Here are some of my poems. Feel free to send me comments.

For L.+P.

Garage Sale Of Love

Garage sale of love
Everybody come and buy a piece for 50 cents
You will put it on the shelf
And forget about it

Garage sale of love
The person who is selling it never had it
Never never in their lives
And they never know it

Garage sale of love
They just bought it cheap from someone
Who’s love is gone
With the sun

For B.


My life is my imagination
My imagination is my life
Please believe me that I love you
But you just care about yourself
And your dumb stupid life

Walking in the movies with your girlfriend
Who betrays you when she gets a chance
You call it love but she calls you a moron
And the others laughing by her side
She never will love you in your lifetime

How old are you,
May I ask you ?
Two, five or nine ?
I will go for the first
It’s your own life

And I’m just standing here on the bridge
Looking in the water, deep as your eyes
Nobody knows if I jump in them
But if I do, you will see the world with my eyes
And it will be completely different

What ? Why ? (Hippies And Hip-Hop)

What do you want from me
What do you need from my life
I am a hippie, not a (how-the-hell-you-pronounce-it) hip hopper
And you can’t do me one
I can’t live in the nineties
My life is thirty years before
I don’t wanna be ‘generation nothing’
How the grown up flower children are calling us now
What do we have in our life ?
Sex, drugs and hip-hop ?
With rock’n’roll it sounded better


Getting up at six a.m.
"Where is my book ?"
Toothpaste & toothbrush + comb the hair
"Where are the socks?"
No time for cornflakes
"Hell, I’m going to be late!"
Grabbing the school bag
Running on a cold or hot street
To the stop of the usually yellow school bus
"Hey, wait!"
Jumping in, finding a seat
Walkman out, tape in, music on,
Tears of broken dreams
Running down your (my) cheeks
And the music painting pictures in your head
Bus stopping at the final stop
Getting out
"Oh no, forgot the library book!"
Getting in the hated building
"Hello." "Hello, where is my pen I gave you ?"
Walk in the classroom
Bla-bla something in math
You forgot to do it
Then the lessons - no end and no meaning
"Hey, Leo DiCaprio is….."
"…I don’t wanna know what or who…"
Sitting, listening, conversation in your soul
No one really cares
You shout inside
"Speeeeeak to meeeee !"
But it’s too quiet to understand

Little Big

A little big girl lived in a little big country
She had a little big brain and a little big heart
Whole little big life she thought of little big something
Of the little big what ceased to little big be
In her little big house lived a little big dream
Being too little big for a little big world
For a little big time she waited for a little big guy
Just a vision of little big product of her little big dreams
Made of everything little big she little big loved
But her little big dream never came little big true

For T.

Near And Far

The people who are near to you
Can be so many miles away
But love is sometimes not so true
It does not always stay

The people who are far can be
The dearest in the world
You don't always have to see
What is expressed in words


you will never understand
why i look at you each day
at your picture on my wall
how i find a way
to see something that isn't there

i will never understand
why you think that i'm insane
why you never call
when you have my number
i wrote it on your wall

when you find it
don't bother to call
i won't be home
i won't be there at all


it's winter
you are alone, inside a snow cone
the world is white, gray and black
yours is blue
you're waiting for something to come
but is it there?
or is it just a vision of the night


each time they leave something behind
in the hotel rooms of my memory
but they never look back at that
and i'm so happy for them

i see the windy city in my mind
i never was there but i want to be
they hide behind walls of darkness
and i'm so helpless to help them

traces of red color on the pavement
only i know why it's there
the wind howls, it snows and he talks
wait until next week to know it

the red and the black are there
together with green, white and blue
they are one and many images
kaleidoscopic pictures in the mind's eye

i read a story about them yesterday
laughed and cried until it was senseless
it will go away new things will come
but they will stay here with my demons

If you want to copy one of these poems, please don't forget to make a link to my site. After you copy it just send me an e-mail, so I will know who it was.

© 1997-1999 M.K.A.
