Whooohooo! My first FanFic! ::bounces:: This is a GW/FY crossover...and I have NO idea where it's going! ::snickers:: Well, I mean, I know what is 'going' on, but I don't know what will happen! ANYWAYS! I'll gladly take suggestions...including one for a title...Just E-mail Me with your suggestions....no Flames please.
Now on with the show!
~*~*~Part One~*~*~
She knew she shouldn’t be here, they needed to get back so that they weren’t late for work. However, the old temple fascinated her. It was just amazing to her that it had survived the war. He had been in the war and hadn’t wanted to stop, he wanted to get back so they had time to get ready before the opening. But she had insisted, so they had stopped.
She walked through the gate and into the shrine. The dust was thick, evidence of negligence. The young man followed her in reluctantly, “We really should be going back…” His voice trailed off.
“Don’t worry! We have plenty of time!” She winked at him and walked further into the temple. “I just want to look, there’s no harm in that.” She giggled as she walked up to alter.
He walked up behind her, laying a hand on her shoulder, “We really should go……” At that same moment, she had reached out to the alter and touched a very dusty statuette of a bird.
Suddenly a brilliant red light surrounded them, pushing them away from the alter. She felt his arms wrap protectively around her before her body went numb, the world slipping away from her.
When she woke, she heard the soft whispers of voices around her. She tried to move, but her whole body ached. She could feel that she wasn’t on the cold, hard floor of the temple, instead there was a softness underneath her which was a bed. “I must have passed out.” She thought to herself, and he must have brought be back. Smiling tiredly she let herself drift back to a dreamless sleep.
When the light had flashed, his war-trained mind immediately though bomb. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around the slightly older woman and pulled her to his chest protectively. He had felt her faint in his arms, but had no time to worry about that. Mere seconds after the red light had flashed, he knew it wasn’t a bomb due to the lack of a shock wave and the burning heat that normally accompanied one.
Suddenly his back hit the ground, a cloud of dust coming up and around the two bodies. He sat up slowly, still holding her in his arms. A cough racked his body and the dust stung his eyes, but he ignored the pain and checked to make sure she was all right.
Whispers started to surround him as well as the sound of people milling about. “What? This place was deserted only moments ago!!!” He slowly lifted his eyes and the realization sank in that they were no longer in the temple that they were in moments ago.
They appeared to be in the middle of a dirt street, which wasn’t too out of the ordinary for him. “Were we blown that far away from the temple?” his mind thought for a moment, until he noticed the garb of the people milling about. That wasn’t the normal clothing style that he was familiar with. The people were keeping a fair distance from them, which was perfectly fine with him. The further away they stayed from her, the safer she was.
But that little bit of security wasn’t to remain. Moments later the crowd parted to let men in a red colored uniform past. “Armor? Soldiers haven’t worn armor like that in…” his face paled “…in centuries…”
There had been a brilliant flash of red light out in the city. The Emperor had been looking out a balcony and had seen it. He turned and was about to call for his aids, when they came running up to him. Obviously they had seen the flash of light as well.
“My lord……” one of them spoke up.
He cut them off with one glance, “Send out some soldiers to check it out….and send Nuriko with them….”
They nodded and scurried off to do as he said. Nuriko had been in the shadows when Hotohori had given the order. He stepped out and walked up behind him, “Hotohori-sama…” His husky alto voice trailed off.
Hotohori turned and smiled at Nuriko, “Ah…Nuriko, I surmise you saw?” Nuriko just nodded in response. Hotohori nodded, “Good, I know whatever this is, you can handle it.”
Nuriko’s eyes lit up with the praise the Emperor had just given him. “Hai, Hotohori-sama!” He turned to go get ready.
“Ano……” Nuriko paused upon hearing Hotohori’s voice and turned to look at him. The other Suzaku warrior smiled, “Be careful, Nuriko….”
Nuriko smiled, “I will…don’t worry…” With that he turned and trotted off to find the soldiers he was to accompany and protect.
Hotohori watched Nuriko go then sighed. What a perfect time for this to be happening. Miaka had just left to return to her own world only days ago. He knew Nuriko was probably thinking the same thing he was, “Maybe she’s already returned...” His voice trailed off in a whisper. He could only hope.
