Welcome to my Guestbook!

NeoGokuZeo - 05/09/99 21:06:00
My URL:Http://neozeo.web1000.com
My Email:Kakerot@yahoo.com
Favorite Dragon From my Dragon's lair: FireClaw

Very imanginative site mike!

FireClaw - 03/23/99 06:23:52

grrrr... fanboy.

kenny - 01/15/99 03:43:06
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/outerrealms
My Email:kenny2nd@hotmail.com
Favorite Dragon From my Dragon's lair: ??

Why does qfg have to end? It is soooo gay! They have no legitmate reasons! I heard they were making qfg6 on qg5 forum but I'm not sure! Please email me if you know anything about it.

Mike Brinker - 12/11/98 14:08:06
My Email:mike112233@yahoo.com
Favorite Dragon From my Dragon's lair: FireClaw

I hope this works

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