Digger Quest Part 3 - Lurkers and Minecrawlers and Gate Guards Oh My
Bad Lurker! No dam-chewing allowed!
There was distressingly little to do in Old Mine this time around.  Fool a few guards, get a few chests, trade in the dozens of pickaxes, handaxes, and clubs I'd gotten from my little rampage through Old and Swamp camps for some ore.  And get the list, of course.  I figured I'd also take this time to play with a few stray minecrawlers and see if all this pickaxe swinging and doing pushups with Diego standing on my back calling me a wimp was paying off.  It has, really.  Orechipper never looked finer than when holding off three minecrawlers and killing them with ease.  I tried to take a screenie, but well... Gothic decided to be tempermental about that and crashed my system.

After the rush of taking out Minecrawlers -- Mordrag, the gate guards, and the rogues at the entrance to new camp we're a bit of a downer.  I couldn't bring myself to whack the peasants in the field... they have enough problems without some psycho with a pickaxe blitzing through.  Maybe later.

Homer was happy when I took out the Lurker for him.  In fact, he was so happy that he got stuck in the dam wall, vibrated rapidly several times, popped out on the far side and plunged to his death amid the peasants below.  Now that's elation.

I almost decided to join the new camp.   Almost.  But I think I'll join Old Camp for now.  After all, I feel kind of bad that they're short on Diggers for the mine...
Part 4