Cliodhna thought the truck was awful, but Cercey thought it was a great idea! Afterall, their school colors were orange and black! So Cliodhna reluctantly agreed, and they rode around in their orange truck.
After a while, they began to notice that they were making quite a scene. It's not often one sees two girls driving around in a truck - much less an orange one. They would find themselves stopped at stop signs, and accross from them would be a little dinky car packed full with boys. As often as not, those boys were usually staring with their mouths wide open! Cliodhna and Cercey decided this could be fun!
Eventually, the two girls discovered that while riding around in an orange truck, it was essential to listen to the Oak Ridge Boys as loud as possible. Later came others, such as Bob Dylon and Cotten Eye Joe. Also an occasional song in German. (They were both taking German at the time.) Nevertheless, the Oak Ridge Boys were by far the favorite for riding in the truck. And so the truck was dubbed the Oak Truck.
During that winter, the two girls recieved even more stared as they rode around in their orange Oak Truck (with the windows now sadly shut) with the Oak Ridge Boys singing merrily away while wearing their orange letter jackets. They had lots of fun that winter.
Then came the time of sadness. The tape player in the Oak Truck was slowly dying. It got so bad that eventually they were only able to hear one song at the most before it died.
This year, the Oak Truck is in the hands of Cliodhna's insane permit - holding brother. And as of 1998, the fate of the truck is unknown.