The reason I am so quiet (IRL*) is that I live with two people who like to talk a lot. Not only that, they also don't like being interrupted. These two people are: my mom and my little sister. Though it is perfectly acceptable, and even expected, for them to interrupt me, I risk Wrath of God if I dare interrupt their much more important dronings. Take this example, please: If my Mom was in the middle of explaining how World Peace could be achieved if I would only clean the damn cat-litter and I were to suddenly spontaniously combust into flames, it would be unacceptable for me to mention that fact until she had finished her lecture. If I, in a moment of complete and utter stupidity, were to interrupt her by saying something along the lines of: "Oh crap! I've suddenly spontaniously combusted into flames!" or just an unintelligable, animalistic scream, I would be in trouble. Most likely, I would be severely repremanded and sent to my room to "think about what I'd done." True, I would have died and excrusiatingly painful death, but I would have learned the error of my ways. In the mean time, could you hand me a fire extenguisher while I clean the damn cat-litter?
*Stands for In Real Life.

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