Robotech Chronology

from _Macross Perfect Memory_, pg. 54 - 55
Copyright 1983 by Minori Library, Big West and MBS
Published Aug. 10, 1984 by Minori Library
Original Translation 1990 by Michael House

Book 1: ROLL CALL, Glossary.
Archived for anonymous ftp at ftp.std.com
Copyright 1993 Peter Walker


Dates are in the following format:
Earth actual [(REF relative)]

Dates are certain, in general, to the lowest significant digit. For example:
12000 BCE is known to within 500 years.
May, 2010 is known to 15 days.

The religiously neutral 'C.E.' and 'B.C.E' have been used in the Terran
calendars, following the practice in current historical and archaeological
circles. The dates correspond exactly to the conventional 'A.D.' and
'B.C' systems, respectively.


(Entries with a * refer to events only in _Objective: Reflex Point_ and
_The Will of Heaven_ by Peter Walker and Anand Rao)
(Entries with a % refer to events only in _Children of the Light, Children
of the Shadow_, _Children of Zor, Children of Haydon_ and _Children of
Lies, Children of Deceit_ by Aubry Thonon)
(Entries with a @ refer to events only in a postulated incorporation of
_Macross II_ into the Robotech Universe)


15,000,000,000 B.C.E: The Big Bang (Birth of the universe), as estimated
Hubble constant, Globular Cluster ages, and white dwarf
cooling rates.

15000 B.C.E.: Beginning of Pretoxican Culture (0 P.C.).

2400 P.C.: First Pretoxican Settlement of Space begins, using
sublight vessels.

2700 P.C.: Second Pretoxican Settlement of Space begins, using
Sleeper navigation.

2800 P.C.: Pretoxican Republic established.

2900 P.C.: A Pretoxican Renegade's exploration vessel stops
temporarily on several planets in the Fourth Quadrant,
interfering with the biosphere of each.

12000 B.C.E.(3000 P.C.):Pretoxican Republic Collapses.

2596 B.C.E.: Tirol unites into the Tirolian Republic.

2482 B.C.E.: Tirolian civilisation develops sublight ships.

2475 B.C.E.: Zor discovers Optera and Flower of Life. Derives
Protoculture from it. First Zentraedi created to
mine monopole ore from Fantoma. (0 Protoculture Era)

7 P.E.: Fold drives perfected.

22 P.E.: Robotech Elders overthrow the Tirolian Republic and
install the Triumvirate system of Government.
Zentraedi turned into soldiers. Longevity process

1298 P.E.: Zor ordered to defoliate Optera.
Robotech Empire starts to expand its influence.

4175 P.E.: A fraction of the Zentradi forces rebel, contaminated
by Spherian influence. Elders' empire is broken.
Loyal Zentraedi break the rebels and are modified to
remember the danger of contact with micronian races.
@Remaining Rebel fleet limps away into the darkness.

4383 P.E.: Robotech Masters take reins of power from Elders.
Protoculture supplies are dangerously low.

4405 P.E.: Zor starts to seed other worlds with Flower of Life.

4407 P.E.: Invid Regis becomes aware of Flowers of Life on
Peryton. Appropriates fruits from the Perytonian
Flower of Life and offers them to the Regent.
Regent devolves and starts military campaign against
the Tirolian Robotech Empire.

4409 P.E.: @Rebel Zentraedi fleet captures an automated Robotech
@factory and starts production of mecha. Pilots still
@a rare resource.

4411 P.E.: Zor killed on seeding mission over Karbarra. Zor's
Fortress, set on auto-pilot, is sent to Earth. Zor's
defection activates a Nous-gran'diel (Tirolian
genetically enhanced assassin) with orders to kill Zor.
Invid closing on core systems.

4412 P.E. (Sep, 1937) Robotech Masters authorise Dolza to use 'any means
necessary' to recapture Zor's Fortress.


Aug, 1945: Nuclear weapons used in actual combat.

