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Black Knight - 12/19/00 02:43:45
My Email:DCRoman@Juno.com

I don't have KOL but have played it and desperatly want a copy. If anyone could e-mail it to me I would apreciate it very much

Talok, who has no Witty Thing to put After His Name Right Now - 12/06/00 15:11:10

Um, Luthor, where are you? I heard that your squaw is with child, and you are in your cave with her instead of with us. We need your stoney buttocks and limey abs if we are to defeat the minions of the Blood Bane Keep. Tell the woman that if you dont ight with us, she will be turned into a child of darkness, as will the fruit of your rocky loins. Leave her with your midwife and join the rumble to rid the world of these blood sucking fiends. Battle on Xena!!!!

Talok the tasty - 11/20/00 19:12:13

Oh yes Mr. Skullcushion, I do taste like chicken, however, Ive been basted with the most wicked armor Shake-N-Bake youll ever try to sink your teeth into. You know what they say brother..."be careful what you wish for, you may get it". We'll visit your ittle stinkpile Bloodclot Vampire Super-Secret Hidey-hole whatever you call it, but it wont be the most fun you or your little monkeys have ever had, but hey at least you wont be in that darned limbo between life and death anymore. Sweet dreams blood suc er and we'll see you in the morning. Heh heh heh heh.

Luthor the Swingin' Supersexy Yard Ornament - 11/17/00 22:47:30

The only bones that this Skullcrusher will be dragging are his own out of a very smelly sewer once Luthor the Rocky has finished with him. Chicken indeed. Luthor's mighty mithril hammer will show him the true meaning of dishing out pain. COME GET SOME! !!

Bonedragg Skullcrusher - 11/17/00 21:33:34

I see that Luthor the chicken-hearted has been hiding out in the bathroom because he is too afraid to face me and my vampire minions. I challenge him and his little birdie companions to come to Bloodbane Keep and face me in combat! I'm sure I will find hat he tastes like chicken as well...

Spackelbaord Pinchknucklebowelbaker - 11/17/00 18:54:04

Greets to you. Am warrior, mighty amongest Wood Goobles. Am got much mighty Mithril Soup Ladle! It am mighty! It am Mithril! It am SOUP LADLE. Make super soup what lets Wood Goobles no be fraidy of BOARBAS...Boarba... See? Me almost say whole word Am mighty no fraid! AHAHAHAHH! Face the LADLE of DOOM! (Thank you for your time.)

Cain the slightly annoyed - 11/15/00 23:45:57

I see I have another pest problem. Wood Goobles, how original. I would rather have rats or mice, maybe another plague of humans. Wood Goobles are such an annoying lot. Always whining about how life is not fair, or how they are so scared of a little club w th teeth and eyes. And the most annoying one is this Percival Muckrucker, High and Mighty Lord of Battle and Cross-Stitching. What a story teller. Next thing this guy will be saying that he has defeated the princess of darkness. I assure those of little i tellect. I am very much not alive, but I am very much not dead either. Darkness will come and replace the warmth of life, but do not fret. We will keep a few of you alive, for food of course.

Peepee Filkinstymer, Master Combat Instructor and Lamaze Coach of all Wood-Goobles - 11/11/00 02:00:15

Ah yes, it is good to finally see my plans come to fruition. The mighty wood-goobles allowed their opponents to think they were obliterated, when in all reality, we only made you think we were obliterated......Anyway, yes there may be this whimsical stic known as the b-b-b--b-b--b---bb, it is irrelvant. As you can see, not even the mighty master of all vampires can overcome our skilled warriors with mighty weapons such as the Spatula of Doom and my very own personal sidearm, The Evergrifs Paddle of Eter al Spanking. Bow and tremble before us...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!

Percival Muckrucker, High and Mighty Lord of Battle and Cross-Stitching - 11/10/00 19:53:24

I see that most run and hide in fear from this supposed vampire lord Cain. I, Percival Muckrucker, General of the Wood Gooble Armies, have solidly defeated Cain and gave him a good spanking with my Spatula of Doom. If you want proof, I have pictures. Go to: /talon_2007/Pictures/woodgooble.jpg

Phil, Supreme Wizard of the Grand Mystic Royal Order of the Nobles of the Ali Baba Temple of the Wood Goobles - 11/09/00 14:08:09

None can thwart the destiny of the Wood Goobles, not even this pitiful stick of which many so-called heroes speak of. It is but a legend, something to give ease and comfort to their minds when they think of the terror that is about to be unleashed upon t em. This B-b-b-b-b-b, uh, this worthless talisman which I will not even name due to its insignificance (although those blinking red eyes are truly terrifying, I mean ridiculous), is no more a threat to us than, uh, um, a really non-threatening thing. So weep, all peoples of the world. Weep, for your hour is at hand. Forget any foolish notion of this "mighty" B-b-b-b-b-b-b... This insignificant stick that will supposedly save you from your fate. The Wood Goobles will triumph!!! AH, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Luthor of the Abs of Limestone - 11/09/00 13:47:40

Cain, Cain...Where have I heard that name before? Isn't that some sort of stick used to punish vandals in the East somewhere? If the best you can do is name yourself after an object that does nothing but smack buttocks all day, then please excuse me if hesitate to tremble too much. So to you and all of your vampire buddies, I speak for stone-skinned people of the world when I say BITE ME!!! Go ahead, I dare ya. I bet fillings and caps cost a fortune for you guys. Pretty sure they don't use silver, hough. Heh heh heh. (Boy, it's easy to be brave when you're not stuck in the lord of all vampire's lair...)

