Okay here's Chapters 1-3 of Flight of the Wyrm, Enjoy!
also heres links to chapters 4-6 7-9 and 10-14
>Flight of the Wyrms Part I

FireClaw stood looming Over the Valley of Spielburg, from his lair in the highest mountain Surrounding the small town. The great Dragon had spent many long hours contemplating his revenge on the small town and he though again of that fateful day...

Both FireClaw and his Wyrmate Pyrax had been Searching for a suitable Lair, Barely more than a century old and fairly young by dragon standards. The two had come together nearly 20 years ago when they were sent from their parents lair upon reaching the Dragon equivalent of teenagers, and on Gazing on Spielburg valley they though they had found the perfect territory. Large enough for the two Wyrms to live in and not deplete the hunting, only one path through the mountains for troublesome humans to come through, and only a small village of humans to remove.

The two Dragons upon noticing the village knew that they would have to destroy it or else the word of the presence of two dragons in the Valley would spread and they would face an unending stream of “Dragon hunters” the words disgusted both FireClaw and Pyrax, so not being creatures of subtitle swooped down to the small castle to begin their removal. The two landed and, not being the creatures of mindless destruction that legends painted them to be decided to only destroy the keep and let the peasants flee the valley. They reasoned (Correctly) that without the knights of the land to protect them the village would quickly fall to the many uncivilized monsters that roamed the valley.

FireClaw and pyrax having had long practice in combat, began their assault by approaching the castle from either side and Blowing a gout of flame at the towers on each corner of the castle, eliminating the pesky archers. flying around for another swoop they noticed several figures on horse back riding toward them.

Then came the most terrifying moments of Fireclaws life, out from apparently nowhere came the spell of what must have been a very powerful sorcerer. Though unseen by the knights, both Dragons felt the concessive force rip through their bodes and paralyze their muscles. The lead knight thinking that the dragons had landed to face them charged in at Pyrax, while both of the Wyrms lay helpless, still paralyzed by the wizards spell (who appeared to have now disappeared). The leader on his Black Charger ran up and struck Pyrax through the heart, killing her instantly.

This action caused such rage and Anger that he through off the effects of the spell completely and rushed at the knights. He incinerated two of the humans with his Breath and slashed two more off their horses, including the One who had killed his Beloved Pyrax. after taking this small measure of revenge he suddenly had a vision of what they would do to his Wyrmates body. With their barbaric practice of cutting off dragons heads as “trophies” and the wretched peasants using her hides to make armor, a human replacement for the lack of any natural prowess.

Upon relaxing this FireClaw immediately took lifted her body into the air and off to the highest peak in the mountain where began mourning in the dragon way. Repeatedly giving great roars that shook the entire valley constantly for three days.

Now the time was quickly coming in which he could return his Wyrmates spirit to her body. The ritual to restore life to a dragon was much more complex than to resurrect a human as Dragons are creatures of greater power and leave this life to a plane much farther away in the spiritual world than humans go. The night which occurs almost every thousand years is approaching where the stars, planets, and stars align and great works of magic are performed. Now his long years of preparing for this night would succeeded and the spirit of his Pyrax would once again dwell in her body and Spielburg would feel his wrath!
> Flight of the Wyrm Ch II The night of Summoning.

FireClaw stood upon the mountains peak just outside of the pentagram which he carved into the stone years earlier. inside the circle lay the corpse of his Mate Pyrax, who after this night would no longer be a corpse but would again breath with life. FireClaw busily Preparing his mind and body for what he knew would be the most trying experience of his life. when the moon came to it’s highest point and magic was at the magic way at it’s peak, FireClaw began the final incantation.


With the first lines complete a pillar of white light came down to engulf the Pentagram, through it FireClaw could see Pyrax’s body healing al it’s wounds and preparing o accept a spirit again.


FireClaw saw red motes of light appear and begin swirling inside the pillar but also at this time FireClaw sensed another mage working a spell of Power, not suprising considering the power of this night FireClaw thought, as he continued the spell


FireClaw saw the red motes join together into the shape of a Dragon, the ceremony was almost complete.


The spirit of Pyrax began to move her corpse, and it became a corpse no longer as one eye opened. Then came the a pulse throughout the Magical world as a mage of great power met his end, This caused FireClaw to momentarily lose concentration as the other summoning which he had sensed suddenly stooped and all of the power expended into it came flowing into FireClaw.

the pulse hit FireClaw like a flying into a mountainside, as he struggled to remain consciousness the pillar of healing light overflowed with power and began to destroy. FireClaw saw the beams eating throughout the pentagrams magical seals and when they were gone there would be nothing left to protect Pyrax, who now lay alive but in a deep sleep.