Apr, 1951 (4426 P.E.): @Rebel Zentraedi fleet invades an outer-edge colony
@and forces them to join the ranks. Zentraedi forces
@retaliate but are thrown in complete disarray when
@they intercept shortwave transmition from the planet's
@surface in the form of songs. Rebel fleet overpowers
@Zentraedi fleet and absorbs it.

Dec, 1952 (4429 P.E.): @Rebel fleet has decided to emulate the planets
@system (recreational radio program) and creates a new
@class on warriors: the Emulators. Trial and error
@shows that Female Emulators are more effective.

Jul, 1969: Neil Armstrong, in Apollo 11, is first man to walk on

Apr, 1981: Maiden flight of Space Shuttle (Columbia).

Mar 28, 1989: *Thomas Austin is born to Max and Melinda Austin.

Feb 27, 1995: Space Station Liberty appears in satellite orbit.
World War III. No nuclear weapons are used, but several
chemical and biological weapons are tested. WWIII
continues until July 1999.

Dec, 1996: First introduction of power armor in the US, CIS
and Japanese forces.

Jan, 1998: Experimental nuclear fusion reactor overcomes critical
temperature point.

Jul, 1999: A colossal meteorite impacts with Earth, coming to rest
on South Atalia Island. Investigation reveals that it
is an alien spacecraft. It is codenamed ASS-1
(Alien StarShip-1). Public announcements are that an
asteroid 3 km in diameter, composed of great quantities
of metal, impacted with the earth. As a result of the
damage which the combined shock of the existence of
aliens and the crash-landing of ASS-1 has done to
the US, CIS, and the major European nations, the
matter is treated as top secret until the chaos and
confusion are brought under control. What begins as an
emergency meeting between the heads of the US and
CIS becomes an assembly of all nations.

Aug, 1999: UN Investigating Teams organized. Precise, accurate,
minute investigation of ASS-1 begins. South Atalia
Island designated UN sphere of jurisdiction.

Dec, 1999: According to first report of the study of ASS-1, it
is discovered that the alien spacecraft is a warship,
and its crew are fully five times the size of human
beings. In preparation for alien warfare, a project is
begun to unite the earth into one nation.

Mar, 2000: Alltech Corporation, a research organization analyzing
the alien technology, established through joint

Apr, 2000: Development of weapons systems for use in combat
against the giants begins.

Jun, 2000: Aliens' existence formally annonunced (excepting the
fact of their size, which is kept top secret).
Following this, framing plan for United Earth
Government officially proclaimed.

Jul, 2000: Outbreak of dispute in People's Republic of Kuwait,
in the Middle East. The disputes and rebellions/civil
wars frequently occurring hereafter in various parts
of the world, coupled with World War III, eventually
came to be known (somewhat innacurately) as the Global
Civil War.

Oct, 2000: Construction of the gigantic, permanent, Apollo Lunar
Base begins in the Sea of Tranquility.

Jan, 2001: United Earth Government inaugurated. Founding Prime
Minister, Harlan J. Niven. United Earth Forces

Feb, 2001: Repair and remodeling of ASS-1 for use as main
battleship of United Earth Forces begins, with Alltech
Corporation as heart of project.
ASS-1 renamed SDF-1 (Super Dimension Fortress-1)
"Macross", the apparent name of the vessel in the
language of its original owners.
Estimated date of launch: May, 2006.

Mar, 2001: Successful development of new materials by Alltech.

May, 2001: Construction of giant space manufacturing station
begins at L-5, in Lunar orbit.

Jul, 2001: Construction of permanent base on Mars begins.
Civilians begin to immigrate to South Atalia Island,
to work on repair of SDF-1.
South Atalia Island renamed Macross Island.

Aug, 2001: Theory of SDF-1's thermonuclear Reflex system
explained. Reflex Engines still a mystery.

Sep, 2001: The "Destroid System," ground-combat anti-giant
weaponry, begins trial production.

Nov, 2001: Theory of firing system for SDF-1's main cannon

Feb, 2002: Tentative plan introduced for variable all-purpose
combat system for use against the giants.

Mar, 2002: Grand Cannon Theory finished.