Nuriko followed the soldiers out of the palace. It wasn’t hard to locate where the flash of red light had occurred. The giant crowd of people milling around easily gave the location away. He let the soldiers part the way and lingered behind to catch a glimpse, almost afraid to look, the hope mixed with the fear of whether or not Miaka had returned to them already. He was startled to see not one, but two forms huddled on the ground, one protectively holding the other. The boy was staring at the soldiers with a look of disbelief on his face, the girl in his arms however…“Brown hair…” Nuriko’s hopes went up a notch, “Could it be? Has she returned to us?”
Nuriko pushed the guards out of his way, and walked up to the two huddled forms. The young man holding the girl seemed to be slightly younger than him, but his eyes told Nuriko something different. There was pain in those eyes, pain that shouldn’t be borne by someone so young. The pain of loss, of death, of killing and being killed. Nuriko’s heart instantly went out to the younger boy.
The boy stood up, holding the girl in his arms. Unfortunately for Nuriko, he held her such a way as he couldn’t see her face. But now he could notice her clothes, which were very unlike Miaka’s, or at least what he had been used to seeing Miaka in. He boy glared at the soldiers and Nuriko, then suddenly, they were…gone…”GONE?”
Nuriko blinked and looked up as the boy gracefully landed on the roof of one of the nearby buildings, still cradling the girl in his arms. “Sugoi…” Nuriko whispered.
He looked down at the crowd below him, other than Noin, he hadn’t seen anyone with purple hair…and never that shade of purple. When that person had walked out from behind the soldiers, his old instincts kicked in. He had to make sure she was safe, and the roof was a fairly good place to do that from.
However, shock soon set in, when the purple haired… person? He wasn’t sure if it was a man or a woman yet. But he was completely shocked with that person nimbly jumped and landed on the rooftop next to him.
He backed away slowly, keeping her away from that person, someone who could possibly hurt the only family member he had left. “Who are you and where am I?” He glared at the purple haired person, his own brown hair covering one of his eyes.
The purple haired person smiled, and in his alto husky voice, responded, “I am Nuriko” He bowed and the straightened, “One of the Suzaku Seven, and you are in the capital city of Konan.” Nuriko eyed the younger yet taller boy, “If I may ask, who are you and who is your friend there?”
He looked down at his sleeping sister as he debated whether or not to give out the requested information. Finally deciding it wouldn’t make matters much worse he looked back at Nuriko, “My name is Trowa, and this is my sister Catherine.”
“It’s not Miaka!” Nuriko’s heart cried, he had hoped so much that it was her. Instead of letting his disappointment show though, he just nodded and then asked, “Is she ok?”
Trowa looked back down at her, worry evident in his voice, “I…I’m not sure……”
Nuriko nodded and walked up slowly, making his posture as un-offensive as possible. “How about you come with me back to the palace and we’ll have a doctor look at her?”
Trowa took a step back from the on coming person. His razor sharp mind raced through all the possibilities of the situation. Finally he nodded his consent.
Nuriko smiled and clapped his hands together, “Oh good! It’s always nice to have guests! The palace can get sooo boring sometimes!” He hopped back down to the ground; sending the crowd scattering, “Go home everyone! There’s nothing to see here!” He shooed away the crowed.
Trowa looked down and eyed the situation before jumping and landing lightly on the ground next to the indigo haired woman? He wasn’t sure yet, but that’s kind of the way this person acted.
Nuriko turned to the soldiers, “You can go back now...” One of the soldiers was about to protest when Nuriko raised a delicate hand, pointing back to the palace, “We’ll be right behind you, now go!” The soldiers nodded and headed back reluctantly. Nuriko turned to face Trowa, “Let's get her to the palace and make sure she’s ok…” He then turned and headed towards the palace.
Trowa waited for a moment before following Nuriko, “Oh Catherine, I hope I’m doing the right thing. I hope this isn’t going to get us into more danger.” Catherine moaned lightly in his arms and nuzzled closer to him for warmth. He looked down at her, worry creasing his brow, and increasing his pace to catch up to Nuriko.
~*~*~End Part One~*~*~
Part One
Part Two
Part Three