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My head is crazy. It thinks that it can just take over and control me any old time it likes!! How rude of it, don't you think? Sometimes I have to tell it to go away and stop bothering me. Sometimes it listens, sometimes it doesn't.
Here's some drivel it wrote to Quizling this afternoon:
Once upon a time there was alittle story book. Most
people think that being a story book wuld be the most fun in the world!
Agfeter all, you couold show stories to all your friends and everyone
cpould read your words and it would all be wonderful. But this little
storybook was not very happy at all. He was sad becasue many many people
read his words and saw his pictures, but he neer had- and never could.
Tehre was no way for him to l;ook at himself. So one day his friend
little box said Storybook could use the mirror in side of himself. At
this kind gesture, Storybook was absolutely exstatic! He would finally
learn what he was all about! Well, he went right up to liottle box and
looked at himself in the mirror.... and found he caouldn't read any of it!
Everything was backwards, and storybook wasn't good enough at reading to
read it backwards. He did see a few of the pictures, but they just
weren't any fun without words. So Storybook went off all unhappy again,
and mopped in the corner and tried very hard not to cry when the little girl came up and read his story. "She knows what I'm all about " he
grumbled to himself. Now little box was sad, too. How could he make his
friend Storybook happy? He just didn't know.
Then one day, Storybbok was given a new home. Here was a little
boy, but the noy was too little to read him. And so once again storybook
was sad. He moped around all day, trying very hard not to cry and smear
his ink. That night when the little boy was put to bed, he asked his
mother to read a story to him.. At this, Storybooks ears perked up. The
Mother came over and picked him up, brought him over to the little boy,
and started reading. "The Little Red Caboose," the Mother began out loud.
Storybook was overjoyed. He had a name! As the mother continued, he
became so involved in the story that he couldn't stop thinking about it.
When she was done, he was a very happy storybook indeed. When little box
heard about this, he too was overjoyed, and arranged to live in
Storybook's house as well. And they all lived happily ever after. The End