Castle Lego

The Island Tower.
The first time I built this model I called it Judgement Tower, the keep was one level higher, and the third floor was a courtroom. The courtroom floor was a trap door, so all those sentenced to death would be dropped right there and then. This version is just a plain old tower.

Just a plain old side view.

This picture shows the rear of the tower, unfortunately enemies could easily scale the back wall, this picture was also supposed to show the crane used for transporting goods to the top floor, but it was to blurry for that.

This image was the same as the one above, except with the crane retracted. unfortunately my finger got in the way.

And finally an inside view of the keep, showing the lord of the land, his treasure, and his bed.

Here is the lords Frigate, It is the headship of his navy (It's the only ship in his navy so far)

Here is a view of the same ship with unnecessary details removed so you can see how it was constructed more clearly, to bad the photo was so blurry.

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