Telcontar's Rockin' Midi Page

A ghost from the Phantom Train.

A page that has, you guessed it, midis on it

This page shall contain, as the title hints at, midis. For those of you who do not know, a midi is a sound file that was generated on a computer. The quality may not be the greatest, but they are very small in size.

I am proud to say that I have any Square midi you could ask for. Well,, if you haven any requests, just ask me, and I'll put the midi up here. I have created none of these midis, and most of the Square ones were made from the great Nobou's compositions. Nobuo Uematso Is Square's music composer, and, in my opinion, he should be hailed as a master composer, along with John Williams. These are a mere sampling of the great wealth I have. Enjoy.

Final Fantasy III

FF3 Devil's Lab Remix (pretty kewl IMHO)

FF3 The Decisive Battle (it's the boss battle theme)

FF3 Magic House (Owzer's place)

FF3 Celes's Theme (a beautiful tune...very sad and emotional)

FF3 Cyan (that would be Cyan's theme)

FF3 Opera Intro (the part that comes before the singing)

FF3 Slam Shuffle (Zozo's music)

FF3 Last Dungeon (the dramatic but somewhat repetative melody of Kefka's Tower)

FF3 Kids Running Through the City Corner (the pleasant and very well done town theme)

FF3 Locke (the courageous theme of the, treasure hunter)

FF3 Mog (the theme song of that happenin' moogle)

FF3 Narshe (unusual but worth listening to)

FF3 Phantom Forest (the eerie song of the ghostly forest...I need a better midi of this...)

FF3 Phantom Train (a darkly humorous melody that accompanies the train in the Phantom Forest)

FF3 Relm (the cute, innocent music of the young child, Relm)

FF3 Returners (the secretive but importent sounding theme of the underground group of rebels)

FF3 Catastrophe? (I'm not positive about the title of this's played when something action packed is going on)

FF3 Shadow (the enigmatic western tune of everyone's favorite ninja)

Final Fantasy VII

FF7 Valley of the Fallen Star (Cosmo Canyon)

FF7 Ahead on our Way (The pleasant theme of peaceful towns)

FF7 Ancient Temple (the mysterious music of the Ancient Temple)

FF7 Avalanche Base (a cheery, light-hearted tune)

FF7 Battle Theme (the "action-packed" music played for an ordinary battle)

FF7 Celebration Song (the party music of Rufus's celebration)

FF7 Aeris's Theme (a sad, nostalgic theme, fitting the character herself *sniff*)

FF7 Betting Chocobos (the merry, synthesized melody played before choco races)

FF7 Birth of the God (the battle music played while fighting Bizzaro Sephiroth)

FF7 Bombing Mission (the dramatic action music played in the beginning when bombing the Mako reactors)

FF7 Cait Sith's Theme (the cool, jazzy theme of the cool cat)

Chrono Trigger

CT Time Circuits (the music of Enhasa)

CT Magus (that master of darkness himself)

CT Schala (I like this's...mysterious)

CT Undersea Palace

CT The Sewer Music (In the sewers of the future with those rat guys and everything)

CT Frog's Theme (a very noble and courageous tune, fitting the amphibian well)

Wild ARMs

WA Zed's Theme (very kewl, I think)

The Devil's Lab Remix, from FF3.

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