Kamala's Page of Klingon

Artwork by John V. Schmidt.

Kamala is a character played on some MU** games. No! She is not the wrestler! On these pages you will find links to other klingon related websites. Kamala is currently researching the imagery and role of the klingon woman in Klingon society .

Kamala's list of Honorable links

Memorial To Krell/Slimey

Other Great Klingon Links

Trek related MU** Games

The Women of the Klingon Empire

Kamala's costume page.

Kling-kon '97 Photos!!

Feast of Qot ba Vol '98 photos!

Klingon FAQ

Klingon Christmas

The Qo'noS Central Store NEW!!


This page design copyright 1997 by Kamala. All graphics copyrighted by thier original designers.

This page was last updated on 01/26/2003 11:21 PM

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This Klingons of KAG site is owned by
2nd Lt. Kamala KorDaS.

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