Site found by Syx

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Ronin Warrior Fan fic sites! NEW NEW NEW

Ronin Warriors Fan Fic Archive! Great stories from various authors. Lots of great stories in one huge archive!

Tenshi No Korin's at Mink's site! This is a Yaoi site with LEMON content! Thou shalt not procede to this page if thou art underage or do not like Yaoi.

Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets/ G-Force SITES! NEW NEW NEW

Check out what talented writers do with a great series. If you were cursed to watch Eagle Riders then you need to come see how the series should have been... DOWN WITH SABAN!

Lori's Gatchman site Great archive for all kinds of Gatchaman fics!

Welcome to Miya's Loft! Yet another Fan who enjoys KNT. Check out the work of this talented writer.
Biker Mice From Mars

Virtual Stoke: Hitchin' a Ride! Great stories about the bro's as kids. Also Sailor Mouse fan art and the Full Monty Type pics A Must See!

The December Archives Best site around for mature Biker Mice fiction and awsome fan art. 4 stars for this lady!

Unofficial Biker Mice from Mars Fan Club Great archive for all types of fans

Hayden's Biker Mice from Mars Page GO Check out Hayden's Blood Ties series!

Clan Emanon's Home Page Home to the Garrison.

guess what? Hudsons Page, Beware the Hand o God in Station 8. J

Rockaway OOOOOooo Spike writes the Best Garg Fan fics.

The Gargoyles Fan Website Chat Room Castle chat. Where Syx's friends come out to play.

Station Eight - Chat Room The 1st place Syx used the Gerbil Rail gunsJ

Gundam Wing
Tzigane's Website It's finally up and running! The adult Yaoi/shonen ai stuff is pasworded. But you can get clearance thru aestheticism.J
Rara Avis: LN Tora's Archives Fabu ficcies from bunches of fandoms. I recommends this site!
Shanna-chan's Fanfic Archives nice place to visit

Atropa's Tiny Lil Gundam Wing Page ^-^ Tro-Sama! All hail the Dark Angel!

The Gundam Wing Fan site- lots of info to be found hereJ

And as a treat for all you Wufei and Duo fans * I know you're out there I can hear ya breathin!* KC-Chan's Fan Art.

"NEW!!! Kumiko's Shinigami site. " Her Zechs & Duo stories are a Must Read!! Another talented writer that gets 4 stars!

Talya Firedancer's Universe

This site has closed sadly enough. I have heard that

Winglow shall be hosting her fics as far as I know.

Shirin's Death Arc Page More Death Arc stories
NEW!!! Madame Hydra's Page OI The Hydra has some GReat fics! Swing Bye if you like Ruroni Kenshin, Ranma 1/2, and Gundam Wing. She also has a wonderful start on a Highlander/GW crossover! 4 stars for this page great stuff here

NEW!!! Rei-shin's PagePage HOme to the now legendary fic... Insanity! Count the cameos and spot yuour fave authors Another 4 star site

Hi no Miko's Page A lil bit of everything. YYH, GW, and various goodies.


Heero's Heart Steve Parker's Wonderful site. Never teh Twain Shall Meet is a fantastic Divergence story that focuses on each pilot as a Ceasefire puts the war on hold. We also get to meet a wonderful origianl Character named Kaylin. This fic get 5 stars from Syx!

Katsu no Miko's fics Read her epic. This fic gets five stars. Don't foget to nag the author for more!

The Fox Den YYH, GW, slayer as well as X-men and BMFM crossovers with Gatchaman. She also has some great links up that I don't have room for.


New X-Men Fanfiction Stories On Shifting Sands Another great archive for X-Men fics. They may be closing soon so check it out now!
Ranma 1/2
The Ranma 1/2 Gallery - Fan Fiction
Kunoichi's Web Pages
Ranma 1/2 Fanfics
Ray's Fics Hidden talents is a great read.
julian1 Lone Wolf in Nerami is a funny Ranma x Fatal Fury cross over. THis Series gets Syx's Four Star Rating!
- -- --- ----The Church Of Ranko & Ryouga---- --- -- - Yaoi stuff here

Spiral Dance Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Archive

The Cross-over Links

Ryouga & Ukyou Ring I can't help it they make a great couple!

The Ryouga Ring I love fangs LOL

Stuff found by Yuko Rayah (my lil sis)

Penetralian Pleasures Presents: A Gundam Wing DJ Gallery
You are about to enter a Yaoi gallery....
Links to Web rings and other stuff

MAML - Specific Anime-Links

The Anime Fan Fiction Ring

Boys' Heaven: The Yaoi Web Ring

Crimson Ink Mailing List Archive

Slash Fan Fiction on the Net S-Z WARNING YAOI and adult stuff here


Super Z This si one of the best continuation series I have ever read. Want to know what Mirai Trunks life is like now? Stop in and read! This gets Syx's Four Star rating for fic Quality!
Dragonball Z
The Final Battle Of Son Gouku? Vegita to his father who is layin in the dirt: Hello father, welcome to hell.


Jeremy's DBZ & Escaflowne Fanfics


Fanfiction by Sandy Youko

Yaoi Fanfic Archive

Utopian Trunks' Fanfiction LINK FIXED!!! Read the Harliquin series in Friends fics. You'll Laugh yourself silly.

The YYH Fanfiction Bookstore

Yu Yu Library--Chinese Section

Yu*Yu*Hakusho HQ

Sionna Klassen's Fanfic Page

The Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfictions Archive: Crossovers

Yu Yu Hakusho Mailing List Archive

100% Anime Fanart -- Anime Fanart