Hello. My name is Amy, though you probably already knew that*. But anyway, hello. My name is Amy, though you probably already knew that...did I already do that? I'm getting an overwealming sense of deja vu. Hmm, well I guess I'll just get right to the:

Welcome to my (slightly twisted) mind.

As you probably deduced** from reading my index.html page, I will be doing such amazing and extraordinary things as: Pondering the great mystery of Inspector Gadget, discovering a new word, listening to the little voices in my head, conducting a scientific experiment involving llamas, paying homage to the Ever Sacred Dryer Lint, and other important things. So click on the links below to actually view these amazing and extraordinary things.
*If you didn't, please go jump off a bridge now.
**Deduced means figured out.

Hey! Her name's Amy too! Though I am not a humanoid squirrel (in fact, here's a pic of what my 'Amy' persona looks like most of the time).

A day in the life of me.

What I Think About Geocities and Yahoo!

A Really Peachy Keen Neato (why am I talking like a dork?) But Anyways, It's An Awesome Test-type Thing!

Pondering Inspector Gadget.

Discovering the word: 'helluva'.

Listening to the little voices in my head.

Conducting a Scientific Experiment involving llamas.

"I like monkeys." Just read it.

Talk to my computer buddy, Larry.

Paying homage to the Ever Sacred Dryer Lint.

The TRUTH about the Purple Thing (I'll admit it, I think B'harni is evil. You probably will too after reading this.)

My explanation of why I am so quiet IRL*.

My attempt at poetry.

A lovely little bit of wisdom...

I talk about something serious**.

*Stands for In Real Life.
**This happens only once about every century. Be glad that you were alive to witness it.

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| Index | A Test | Inspector Gadget | The Little Voices | Llamas | I Like Monkeys | Talk To Larry | Ever Sacred Dryer Lint | Quiet Me | My Poem | A Bit Of Wisdom | ME! | The Truth About Barney |