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In associaton with Amazon.com I've compiled a list of books and tapes they sell that every klingon should own. I have many of them and can attest to thier content. What I love about Amazon.com books is the fact that they provide books for less that what you can get retail. So here's the list. To find out pricing and ordering information just click on the link I've provided and you'll be right there at thier listing for that particular book.


klindict.gif (5964 bytes) The Klingon Dictionary
Marc Okrand gives us the Klingon Language. This is the most basic book for klingon fans to own. Highly recommended.
KLINWAYBK.GIF (6448 bytes) The Klingon Way
Marc Okrand gives us popular Klingon sayings and explains what they mean. Very good to help us understand Klingon traditional philosophy. This is also available in Audio format
KLINGALTRAV.GIF (5574 bytes) Klingon For the Galactic Traveler
Marc Okrand's latest book. The best so far!! In depth look at Klingon culture, society and languages. New words too!
convklin.gif (4841 bytes) Conversational Klingon Audio Tape
Marc Okrand gives us a way to learn the Klingon language through good demonstrations and practice runs.
stklinbk.gif (5870 bytes) Star Trek Klingon
This is the story of young Pok as he travels with Gowron in search of an assasin. Told through the eyes of Gowron this story is both charming and exciting! Book form.
Also available in:
Audio Cassette    CD Game - PC   CD Game - MAC
KLINCRUSERKIT.GIF (7803 bytes) Klingon Battle Cruiser Model Kit!!
This book gives the ambitious klingon the chance to build thier own battle cruiser to hang around the quarters. It's great for the young warriors too! Easy to build. Get them while you can because I've never seen them in the stores. Destined to be a collectors item!
planet.gif (5631 bytes) Power Klingon
Barry Levine and Marc Okrand provide a strong Audio Klingon language lesson for the advanced Klingon Fan
dayhon1.gif (5972 bytes) Day of Honor Series
Spanning several Generations of klingons, these stories come from each series of Star Trek ever made, The Original, Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager. Definately on my list of things to get ASAP.
Book 1: Ancient Blood   Book 2: Armegeddon Sky 
Book 3: Her Klingon Soul    Book 4: Day of Honor
KAHLESSBK.GIF (5649 bytes) Kahless
Author Friedman creates a story that is destined to be classic. The narrative flows back and forth between the centuries as an alternative story of Kahless is revealed through ancient scrolls. Is the scroll a hoax or did it really happen this way? Only you can decide. Read the evidence and pass your judgments. This is a book I could NOT put down until it was over!
Hardback   or   Paperback

Uniforms and Accessories


swordmrk2.gif (4291 bytes) Alien Battle Swords
Excellent source for Klingon Style Swords!
NFWARRIORS1.jpg (7713 bytes) Next Frontier Warrior Outfitters
I have to say these folks make the best quality Uniforms out there! I have seen thier work up cloase and it's as professional as your ever going to get. Follow the link and jot down there number. They will send you a catalog.
KORDITESMITH1.gif (4201 bytes) Kordite's Metal Things
Metal Klingon Uniform accessories, pins, medals, belt buckles, weapons, miniature weapons, shackles. All good quality stuff and REAL metal too!

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This page last updated on 12/18/97 04:55 PM