May, 2002: Building of United Earth Military Anti-Stellar-Warfare
Headquarters begins, in Alaska. On the same site,
Grand Cannon No. 1 is constructed.

Jul, 2002: First Battle for Macross Island fought against
the Anti-Unification Army.

Nov, 2002: Critical temperature exceeded on Earth-made
thermonuclear Reflex plant, at Alltech Corporation.

Apr, 2003: Construction of Armored Series of space carriers
begins, as well as space destroyers, at the L-5
manufacturing station.

Nov, 2003: In a factory beneath Apollo Lunar Base, using feedback
from repair work on SDF-1, construction begins on
SDF-2, a stellar space battleship purely of Earth

Jan, 2004: Thermonuclear Reflex bomb finished, by Alltech.

Feb, 2004: Thermonuclear Reflex bomb successfully tested on
Lunar surface.
*Max Austin dies of a heart-attack.

Mar, 2004: Construction on Grand Cannon No. 2 begins in the
Australian Autonomous Region.

Sep, 2004: Super miniaturized thermonuclear Reflex plant
finished by Alltech. Reflex Theory understanding
minimal but sufficent to adapt systems on SDF-1
to Terran weaponry and mechanisms.

Oct, 2004: Grand Cannon No. 3 planned in South America, in the
Brazil Autonomous Region.

Nov, 2004: Deterioration of world economy lead to drastic delays
on, caused by increases in defense expenses for, the
SDF-1 Restoration Project.

Dec, 2004: First use of Reflex explosion, during Grand Cannon
construction work.

Jan, 2005: Rioting breaks out in Kazakhstan, Central Asia
Autonomous Region.
The Second Battle for Macross Island is fought.

Mar, 2005: The Orvelt Class of Type-1 Space Destroyers is
commissioned. Only four of this vessel are built,
to be replaced by the far less trouble-ridden
Europa Class Type-3 Space Destroyer.

Apr, 2005: Harlan J. Niven, Founding Prime Minister of the United
Earth Government, is assassinated. His successor is
Robert A. Rhysling.

Jul, 2005: Frequent occurrences of guerilla warfare all over

Aug, 2005: Withdrawal from Mars Base after threat of destruction
by the Anti-Unification Army.

Aug 5, 2005: *Roger Pike born to Chris and Sue Pike.

Sep, 2005: To inaugurate the Anti-Unification Army, a Type-3
Europa-class Space Destroyer is hijacked and, in that
raid, the return fleet from Mars is destroyed. An
assault with Reflex weaponry against the
Anti-Unification Army's Space Destroyer destroys it.

Nov, 2005: In a retaliatory attack, the United Forces' Grand
Cannon No. 2 is destroyed during construction in
Australia. Efforts moved to Grand Cannon No. 3 in

Dec, 2005: The Supersize Semi-Submersible Aircraft Carrier
Prometheus, CVS-101 (later designated simply as
"assault carrier"), is commissioned, for Robotic
Technology Mechanism use.

Jan, 2006: First recorded usage of the words "Robotech Mecha" as
an abbreviation of Robotic Technology Mechanism.

Mar, 2006: Grand Cannon No. 4 planned in the Lunar North Polar

Apr, 2006: The Supersize Assault Debarkation Warship Daedalus,
SLV-111, is commissioned.

May, 2006: Outbreak of the Third Battle for Macross Island.

Jun, 2006: Decision made to formally introduce the MBR-04 series of
Destroids. Mass production begins.

Oct, 2006: In the Central Russia Administrative Region, the
Anti-Unification Army uses tactical nuclear weapons.
Leningrad's annihilation is an announcement that using
thermonuclear Reflex weaponry on the earth's surface
in a retaliatory strike is possible.

Nov, 2006: Battle for Macross Island ends.

Jan, 2007: Global Civil War concludes.
Training Center for crew of SDF-1 established on
Macross Island.
*Thomas Austin accepted into Robotech Air Force
academy, Annapolis campus.

Feb, 2007: The VF-X1, prototype of the variable-combat machines,
begins flight testing.

