rachel - 11/16/00 20:03:56 My Email:you know Tell us how you are!: big lol | Comments: heyyyyyyyyyyyyy where are the pics? |
Jenn - 10/31/00 18:55:09 My URL:http://www.dwarfism.com My Email:littlemama04073 Tell us how you are!: short | Comments: Josh and Carolyn i like what you guys did to update the page keep up the good work blessed be |
Jenn - 07/15/00 01:33:48 My Email:cfour18@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: short and short | Comments: I really like your page but need more updated photos ok :) |
Jenn - 07/15/00 01:32:00 My Email:cfour18 Tell us how you are!: short and short | Comments: I really like your page but need more updated photos ok :) |
Anne Dube - 01/30/00 00:32:48 My Email:myway_34@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: im doing great now that i know i can see you guys whenever i want now, just click on your website!! I love you guys, and miss you bunches!! Love Anne, Mike, and the kids | Comments: |
Psiberplague - 01/28/00 06:37:24 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/PlaguesHaven My Email:psiberplague@angelfire.com Tell us how you are!: good | Comments: Hi kids, it's the plague... been missin' ya and thought I'd stop to say hi... get in touch with me if ya want. |
Syd/BrooklynBengal - 09/03/99 16:40:25 My Email:babycakes69@angelfire.com Tell us how you are!: Hey Carolyn,you should remember me from awhile back.... | Comments: I have no comments except I like the page,I couldnt of done better myself! |
Steve Burnell - 08/15/99 02:02:32 My Email:rhinoburnell@webtv.net Tell us how you are!: great-perfectly wonderful | Comments: checking out the site, e-mail you stuff later. |
Jireh =D - 08/13/99 02:06:31 My URL:http://www.macromedia.com/ My Email:ibdxspy@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: FUCK YOU | Comments: YOU PAGE SUCKS SHIT!!!!! FUCK ITS HELLA UGLY YOU ARE A DUMB FUCK!! |
Adam Young - 08/12/99 21:48:10 My Email:Adambyoung@AOL.COM | Comments: Call me asap 8-12-99 @5:40pm |
Shadow (John) - 07/25/99 04:55:25 My Email:Shadow_Blade_98@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: Fine, thanks for askin' | Comments: So far i like it, still looking, going to check out the pegan site now. See ya later. |
Dad - 07/12/99 01:36:26 Tell us how you are!: send some people to look at the house! | Comments: http://classifieds2000.com/cgi-cls/ad.exe?P61+C278+R2151732 |
Shane Gilpatrick - 07/10/99 19:15:35 My Email:sgilpatr@cyberwc.net Tell us how you are!: fuckin ducky!!! | Comments: cool site I'll see you later |
HUMMER - 07/08/99 13:33:49 My Email:HUMMER@fancol.com | Comments: |
Monicaming - 06/07/99 17:03:35 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/KELLIERENEE My Email:Kelllierenee@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: Das is gut. | Comments: Cool page. See you in the diner! |
Jason - 05/18/99 03:31:22 My URL:/SunsetStrip/Basement/6542/shortnotice.html My Email:inker@sprint.ca Tell us how you are!: Hunky Dorey | Comments: Good lookin' site. I hope you don't mind but I am gonna link it up to you pic on the diner site......ciao for now. |
The White Trash Gutterpunk Queen Of Po-town - 04/20/99 07:19:40 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/gutterpunx My Email:bettybondage37@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: Barefoot, cranky, And Pregnant | Comments: MwaHAhHAShAhHahahahAhahHAHAHhaha!!!! I finally made it to your page...tis very kewl yes yes yes...oh this is your worst nightmare (stacy) incase your brain is on a caffeine induced coma hehehe...well i just wanted to say Oi!! and all that happy shtuff... m heres a pic of me for you (WARNING...IT SUCKS) http://www.angelfire.com/nh/kyttyn/images/gttrpunk.jpg ... ok well i tinks im gonna go to bed now... hugs kisses and all that other mushy stuff ... love Stacy (P.S ~ you really need to stop saying adorable all the time..it was starting to make me ill ... um ok thats it...i think) |
