England, Scotland, and Ireland
This is a caslte in Howth (say Hooth) which is just south of Dublin. We took a mini day tour and so we got to go into the castle and look around. It is very orange inside. As in, the walls are VERY orange. But it was fun.
This castle was litterally right outside of our Hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was cool to have it there, but we didn't go in because it was kind of expensive. Oh well.
This guy is not real. Sorry. He was showing off clothes in the Tartan weaving mill we went to.
I think "yaks in a pub" about sums this one up...
Yes, we bought yaks in Scotland and proceeded to spread Foot and Mouth everywhere we went...
Did I mention we were in Ireland for (almost) St. Patrick's day?
I like the hat.
This is Jessica in our first hostel in London.
This is Scott in the same room.
For those of you who were following the quest, yes, I did eventually find Danger Mouse's Post Box. Remeber Danger Mouse? I love DM. I may have to create a web page devoted just to him...
A bridge. Not the London Bridge. It was near the Tower of London.
This is the famous Tower of London. Or part of it, anyway. :)
Big Ben
A close-up of big Ben. I love my new camera!!
This is Shakespears' Globe Theater. (Rebuilt, of course.) It is the only wooden structure in London because they were outlawed after the Great Fire. they had to get all kinds of special permits and stick sprinklers everwhere and who knows what else!
This is me (and a bunch of other people) inside the Globe theatre. And no, that's not real marble, but oak wood painted to look like marble. They think that's what the original would have looked like.
This is St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. On a cloudy day. Like almost evryother day we were there. Sigh.
A mandolin hanging in the Globe theatre museum.
Scott and Loppy bonded right away...
A cool looking house by the Edinburgh castle.
Jessica and Mr. Socko. Sometimes its better not to ask.
That's all! I hope you liked your little tour!