JS's Mindless Mush
June 24, 1998:
I finally got to reading PARADOX 2099UG issue 1-2, by GenoSeay creator and writer, and I must admit it was a great read. I enjoyed it greatly, and I think you, whoever this is, should go get a copy from the Ghostworks. I have not yet read Robin Sizemore's, the new writer, issues on Paradox, which consist of issue 3-4. I wish he would hurry up and finish issue 5 of Paradox, just so we know he is alive out there.
June 1998:
Big events are surfacing at the 2099UG, all of this Second Wave stuff should be good. I have learned that one along waited series will be out, but I promise I woouldn't say. So you gotta wait for June 1st! And soon LIFE 2099UG issue 0, the last landmark issue will be out for Vol. 1. No telling when Vol. 2 will be out though. That is all for my ramblings, cya!
May 1998:
Well my finals have started, which mark the end of school. So no updates for awhile, cool?
April 25, 1998:
Sitting here in an office is kinda boring, so it gave me time to update and think. Think about what? How I would change Batman! Gotham City is not scary, it is boring. I would have it darker, more devil worshipping stuff. Make in interesting. On the note of music: Filter, writer of TOTCR, got me to go buy the "Filter" (a band) CD. It is a good CD I must say. Books: I am reading "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy, a very good read. Comics: Nothing good is coming out, except T-Met.
Feb 21, 1998:
Ok, welcome to the Abomination 2099UG homepage, formly known as the LIfe 2099UG homepage. I am helping Filter get his webpage going. Well that is all for now...bye!
Jan 19, 1998:
Hi all, I am happy to say that LIFE maybe start a new volume! Yes a volume 2! To tell the truth I wasn't happy with the first volume so here comes the 2nd one! But first Jason Smith has to say OK to it! Hopefully he will, and I can restart the book like I am doing with my DCF title Green Arrow! (Sorry, shameful plug). Issue 5 will be the last issue of volume 1, which is wrtten by Doomscribe! Yahoo! So volume 1 goes out with a bang! ! ! The new volume, if aprroved, will start in April 1998! So I better hurry and get this done! Um....that is all for this mindless mush! Until later!!
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