Welcome to my Guestbook!

James Wolfe - 10/11/00 19:02:56
My URL:http://go.to/icelandhorse
My Email:jameswolfe@cybernet1.com
I hanen't seen everything yet

BtN - 07/24/00 17:47:07
My URL:/btngraphics
My Email:btngraphics@yahoo.com
Very nice! :)

Shari - 07/04/00 22:38:53
My URL:http://angelfire.lycos.com/sd/sharsmidis/sharicorner.html
My Email:sharibecker4@hotmail.com
You have some great graphics! What a nice webpage. I really injoyed visiting. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join a new webring, Imagination Unlimited. Its a fun group. Please look at our webpages and see what you think. I hope to see you there! ~Shari~

Maryjane Chamberlin - 12/02/99 00:37:26
My Email:Rampage75@sisna.com
Beautiful and very talented I'm impressed!!!!!

Flame - 09/09/99 05:45:14
My URL:http://www.angelfir.com/ak3/Flame1
My Email:folgnung@hotmail.com
just love your backgrounds..very nice collection planning on using one on my homepage..which is still in progress..My first go at it.. Keep up the nice work..

Whitney - 01/27/99 06:26:00
My URL:http://www.whitneysplace.com
My Email:makw2137@cyberstreet.com
Just stopped by to say "welcome". I'm another new graphics ring member and was browsing thru to say "hi" to other members. Beautiful site....good luck to you!

Autumn - 01/23/99 15:31:38
My URL:http://www.compulegal.com/Moonlit
My Email:crazedpoet@excite.com
Pretty cool site. Nice backgrounds too.

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