armed with hair clippers and had to be rescued yet again by his stalwart leader, Odami. Knockmaar is no Daisy! Odami is your huckleberry.

Nockmaar the Follically Enhanced - 03/17/99 01:55:01
My Email:thrawn42@hotmail.com
The so-called wrath of Odami the Not Quite Intimidating is akin to the jam I pick from between my toes with Bladorthin's mighty spear. How soon he forgets the time I heroically saved him from a fate almost as good as death when he lay mortally smitten af er a fierce battle with the Wet Paper Sack of Azeroth.

Odami - 03/16/99 19:27:22
Odami the Allpowerful is far beyond the pettiness the hairy knockmaar displays. Do not call down the wrath of Odami or you will hear his fearsome battlecry....Chicken pot chicken pot chicken pot PIIIIIEEE!

Nockmaar the Hairy - 03/16/99 01:49:25
My Email:thrawn42@hotmail.com
Nockmaar is good, Nockmaar is wise. Pay no heed to Odami the Lesser. Thank you for your support.

Jason Sly - 01/26/99 02:56:03
My Email:Slydog73@aol.com

Odami - 01/14/99 23:36:12
I am Odami! Stat me! I rule Brian's world! Lets roll bucko.

Carnage - 12/19/98 04:27:52
Storming the castle was cool. Do you think they miss the throne. Treskin has cool magic, that is the only way that we were successful. By the way knights rule.

The great Cornolio - 12/11/98 00:26:57
This sight is really cool. Yeah Yeah. Uhhh except there seems to be something wrong with my uhhh java script. I think I need some tp for my bunghole. Beware of the giant black death night that steals your tp.

Petey the 1 legged Dog - 12/07/98 23:18:42
YOu suck. Your page suck. Having only one leg and being a dog...sucks! Heheheheheheheheheh.

Brian - 12/04/98 17:49:07
My Email:Brian_Moser@nospamhotmail.com
This is a test of the guest book

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