The Arcadia Mountains is the part of my realm that deals with the topic of writing. In this region you'll discover a link to my writing web page.I'm not a full-time writer. I work as an instructional assistant in Special Education at a local high school. The students are a great inspiration to me. I have a B.A. in Zoology. I've written several stories and I'm working on some novels. I write fantasy and might try science fiction some day. I did sell two stories earlier this year, but the magazine went bankrupt before they were published.
My favorite quote about good writing is:
"Writing is as easy as strolling down an alley: just put one word in front of the other and see what happens. Good writing is as easy as running headlong through that same alley at midnight-toppling garbage cans and stepping on the tail of a screeching cat, stumbling on a bum and broken wine bottle, fighting your way through a gang of cutthroats-and living to tell about it from a hospital bed. Excellent writing is as easy as explaining to your spouse why you were in that alley at midnight in the first place.
by T.M. King
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