Walkthrough for Quest for Glory V This walkthrough is divided into several sections to help you navigate

1. The main walkthrough

2. A guide to all of the subquests.

3. All of the Misc Items which are just there for humor in the game.

QFGV-Rite one and two

After Erasmus stops talking to you in the very Beginning, chose to go to Silmaria. you will be teleported to the teleporting pad in which you can later go back to see Erasmus. Walk into the hall of Kings where Logos tells you about the Rites of Rulership. You currently have 500 Drachmas in the bank and 200 on hand, to make the 300 Difference either go outside an kill monsters, Fight in the Arena, Pickpocket People, or use the Duplication Cheat (Described in section three). You can start the Rites as soon as you get 1000 Drachmas, however I recommend that you spend your money to buy Equipment for your class, (Spells for Wizards, Grapnels and rope for Thief, Etc.). After you have gotten all your equipment and have 1000 Drachmas, go to the Bank and select to enter the Rites of Rulership, also pick up the Interesting toolkit while your here. Now go to the hall of Kings and let the First Rite begin. Leave the hall of kings and talk to Rakreesh, he will give you the Saphire Pin from QFG2 or if you are a Paladin he gives you the Kings ring which you turn into the Ring of truth, after that leave Silmaria (If you have not already done so put a mystic magnet in your chest in your room at the Inn) and proceed to free ALL the villages, while you only need to free Naxos, freeing them all gets you a lot of points and as far as I know this is the only point you can free them. To free the villages simply Find the building in which the Leaders are in (theres four of them and they are pretty powerful), kill them and take the sigil for that village. The Hide spell is particularly useful for Wizards here. After taking the Sigil to the Guard at the gate and being told by Logos that you need to go to the Island Fortress, sleep until morning then talk to Andre the Fisherman, He’s tying a net near the Dead parrot, he will take you to the Fortress. You dock outside the fortress, get into it by climbing up the stairs, running past the guards, Or as a thief climbing into the grate. When your inside you have to kill the Centaur Wizard, to do this use the Boom spell as a Wizard or walk up and hack at him as Fighter or Paladin After killing the centaur, the commander walks out, the paladin can try and cast Peace several time and get him to surrender but everyone else has to kill him. the Thief sneaks in through the lavatory and blackjacks the commander.

Rite 3- Hydra Isle

After taking the commanders shield back to the Hall of kings, logos tells you to slay the Hydra, first off you need to talk to the famous Adventurer and read a book in his house that tells about local myths, then go out of Silmaria and pick up the Beeswax from one of the Nearby Dragon Pillars and some Pegasus Feathers from the Pegasus nest (While your at the Nest, pick up some Hippocrene water from the stream in an Amphora. To get to the top of the Nest just either cast levitate or use the grapnel, to get down use the mystic magnet to warp back to the Inn. After you have those, go to Science island, to repair the lever use a spear once your forced the other one off, then when the gondola comes around get in and either throw rocks at the level or cast Force bolt. Talk to the Doctor in Science Island and look at the diagram of Anchovy Pizza, go back to the mainland and 1. Talk to Andre to get the Anchovies and 2. buy an Artichoke pizza from Marik. click on the pizza then click on the anchovies and drag them to the large picture to put the anchovies on the Pizza. Go back to Science Island and give the Pizza to the Doctor and he will let you use the Wing frame behind him. use the Beeswax and the Pegasus Feathers on the Frame and Go flying. While at Hydra be sure to pick up some of the Green goo on the Hydras screen, While fighting the hydra Elsa shows up, you Have to have her help as it was impossible to Defeat the hydra alone at the time of this writing (A bug causes the Game to crash when you do it) Afterwards take the Hydras teeth and scales, then go inside the hydra cave. grab all the treasures in there but be sure to disarm the trap on the chest first.

Rite 4- To Delos Island!

After taking the Teeth back to the Guard,you are talking to Rakreesh, he tells you to look out for the Assassin and after your done talking the Assassin shows up and poisons him, give him some Poison cure pills, bought before this happens and he shows up at the Endgame. be sure to Drop by Salims give him the hydra scales and some Pegasus Feathers. Then talk to various people and you find you need to make a Balloon, heres the tips to Balloon making!

Items needed: 1. Sewn Sheet, Get Gnome Ann to sew a sheet from your room for you 2. Green Goo from hydra Isle 3. Winged Gondola 4. Rope- Also gotten from Hydra Isle except in the Thieves case in which you get it from the guild 5. Brazier, show the Picture of a Balloon (Buy from Wolfie) to Marik to get a Brazier 6. Tinderbox- You start with one.