FireClaw lay almost a helpless as pyrax, the waves of energy cascading through his body through he was still very much awake and knew if things didn’t change Pyrax’s body would be totally obliterated along with most of the mountain. FireClaw didn’t care much for the mountain but the thought of Pyrax being annihilated just moments after rejoining the living drove FireClaw to ignore the pain as he charged toward Pyrax. FireClaw slammed into the pillar of light and was thrown backward as a the magic of the pentagram kept the magic in, it also kept other things out. FireClaw having lost all presence of mind in a berserk frenzy charged again and again towards his Mate, finally when the pentagram broke from the overflow of magic, FireClaw charged inside as the beam hit full force, both he and Pyrax were thrown violently from the mountaintop. FireClaw landed at the base of the mountain where he finally slipped into unconsciousness.
> Flight of the Wyrm Chp. III The Aftermath

FireClaw awoke from a long sleep, how long he did not know but it seemed to have done him some good. Most of his major injuries were healed, Dragons being creatures of magic healed with it, and thus healed faster than any human ever could. Even with magical healing, his wings were useless, his wings were Horribly burnt and broken in many places, it would take at least a month for them to properly heal and even then he would only be able to fly for short periods. FireClaw thought on this fact grimly as he did not enjoy being constricted to land, and he knew that he would not be able to stay much longer as soldiers from the castle would certainly be patrolling the area.

After he got done inspecting his injuries, FireClaw looked at the meadow on which he landed. An large tree Grew in the center of the clearing, bearing a peculiar fruit, also the he had landed of a specifically on a bed of flowers, many of which he knew were not native to this region. The meadow had also had a large stone marker, inscripted on it was a message written in the language of magic which FireClaw did not take the time to translate. The oddest thing about the valley was the enchantment weaved over the entire place. FireClaw sensed the aura of peace which he guessed was made by a powerful human or elven wizard and knew that he would not be bothered as long as he remained there. however he could not wait the length of time required for him to fully heal as he knew that Pyrax had also landed somewhere in the valley and might still be alive.

FireClaw looked over to the crater that had once been a mountain, it’s outer rim lay several hundred feet from his present position and stretched several miles across. Pyrax could be anywhere along the exterior, and all the time he spent in this meadow would only take away from the time he had to search. FireClaw began to start a course around the crater searching for Pyrax, though it was not long before he heard a group of soldiers.
Obviously not trained in stealth, their camp was set up in a large clearing which gave FireClaw a perfect point to observe them. FireClaw watched the soldiers, waiting for them to reveal something that would aid HIS search.

Just as he began to think nothing would come of spying on them, a Runner came into the camp delivering a message. “Sir a messenger has arrived for you” a human guard said to the commander of the squad. “very well, bring him in”

, The guard nodded and the messenger stepped into the tent. “Sir We have found the cause of the destruction, a Dragon was found almost a mile from here hurt, I saw it myself, half of it had been completely burned away. I wondered how the blasted thing could have even survived the blast, not to mention living this long afterwards”

“is it still alive?” inquired the Commander

“No and good riddance, the thing died almost an hour ago, and I’m not sad to see it go” the messenger said bitterly.

Those were his last words as FireClaw blew the tent and almost half the camp away with a single gout of Flame. the soldiers, young troops obviously just recuited didn’t even have the sense to run, they just stood there screaming as the Dragon took out his revenge on the Rest of the camp, burning it to the ground. Pyrax, dead again! And these humans actually praising the fact, he left no mercy and when he was done, what had once been a meadow turned to a scorched and barren pile of ash.

After the camp, and a good portion of the surrounding woods was Burned to the ground, FireClaw set off the place that the messenger cam from, which was remarkably easy to track. When he arrived, he Was greeted by the sight of his Mates Corpse, almost ripped in two, with severe burns all over her hide. FireClaw took similar retribution on the band he found guarding her body. After dealing with the humans, he came to the corpse of his beloved Pyrax. Seeing her dead again, seeing that all of his efforts to bring her back were for naught, Caused him to feel emptiness and sorrow that he had never experienced in his life. Even the first time she had died, he had had a purpose, a meaning. now there was nothing. With the Passing of the Night of Summoning, all he had left to do was grieve