Freedomstar's Realm


Last updated on 8/1/08

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Please come take my class Fantasy Fiction Appreciation.

		". . .Now I will believe
			That there are unicorns, that in Arabia
			There is one tree, the phoenix' throne,
			one phoenix
			At this hour reigning there."
				from The Tempest
						by William Shakespeare
My name is Debbie Ledesma. I've been a fantasy and science fiction fan since high school. I mostly read in the genres, but do enjoy movies and other topics related to my interests. In 1987, I embarked on a writing career. To get an understanding of some of my philosophies check out my favorite quotes.

My intentions on this web page are to explore fantasy, science fiction and related things of interest to me in these areas. Enjoy exploring my web page. I hope you will find something of interest to you.

Avalon Forest

In this region will be found things related to the genre of fantasy books.

Arcadia Mountains

Here you'll find the gateway to my writing web page.


Find information, essays and reviews on science fiction books.

Mythladris River

Discover information and links on mythology here.

Draconis Canyon

Here there are dragons! Travel here for things draconic.

Media Desert

Journey to the vast desert of television and movies of science fiction and fantasy.

Yahoo Wheel of Time Club

This is the page for members of the Yahoo Wheel of Time Club.

The opinions expressed in this page are personal and are not intended to reflect anyone else's opinion. Please feel free to E-mail me with any questions or opinions of your own, but be polite. I don't appreciate or tolerate rudeness. Such responses will be ignored.

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My name is Debbie Ledesma
Debbie Ledesma

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the Fantasy Ring

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