Once you have all the items, go up the elevator on Science Island and out to the Crane Platform, use the Panel(A green glow by the door) and input the settings 100, 50, Closed, in that order and the Crane will pick the Gondola up, then use all of the items I have mentioned to create your balloon, and Fly off to Delos island. at the Oracle take the Black lotus and throw a Drachma into the Pool to make Sybil Talk to you. at the Dryad grove pour Hippocrene water on the Dryads to make them sing, after you have done this to all of them you get a Dancing with Dryads scene which really is the best magic Scene in the whole QFG series (In my opinion) and if you are a Magic user you get a piece of Magic wood. take the magic wood to the Magic shop owner to get the summon staff spell. Also give the black lotus to Salim so he can make improved Poison cure pills

Rite 5-The Underworld

To get to Hades, make sure to have at least 2 amphora’s, a Gyro, Pepperoni and Jalapanio Pizza(Get Jalapanios from Salim) and a box of Chocolates. got to the left side of the island and to the large Skull marker. There should be a river with a Dead guard by it, go to the Far left(Where the river enters the mountain) and poor Hippocrene water into there, and Hades will open up. Give the food Items to Cerebus to make him let you in and enter the Underworld. Make sure to take the Right path, when your all the way to the right (At the edge) either cast levitate or climb down and walk into the door. Go all the way to the left and through the Dragon Skull, ignore the lower passage, that’s where you would have gotten if you went left. Now your in the Whirlpool room, two things to do here, Take the lower path and get the Lethe and Styx water (If you are a paladin you can dip the Kings ring into the Lethe water as an ingredient for the Ring of truth) to get the waters, click the amphora on various places in the river, near the beginning for Lethe and at the very end of the path for Styx. on the upper path you travel quite a way and get to the real entrance to Hades, the keeper of Hades talks to you and asks you Whether you will save Erana or Katrina. it’s your choice here, Erana gives you the First Aid spell and you can marry her, Katrina gives you the Dragon Fire spell and at the date of this printing a Bug prevents you from Marrying Katrina, this may be fixed in a patch like the Hydra bug above. After you have done all three things, leave the room and go back through the Dragon skull room and you should appear back near the entrance, at the door you would have gone through if you had gone left, go to the right a bit and leave Hades. Immediately after leaving Hades, go to the island Katrina of Erana is on and talk to them, you will get a spell depending on which one you rescued as mentioned above. Also give some Lethe water to Salim to help Rakreesh and the Wizards

rite 6- Atlantis

Make all the usual stops to talk to people, by now the Magic shop should be Drugged, and sometime around now you will find a box of drugged chocolates in your Inn, if you sleep in your Inn Elsa will come to you one night and share her suspicions about Minos. If you are a thief, make the thief sign to her, otherwise just talk and say goodbye, she will leave in a few seconds. The famous adventurer has a book on swimming and you will need to read it if you didn’t take any skill in it at the beginning. Go to Erana or Katrina, or if you didn’t save either go to the Famous Adventurer, and tell them about Atlantis, they will give you a water breathing charm. use your balloon to travel to Atlantis in the far lower left of the map. There either cast open or force the doors and two Tritons will pop out, DON’T KILL THEM I never killed any but I assume it will be Much harder to negotiate peace and you will lose honor. Swim as fast as you can to the big doors and straight on in to the throne room, talk until the Queen is convinced of your wanting peace and gives you the Peace Statue. Fly back to Silmaria and before you complete the Rite go to Science Island and take the test on the green panel in the main room, input the access code it gives you on the panel gort was standing by earlier and it will open the secret lab. Talk to the doctor with all of the topics and he will mention that he drugged the Wizards, now the Scientists will be caught and convicted at the end of the rite, you never need to back to Science isle again in the game after this.

Rite 7- Kill the Assassin

now your almost at the end, sleep in your room one night and Elsa will talk to you and tell you she is going to Minos’s island, This is the time when you give whatever Bride you want heras Ring, also this is your last chance to finish any side quests you want to. when you are ready to go on , across the bridge near the Adventurers guild from the side of the Guild near midnight, the Assassin will appear and try to kill you, be sure to have a new poison cure handy when he comes, it’s fairly easy to kill him, after he’s dead Toro will come out of the guild and help you, in the hall of kings say anything you want, everything gives the same effect, Go to your room and sleep and you will be summoned to the Hall of kings again. Minos will threaten you and teleport away. You are boated away to his Island after him. the best way to siege the fort is the blunt way, If you took enough health potions Killing all the goons is really easy. I find best with Magic user is to cast the hide spell and/or shrink everyone there. Cast open on the doors or climb over them, the Fighter might be able to force them though not without massive strength. In the room with two centaur mages, make sure that only one is combat active at a time, only the Fighter should even have any trouble handling them, Paladin can use Magic Shield ability and the Wizard can cast Reversal and either Lightning Ball powered by the Magic Staff (Shoots an actual Bolt of unblockable lightning instead of a ball) or the Dragon Fire spell. the door at the far left on the upper level is the only one you need to go through, it takes you to Minos’s chamber, inside you see Minos standing on a balcony, a Minotaur, and Elsa trapped in an Alcove. take the interesting toolkit from Minos’s Desk and give it to elsa, the Minotaur is a tough fight and if you don’t mind losing Honor (I.E. your a thief) you can use the poison dagger on it. once all the enemy are dead Minos makes a speech and jumps from the balcony, sometimes the game freezes at this point because of a bug when it’s trying to load a movie, I never had that problem so I don’t know how to fix it, but I’ll add that info in a later version of this walkthrough. you really don’t need any of the items in the room, except for the potions in the Alcove that Elsa points to, disarm the trap on it and open the Alcove to get them, after you’ve taken the potions either Katrina or Erana appears and takes you to the Dragon blood pool where the Dragon is rising.