Mar, 2007: Stationing of Destroids aboard the SLV-111 Daedalus

May, 2007: Grand Cannon No. 5 planned in the Victorian Autonomous
Region, Africa.

Jun, 2007: Testing of the VF-X1's usefulness in space begins.

Nov, 2007: Decision made to formally introduce the VF-X1. Mass
production of the VF-1 series begins.

Jul, 2008: Space Carriers ARMD-1 and ARMD-2 commissioned.

Aug, 2008: VF-1 series begins deployment for actual combat.
(However, usage is limited to aircraft configuration
only, for reasons of internal security.)

Oct, 2008: ARMD-3 and ARMD-10 commissioned. ARMD-10 is a new
design, specialized (unlike the others) for Veritechs.

Feb, 2009: Launching ceremonies for SDF-1 Macross.
A Zentraedi fleet, commanded by Breetai, arrives in
Sol System.
Outbreak of First Space War between Earth and the
ARMD-01, -02, -03, and -10, as well as two Type-1
and four Type-3 Space Destroyers, are destroyed
in the initial battles.
Macross makes serious mistake in Fold navigation.

Mar, 2009: ARMD carrier production begins anew.
City completed within Macross.
Macross Transformation.

May, 2009: ARMD-4 and ARMD-5 commissioned.

Aug, 2009: ARMD-6 commissioned.

Oct, 2009: Macross engages in Battle of Mars Base.
ARMD-7 commissioned.
Macross shipboard TV station begins broadcasting.

Nov, 2009: Lisa Hayes, Rick Hunter, Maximillian Sterling and
Ben Dixon become prisoners of the Zentraedi. The
first contact between Terran and Zentraedi takes
Macross returns to Earth.
Bretai given command of the Imperial-class "Adoclas"

Dec, 2009: Ontario Autonomous Region in North America annihilated
when Macross' omnidirectional barrier overloads.
Macross, under orders to sortie away from Earth, once
again leaves Earth's atmosphere.

Jan, 2010: ARMD-8 commissioned.
The film "Zhao Bai Lung" (Little White Dragon)
Zentraedi begin seeking refuge aboard Macross.
Grand Cannon No. 1 completed in Alaska.
The stellar wedding of the Terran Maxmillian Sterling
and the Zentraedi Miriya Parino is broadcast.

Feb, 2010: A peace agreement is reached between Macross and
Breetai's "Adoclas" fleet.
Dolza's Grand Fleet arrives in Sol System, leaving
Tirol virtually undefended. Earth is heavily bombarded
from orbit. Dolza's fleet annihilated through
Operation "Lynn Minmei." Surface battle begins.

Mar, 2010: First Robotech War ends. Atmospheric purification
operation executed.

Apr, 2010: New United Government established.
Education and transforming of Zentraedi into Micronians

May, 2010: Reconstruction of New Macross City well underway.
Restoration of Nature project begins.
%Beginning of Terran clone Project.

Jun, 2010: Construction begins anew on SDF-2, now christened
"Megalord," at New Macross - transferred from Apollo
Lunar Base. At the same time, patrols of Sol System
begin, using Super Valkyries based at Apollo Base.

Sep, 2010: %First Terran clones decanted.

Nov, 2010: UEG appropriates funds for the development of new
classes of Veritechs and Destroids.

Dec, 2010: Repairs to Breetai's ship are completed, and it is
recommissioned as the main ship of the New United
Percentage of Zentraedi converted to Micronians exceeds

Mar, 2011: First mixed-breed birth, to Max and Miriya Sterling.

Mar 14, 2011: *Milo Swift born to David and Beth Swift.

Apr, 2011: *Thomas Austin is assigned to the Skull squadron
*under Max Sterling.

Aug, 2011: Rioting by Zentraedi the world over begins occurring.
Patrols begin for sake of maintaining public law and
%Part of Skull squadron sent to South America to train
%the pilots there on new combat routines. Max Sterling

Sep, 2011: Study of plan for project for voyage to Robotech
Masters' home-world begins.