David Chamberlin - 04/07/99 21:43:43 My Email:jude@cybertours.com Tell us how you are!: good | Comments: HI JOSH AND CAROLYN!IT'S DAVID COOL SITE. NICE BUTTON YOU TOLD US NOT TO PUSH,(ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE)IT WAS WEIRD!BYE |
Chris Johnson - 03/27/99 23:48:28 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nova/9904 My Email:kaleao@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: tired and hungover,,well you asked! | Comments: jsut thought now that the page was working again and since i have a page in progress that i would sign this thing yet again and give you my site. love ya sis........ |
Ken J. - 03/27/99 01:47:21 My URL:Blocked by Geocities policies My Email:allenjohns@juno.com Tell us how you are!: ummmmmmmm. | Comments: Nice Page (Sorry, I'm feeling sort of words today) |
David Chamberlin - 03/07/99 23:45:03 My Email:jude@cybertours.com Tell us how you are!: good | Comments: ah,ah, Idon't know! |
Nicole Staten - 02/09/99 22:20:23 My Email:NStaten@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: GREAT! | Comments: It's awesome, though I had a few problems accessing, it was still really cool!! |
M T Ness - 02/08/99 02:20:28 My URL:http://-none- My Email:gumby@galstar.com Tell us how you are!: just twitchin' | Comments: liked the site/ supercool/ keep up the work thanks for the M&Ms see ya again someday :) |
Beth Cellini - 02/05/99 15:10:26 My URL:http://www.paddlefoot.net My Email:mammy648@geocities.com Tell us how you are!: no way! | Comments: Hi carolyn long time no talk! get it ha ha. |
Pecti-Witan - 02/03/99 20:47:56 My Email:tavis30@wa.freei.net Tell us how you are!: GREAT!!! | Comments: JUST VISITING LUNA AND I HAD A CONVERSATION EARLIER SAID HAD TO STOP BY SO I DID WELL LOOKS VERY GOOD ALOT OF COOL STUFF!!! |
Chris Johnson - 02/01/99 00:47:28 My Email:kaleao@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: i'm great and you? | Comments: I GOT THE SOUND BYTES FINALLY I'M LISTENING TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE! WE FINALLY GOT THE SPEAKERS WORKING {FAVE QUOTES} 1) Don't Dream It, Be It (RHPS) 2)LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN 3)THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS 4)I'm lost, i've gone to look for myself, if i return before i get back, please ask me to wait! |
Dragula - 01/31/99 06:57:55 My URL:http://www.wrestlingnation.com My Email:dragula@cyberwc.net Tell us how you are!: I Work at Spencer Press | Comments: terrific layout and great job on the site i am impressed with everything... keep up the good work guys and hopefully everything will last forever... |
STARVIN MARVIN (joe) - 01/30/99 22:56:45 My Email:jojo_deleon@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: IM GGGRRRRRRRRRREEEEEAAT ( i stole that from tony the tiger) | Comments: hey guys its me this page rules!!!!!!!! is that a ferret? bye bye |
Mark/Sherry - 01/30/99 16:35:17 My Email:saucier3@cybertours.com Tell us how you are!: fine:) | Comments: |
zonk3d - 01/24/99 00:54:12 My Email:ZONK3d@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: better | Comments: your sis is cool!!!!!!!!!!! |
stuart - 01/21/99 17:54:35 My Email:ironman_plus@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: just enjoying a muffin rite now | Comments: nice job on the page!!! my old computer keeps kicking me out tho. interested in wicca, maybe u could email me some info. thankx see ya stu |
Jack Strong aka Sylven1 - 01/20/99 23:32:51 My Email:strongj@oz-online.net Tell us how you are!: Im fine and you | Comments: Good site like the disco background in your links page |
lockpicker - 12/25/98 05:04:07 | Comments: cool picture you got.. |
joe "MARZ" miller - 12/15/98 08:31:07 My URL:soon.....under construction My Email:polar420@yahoo.com Tell us how you are!: im feelin kinda funki, musta be my new mushroom diet | Comments: pretty phat site, props to u 2. when i get mine done. ill be back, and u better give me a hit or 2 ok.....laterz peepz |
