Hey, welcome to my homepage. My name is Laici. I am 22 and live in the GREAT USA and i am married to a wonderful man named Joseph. Joe and I have a beautiful LIL'PRINCESS named Hailea. She is our Pride and Joy.Who knew being a Mommy and Daddy would be so much fun! Hailea is almost a year now. She's growing so FAST!!!! Joe and I have been trying for another baby for the last 9 months, and we hope soon that we'll get the wonderful news that another baby is on its way!
Though I walk in the mist of trouble,You
will revive me;
You will strech out Your right hand
Against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.
Psalm 138:7
If you would like to learn more about me click on the links to the left
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