On the following pages you will find backgrounds I produced with the help of PSP5 and plugins. These backgrounds are free for your personal homepages.  For Commercial use, please contact me personally at the email address provided in the link below. Use of these backgrounds for any other than personal web pages is strictly prohibited.
Remember if you save the thumbnail it won't look like it supposed to, click on the thumbnail to see a larger view of this background. You must click on the thumbnail in order to be taken to the background itself. Once  there, if you like it, right click your mouse on the background screen  and save the background to your own hard drive, uploading to your own server for use in your web page.  Please do not link directly to this server.  Best viewed with Netscape 800x600 resolution. Let me know if I can create anything for you, I can come up with just about anything!
So enter into my world of background creations, enjoy your stay, and please give credit where credit is due and provide a link back to this page using the button below if you use any of my backgrounds.  Please let me know how you use them and where, would love to see what you have done!
Bookmark this page, lots more to come!
Have fun!

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