Endgame- The Dragon

Save Here Immediately because even when you know what your doing, something can go wrong and you die. When the scene opens up tell Toro and Gort to help you lift the Pillar, Give Toro the Minotaur Ax and a couple health potions, to get maximum points give gort a health potion, cast Resistance and use a fire-proofing potion. lift the Pillar up and equip the Dragon-slayer sword (You did buy the dragon-slayer sword, didn’t you?) and proceed to hack at the dragon, using a health potion every time you get low and giving a couple to Toro and Gort to keep them alive through the Fight. The only spell that affects the dragon is Frost bite but hacking at the Dragon is much more effective. after a while it will fly into the air and you will engage it in the open. keep attacking it every time it lands and eventually, it will die, flying into the Volcano and causing it to Erupt, Which should destroy a good portion of the Island but mysteriously doesn’t.

Congratulations Hero of Spielburg, Prince of Shapier, hero of Tarna and Mordavia and new KING of Silmaria!

Please note that following this guide will not give you all the points, this is simply a guide to get you through the game as Quickly as possible to get TOTAL points see below. Also this is meant for Wizard, fighter, or Paladin, the thief game is considerably different and I will add more info on it in the next version

Section 2- subquests The bank Robbery

take the Interesting toolkit from the bank to Erasmus before he is drugged and he will cast a spell which shows you a hand, I have no Idea how to go from here because I never actually solved the Robbery

Gnome Anns Inn

show the picture to Gnome Ann and she says he would like whoever painted it to paint her Inn, tell her about Wolfie and tell Wolfie about Ann, the day after he paints the Inn go in through the door (not using the Magnets) and say yes when she asks for a favor, you get to dance for her (and get points and a completed deed in the endgame) to get the Deed to her Inn, give frearrai the peace statue you got from Atlantis (After you complete the rite) , he thinks it’s valuable for some reason, that’s about all to do in the Inn


Elsa and Nawar are pretty easy to Woe, just give they Flower, chocolates, jewelry, Etc. and tell them you love them and pick the option to kiss them at every oppertinunity. a bug prevents you from Marring Katrina and to marry Erana you need to do the following

1. Give her the magic seeds(you get them from Julanar after Erasmus is drugged) Chocolates, and Flowers

2. save Gnome anns inn, the other subquests help too but this one helps most

3. Visit her the three times I mentioned in the Walkthrough, and pick the options to kiss her and tell her you love her every time

4. have an honor above 450

you should give Erana Heras ring at the same meeting that it gives you the opertinuinty to tell her you love her. If you’ve got all the above requirements filled she should say yes.

Finding the Salamander

This isn’t actually a subquest but the Salamander is REALLY hard to find, to find it have a high swimming and go to one of the offshore islands, when you get to a screen you can jump into the water from, take a swim and if you are Really lucky you might see one.

The Ring of truth

to make the Ring of truth as a Paladin, Use it on yourself while your wounded, dip it in the Dragon Blood pool before Day 15 (It freezes if you go there after day 15) and dip it in the River Lethe, it should become the ring of Truth. Fighting in the Arena

not really a subquest, but you can sign up to fight in the Arena on the board in the upper level of the Dead parrot to the far right, after 4-5 weeks you can sign up to be champion, though thers not really any point to it by then.

Thats it for subquests, I know I’m missing some but except for the Thief Quests the ones not in here are in the Walkthrough

Section 3- Cheats and Hidden gags

Duplication cheat, Drop any item and press the I key to access you inventory before it hits the ground, drop it again and again until the item hits the ground, you can usually dupe things at least 5 times if you are fast.

honor cheats Give flowers to Gnome ann or Tell Wolfie repeatedly about balloon to Gain 1 honor each time, the first time you look at the Arena sign up board, you see a ghost floating toward the wall, click on it and if fires a ray of light at you that raises you honor by ten

I heard somewhere that you can get two balloons by beating the game, then beginning it again (without leaving the program) and your original balloon is still there, I’ve never done this, just heard about it.

on a plaque in the Adventurers guild, there is the names of former Webmasters of the Sierra forums including our own Weblady Kimmus (if you have no Idea who that is go to either www.sierra.com and navigate to the forums or www.qg5.com and click on the forum button)

the door to the upper level of the Adventurers guild cannot be opened.

you can kill the assassin the second time you see him (before your final confrontation he appears in the while you are crossing the bridge which is the location of the final encounter but warps away before you can fight him.) you can use boom spells (about 8) to kill him early, the game continues along the same lines as if you had just killed him with Minos trial, Etc.

does anyone know what the sapphire pin is used for in the game?

and thats it for, to my knowledge the First Walkthrough for Quest for Glory 5 Dragon Fire! Written by Mike Brinker, A.K.A. FireClaw send comments to mike112233@yahoo.com I spent about 6 ½ hours on this so you’d better be happy!