Nazgūl - 12/08/98 22:51:06 My Email:holger.wienecke@usa.net Tell us how you are!: Zürich/Switzerland | Comments: Hi there, greetings from switzerland. Nazgūl |
Kyttyn Cheshyrekin - 12/07/98 22:15:32 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/kyttyn/index.html My Email:fiercekyttie@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: Chipper.... >:) | Comments: I love the updates on your page, guys! *SMOOCH!* Quite fun -- and I noticed that you got a pic of me up, too! YAY!! (Even if it -is- the one that makes me look like a boy....) *laughs* O-well. *Cheshyrekyttiegrins atcha* Talk to you later, --Kyttie |
Massari - 11/27/98 04:41:55 My URL:http://massari.com My Email:paulette@massari.com Tell us how you are!: fine | Comments: How in the world did you do all this. Great job. You can show me how you did it when I see you. I haven't got up to the same speed as you and I've been studying for months. My TicketsUnlimited web page could use your techniques. You need to keep some pers ective on the size of the pages but other than that you are like a rocket. Ok, talk to you later.........Paulette |
kbgibson57 - 11/21/98 09:19:34 My Email:kbgibson57 Tell us how you are!: love the site | Comments: great witch it is a great site |
Kyttyn Cheshyrekin - 11/16/98 21:31:23 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/kyttyn/index.html My Email:fiercekyttie@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: Warm, fuzzy, and good for your soul....>:) | Comments: Lovely page, guys! *WOO!* You gave me a link! You gave me a link! *Dances around the room, doing a little jig* Wait....You didn't give me a space in your Gallery, 'tho...*Immediately collapses onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, while trying to hid a grin behind her paws.* At any rate, sorry I didn't make it to 'Fid's last night -- OOH, was I PISSED! Long story behind it all, let's just say that I was -QUITE- the cranky kyttie and I'll tell you about the whole thing later.... Lovin's, huggin's, and dirty dancing, --Kimma-Kyttie-Kyttyn |
mum - 11/14/98 08:24:02 My Email:royw@cybertours.com Tell us how you are!: tired! 3am | Comments: Looking good! Not in 10 likes?????? |
mum - 11/14/98 08:21:55 My Email:royw@cybertours.com Tell us how you are!: tired! 3am | Comments: Looking good! Not in 10 likes?????? |
FUgazi - 11/14/98 01:38:41 My Email:fugazi442hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: whats it to you!!!!!!lol | Comments: wsup! yall rember me??im jim..julia's freind that hung out witcha at bickfords...i was talkin to julia a little while ago and she told me yall had a page..she didnt wanna give up the url cus she was spooked about her picks.lmao... its a very cool site i gotta say! i was tossin arround the idea of making a site 4 myself and am helping some freinds make one themselves..oh, im a total cyber geek.lol..if ya didnt know.but anyways i was just checkin it out while im gettin ready to o out and drinkin a beer..you got my email so email me mofo!!i got icq also..pass this on to julia too..my # is 16132760..look me up whenever..oh!! and if yall wanna do some building to your page i got a webcam i can lend ya..plugs into your printer port nd its a cd program..no major surgery needed,and it takes streaming video with sound or just stills...so yall san do some crazy cool shit with it..just look me up online |
Chris - 11/13/98 20:14:03 My Email:kaleao@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: insane | Comments: lookin good. cute pics. |
Julia...The sister - 11/12/98 16:26:04 My Email:dewdrop26@hotmail.com Tell us how you are!: good | Comments: It looks good!!! I love you guys! |
Mum - 11/12/98 01:02:02 My Email:royw@cybertours.com Tell us how you are!: Awesome! | Comments: Aren't they cute!!!!! |