Oct, 2011: Armed resistance by Zentraedi breaks out.
%Skull squadron recalled from South America.
%Test of first Alpha prototype fails.
Operation to seize Factory Satellite begins.

Nov, 2011: Factory Satellite arrives at Earth.
%Hausthar learns he, Michelle and Victor are clones.
Factory Satellite breaks-down.
Attack on New Detroit.
Khyron's group goes into action. The Lynn Minmei
hostage operation.

Dec, 2011: Khyron captures Protoculture Matrix.

Jan, 2012: Battle for New Macross City.
%Michelle looses her mind.
Project for travel to Tirol made public.

Jul, 2012: Several Nations declare independence of the UEG.

Aug, 2012: Zentraedi Control Zone is defined. RDF surrounds
the Zentraedi with forces and tries to minimize the
Zentraedi threat.
*Skull squadron liberates Brazillian Grand Cannon.

Feb, 2013: %XDF-1 test fails. Crew killed.

Mar, 2012: *Skull squadron transfered to Monument City.

May, 2012: %XDF-2 test fails. Michele, Victor, Ricky, Hausthar,
%Dianne, Mitchel and Jennifer reported as Missing
%Presumed Dead.

Nov, 2013: *Viking squadron created.

Feb, 2015: Army of the Southern Cross is formally established.
construction of the Monument City Southern Cross
Headquarters is begun.

Mar, 2015: VAF-3 Alpha pilotless prototype completed and

May, 2015: *Viking squadron decimated.

Jun, 2015: *Viking squadron's losses replaced with new pilots.

Jul 13, 2015: *Catherine Johnson killed in action.

Aug, 2015: %13th Armored Veritech Attack Corp "Cheeting" Cheetahs
%created out of the dregs of the RDF, REF and SC.
*EBSIS capture a Protoculture generator. Soviets begin
*to produce their own mecha.

Sep 03, 2015: *Viking squadron launches a retaliatory strike
*EBSIS, destroying Protoculture generator.

Nov 12, 2015: *Thomas Austin and Katriana Collen married.

Jan, 2016: More nations declare independence of UEG.

Feb, 2016: *Viking squadron stationed on ARMD-04.

Apr, 2016: *Zentraedi cruiser appears in Jupiter Orbit. Viking
*squadron destroys it but is decimated. Katriana
*Austin sole survivor.

Jun, 2016: *Michael Austin born to Katriana Austin.

Oct, 2017: Development of the new Destroids begins.

Nov 3, 2017: Scott Bernard born on Mars Base.

Aug, 2018: Command staff of the SDF-3 selected, and the ship's
construction is begun. Development of the Logan and
Hovertank begins.

2022-2023: Ikazuchi cruisers conceived. Troops for REF selected:
300,000 humans, 40,000 Zentraedi.

Dec, 2022: VAF-6 Alpha and VBF-1 Beta docking first tested with
mixed success by pilots Max Sterling and Karen Penn.

Jan, 2023: Hunters are wed. SDF-3 departs for Tirol, 75% of
troops in stasis for the voyage.

2023-2028: Construction of VHT and Logan continues in earnest.
Battloids, Combat shuttles, AJACS, and Modat developed.

2023-2027: REF in transit. Crew thinks voyage is instantaneous.

L.2022: Invid invade Tirol.

May, 2025 (4502 P.E.): @Emulators perfected. Captured Zentraedi obey the
@Rebel's commands perfectly. Rebel fleet leader
@renames his fleet to the Zentraedi word for 'Revenge',

L.2027 (E.2023): SDF-3 arrives and liberates Tirol, and Tiresia Base
is staffed by the awakened troops.

E.2028 (L.2023): Anatole Leonard becomes Field Marshall. Southern Cross
strengthens its forces.
%13th AVAC base built.
Sentinels' ship arrives at Tirol.

L.2028 (E.2024): Karbarra is liberated.

E.2029 (L.2024): Praxian campaign. Farrago is destroyed and Sentinels
are trapped on Praxis. Regent's simulagent arrives on
Tirol and is killed by Tesla. Wolff is accused of the
'murder' of the Regent.