Bob, Almighty Czar (and resident sewage treatment specialist) of all Wood-Goobles - 11/08/00 20:30:36

Um, hi. Am this thing on (tap, tap, tap) I speak for lots goobles. No borbasher, it um flushed in sewer...gooble poo cancel all powers...um...no more blinkie eyes...eyes that keep blinkie, and blinkie, AND BLINKIE, AND MAKE ALL GOOBLES RUN AND POO THEM ELVES...AND NO GOOBLES RUN AWAY...BUT ALL GET WHACKED BY MIGHTY BORBASHER...AND WHACK AND WHACK AND WHACK AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Talok the guy who has Mithril Weapons - 11/08/00 20:22:40

Cain...isnt that some sort of device for assisting old ladies to cross the street? Hmmmm...just a thought. Bring friends, and share the killing?!? I think not. We will find this Crutch fellow, and he too will fall to the mighty swing of my axe, as wil all of his pitiful "minions". We will come for you Mr. Cain, oh yes, we will come for you. Sleep well.

Cain Master of all Vampires - 11/04/00 17:17:12

I have seen the plans that you have begun. I only ask that you bring the fight to me. I have always enjoyed a good laugh. Also bring some friends, my servants have not had a good meal in a while. Until that day arrives, remember that you can do nothing in secret, for I have servants everywhere.

Wood gooble Head peon #9 - 10/31/00 21:16:17

Munkenfreesly am speak truth freely. No Boarbasher. It am not to be real. Am is imagitinatory of figment dream. Yep yep. Wood goobles free to munch and lunch all of peoples, aminals, and vetgables in path of DESTRUCTION! #9 no am fraidy of Boarbasher with am shiny eyes...and..and..pelts...um..and bones, scary teeth...um, um, yikes! Gotta go now.

Munkenfreesly, Supreme Dictator-for-Life of all Wood-Goobledom - 10/31/00 20:38:13

I, Munkenfreesly, the only true leader of the mighty Wood-Gooble race demand that all pay homage to ME!!! For years now, we have been biding our time and building our numbers until once again we are strong enough to rise up and smite any who stand in our way and need smiting...smoted...smited...smitten...whatever. Anyway, fear the innumerable masses of the Wood-Gooble mob led by me. And don't bother searching for this supposed weapon of limitless power, because...um...it doesn't exist...yeah, thats it, e just made it up to make you think you actually have a chance to defeat us, that's it, yeah. So don't try to find it, because there is no such thing as the B-B-B-B-Boarb-b-basher. That is all. You are all now dismissed.

Real Ghost of the Boarbasher - 10/31/00 19:53:07

Hey now, whats this. I, Ghost of the Boarbasher, did not comment on the Wood Gooble situation. Unless...the Boarbasher has a split personality! NOOOO!!!!! Light side and dark side, just like the Force! Or at least a Dr. Seuss poem! Light Side, Dark ide, inside, outside, Wood goobles kick and bite my backside! They giggle and hop and wiggle and pop! Jiggle and mop, wriggle and ziggle and stomp and bop! Wood Goobles are driving them crazy! Must Kill Wood Goobles!!!!!

Luthor of the Granite Buttocks - 10/30/00 15:40:44

Zounds! By some devilry these wood-goobles have bewitched the guestbook. Their powers are greater than I previously imagined. Alas, only one all-powerful weapon exists that can combat their reign of terror. But surely, it only exists in myth. What we pon that has glowing red eyes and lots of pointy things on it could possibly be found in the real world? There is no other choice. We must quest for this weapon of ultimate power. We must quest at once, or the future of the guestbook, not to mention th world, is surely doomed. We must quest for...the BOARBASHER.

Ghost of the Boar-Basher - 10/28/00 00:19:31

Ah, I see that once again the powers of the almighy Boar-Basher are being called upon. Yes, wood-goobles are a formidable opponent, one worthy of me revealing a fraction of my limitless power. ALL HAIL THE BOARBASHER...WOOD-GOOBLES FLEE AND WET YOURSELF I FRIGHT!!!!! AH HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Berkie Horkenheimer, former Wood-Gooble slayer and current resident of Stromgarde Institute for the Sanity Impaired - 10/28/00 00:17:44


Berkinsquasher, Chief of the Wood Goobles - 10/28/00 00:16:11

Shut your mouth Peon #438! I did not give you permission to talk. I will do the talking for my people. Ahem...WE ARE LEGION!! WE ARE UNNUMBERABLE!!! WE ARE AS COUNTLESS AS...um..uh...THINGS THAT ARE UNCOUNTABLE!!!

Wood Gooble Peon #438 - 10/28/00 00:14:46

We are minion! Our numbers are countless! We are like the sands of the seas! (Only a little bigger and don't lie on the beach all day).

common villager - 10/28/00 00:13:43

I have seen this weapon. It has eyes and they glow. It is adorned with all sorts of trophies taken from its victims. When this weapon is used it is far better to run and save your own hide. I should know, being who I am.

Hagbod Neershfaller former slayer of Wood-Goobles - 10/28/00 00:12:41

Great Scott!!!! I thought the evil wood-goobles had been eliminated years ago. Woe is me!!! Run for your lives!!! For those who dare oppose the wood-goobles remember this, only the magic of custard can defeat them. Using normal weapons only makes them m l iply, however there was a rumor of one weapon so powerful that it could destroy wood-goobles without invoking their powers of multiplication...what was it called...the something something, the something breaker, the something smasher, the something basher ..i dont remember, oh well. Beware and good gooble hunting.

Arthur, King of the Wood Goobles - 10/28/00 00:11:11

We are coming for you, my pretties, yes, we will find you! Ahahahahaha!

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