
-January 7, 2007-
Happy New Year, everyone! Don't mind me, this is just the "Official" Announcement that Talis is Closed for buisness. I hated having it just drifting here, abandoned, but I've proven time and time again that I just don't have the energy or interest to dedicate to running it for more than a few months at a time. Not only that, but I've been noticing more and more people growing increasingly tired of canon Pern. It's harder than ever to get enough Candidates to fill a clutch. I still miss the good 'ol days of Sapphire Weyr and whatnot, but I figure that unless someone makes a Pern movie that makes it to theatres, or a show that airs on TV, Pern as we know it will never come back into the public's interest like it used to be.

As for Talis ever re-opening in the future, who knows? It's possible, but not before the site, and the Dragons go under major renovation. I've never been able to color them to my satisfaction, and for the most part, I've used the same images for years now. It might be time for something new! This is, when/if we ever re-open. Also, pardon me, but I've grown to HATE this site layout over the years. I'll be working on re-vamping it, just for the sake of my sanity.

I anyone wishes to email me, my address has changed: temple_of_erinyes@yahoo.com. CMK_Roadkill, my regular address, was getting spammed by salespersons too much!

Thanks for sharing the ride with me, guys, while it lasted! :)


You burst out of between and squint as the bright sun shines down upon you. You are flying above a large weyr bowl, with a high ridge surrounding an open field and lake. The ridge is dotted with Weyr entrances and ledges.

The dragon you are riding glides smoothly downward in a lazy spiral. Then, it folds it's wings and dives. Your stomach gives a lurch with the sharp descent. The dragon then angles it's glide and pulls out of the dive, and with powerful wingstrokes, shoots past the watchtower, where the brown Watchdragon bugles a welcome. The dragon you're riding, a small, thin looking blue, returns the greeting, which is so loud that you can feel it's neck vibrating underneath your legs. Then, with a jolt, the blue spreads it's wings and lands on a ledge. The rider in front of you helps you slide off the mammoth beast.

"Welcome to Talis Weyr," He says, still astride the dragon. He indicates to the cave beside you, "There should be someone to direct you inside this weyr. I need to leave, otherwise I would help you. This isn't my Weyr."

You are about to ask him why he's working for another Weyr, but before you get the chance to, the blue dives off the ledge and rises out of the Weyr bowl. You turn and head inside the weyr.

"Hello!" Says the woman inside, "Welcome to Talis Weyr! Are you a candidate? Still haven't decided? Well, hurry up! We need all the candidates we can get!"

You ask her why the blue rider was working for Talis Weyr.

"Well, you see, Talis Weyr is just starting out. We only have about a dozen dragons here, and only a few of them are adults! Our only Searchdragon is overloaded, so we needed another one for a while."

You ask if there are any eggs on the sands.

"Well, no, but we could always use candidates in advance!"

You ask her if she is the Weyrwoman.

"Good Heavens, no! I don't even have a dragon! We don't have a Weyrwoman and Weyrleader yet. I suppouse it will be the first Queen who flies, and the dragon that flies her... Well, there are alot of positions to be filled, and we need every person we can get... Have a look around, and see if you want to apply for Candidacy!"

This is Murith, the resident Watchdragon, a fine example of what the dragons here look like. Please don't steal Murith now, all you need to do is apply for Candidacy to get your own dragon!


This site is not an Online Weyr. It is a place to exchange cyberpets based on the world of Pern, created by Anne McCaffrey, copyright 1967. Terms like Impressing, Weyr, Weyrwoman, and any other references to the Dragonriders of Pern series are examples of Anne McCaffrey's genious. This site does not earn profit of any kind. It is not intending to be a source of competition for Online Weyrs, Pernese Merchandise, and such like. This site seeks to promote knowledge of the wonderful world of Pern and encourage visitors to read the Dragonriders of Pern series.