E.2030 (L.2025): Praxis is destroyed. Sentinels are rescued by Ark
Angel. Garuda is liberated. Many soldiers breathe
Garudan air.

L.2030 (E.2026): Robotech Masters arrive and try to steal EVE memory,
%13th AVAC tried for mutiny and Grand Larceny. Group
%acquitted under mysterious circumstances.
Sentinels arrive under truce at Haydon. Carpenter
leaves in Tokugawa for Earth. Because of the
uncertainty in fold drives, his voyage takes seventeen
months, although the crew perceive it as instantaneous.
Cyclone is perfected.

E.2031 (L.2026): %EVE core transferred to 13th AVAC base as per
%Emerson's orders.
2nd Robotech War begins.
Haydon liberated. Wolff stands trial. Edwards
defects and flees to Optera.

Sep, 2031: *Katriana Austin killed in action during the Spherisian

L.2031 (E.2027): First Robotech Master flagship is downed, but is
later repaired.
Spheris is liberated.

E.2032 (L.2027): Tokugawa arrives at Earth and is destroyed, taking a
Robotech Master flagship with it. Carpenter warns
Leonard that he can expect no more aid from the REF
at this time (not aware of the calendar discrepency).
Back at the fleet, Wolff leaves for Earth in the
Marcus Antonius, with the 3rd Planetary Corps and the
5th REF Air Force Division, to set up bases on Earth
to support the Southern Cross. His voyage takes
seventeen months in real-space (again, instantaneous
from the crew's perspective).

Oct 8, 2032: 2nd Robotech war ends. The Flower of Life grows
all over Earth.

L.2032 (E.2028): Peryton is liberated; its 'curse' broken.

E.2033 (L.2028): EBSIS is the dominant world power. The Southern Cross
disbands many remaining squadrons.
Opteran campaign. Breetai and the Regent are killed.
Edwards takes over Optera but is defeated and killed.
Optera renamed New Praxis.

L.2033 (E.2029): Wolff arrives, and sets up six bases to help defend
the beleagured planet.
Ark Angel returns to Tirol.

May 13, 2034: EBSIS launches preemptive strike against Germany.
Passau is destroyed. Second Global Civil War begins.

May 15, 2034: Invid arrive, destroying both UEG and EBSIS. Second
Global Civil War ends. Invid occupation begins.

E.2034 (L.2029): Karbarran shipyards are retooled and begin to
construct warships for the REF.

L.2034 (E.2030): Invid forces rout last Southern Cross regulars.

E.2035 (L.2030): Fleets constructed. Galaxy wide mop-up operation
against the Regent's remaining outposts commences.

Mar, 2035: *Atlantis Hive, just north of the Azores, is made

Apr, 2035: *Milo gets first mercenary job.

L.2035 (E.2031): Shadow device is conceived.

Aug, 2036: *Beron Snoek siezes power in Arnhem.

Sep, 2036 (Mar, 2032): *Michael Austin joins REF.

E.2037 (L.2032): Resistance movement gains much strength.
Marcus Antomius returns with 15th ATAC Southern Cross
and the solution to the REF's spacefolding problems.
Calendar discrepencies noted.

Jul 10, 2039: *Duke v. Schoenberg is killed, Milo is left for

Jul 20, 2039: *Duke v. Schoenberg's son launches attack against
*the Invid.

Aug 10, 2039: *Duke's son forces are defeated and Saxony moves the
*survivors underground to avoid the Invid retaliation.

Oct 15, 2039: *Kane in Duel with Milo in Frankfurt.

Jan 5, 2040: *Willem de Vries unites Dutch resistance into the

Mid 2040: *Saxony begins intense but clandestine militarisation
*and industrialisation program.

L.2043: Mars Fleet leaves for Earth, lead by Valiant and De

Sep 14, 2043: Mars Fleet arrives and is decimated. Survivors join

L.2043: Shadowdrones perfected and added to arsenal. Shadow
devices installed on Alphas, Betas and spacecraft.

May, 2045: Final attack on Reflex Point.
%13th AVAC reported MIA during attack on Reflex Point.