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Tefl International in Indonesia

Dear Candidates
For those candidates who will be joining our March course; please confirm (by phone or email) your bookings,pay your deposits -if you haven't already done so - and confirm whether you'll be needing accommodation.

For those joining our April course; please confirm the above no later than mid-March.

Thank you for your time, patience and interest

Yours sincerely,Wayne Duplessis

Get certified and teach English.
Teach English and see the world.

Get Online TEFL Course Certification from the Best TESOL Course Certification School and Teach English abroad

Register/Pay deposit

Yours sincerely,Wayne Duplessis

Why join our TESOL Course in Indonesia?

A weird and wonderful mix of ambition,hope,uncertainty and raw determination.

TEFL Trainees

Why join our TESOL Course Indonesia?

With a wide variety of social and cultural activities, water sports and other activities, vibrant nightlife, delectable Indonesian cuisine, friendly people and close proximity to an abundance of teaching opportunities, Surabaya (and surrounding areas) is sure to have what you are looking for in a learning location.

• Historic Surabaya.
• Close proximity to some of the most amazing beaches in the world.

• Near a thriving nightlife scene and plenty of restaurants, shops and other activities.
• Live in one of the most exciting cities in the world, and be central to a lot of places like Bali, Jakarta and Kalimantan (Borneo).
• Administered by highly trained staff with extensive knowledge of Surabaya and surrounding areas.
• Immerse yourself in an inviting, friendly culture while gaining the experience and knowledge that will enable you to live and work abroad for years to come.
Empower yourself to live, travel and work in the land of amazing grace and beauty.
• Your fellow students come from many countries on many continents.
• Your teacher trainers are some of the most experienced and well trained in the industry.
• Your support staff is extremely helpful, courteous and will assist you with whatever you need.
• The locals are peaceful, friendly people who generally like spending time with foreigners.
• Fill out an application form and take that next step towards learning amidst the big city buzz and excitement of Surabaya.
How Much (Fees for TEFL Course?)
• $1,590 (including accommodation)
• $1,490 (excluding accommodation)
Join the TESOL Course Surabaya. You’ll work hard, and you’ll be prepared to Teach English Abroad.
So why wait, get this TEFL Certification now.
Note:Local circumstances and extras may change without notice
This TEFL International Course conducted by a separate company working as a subcontractor of TEFL International and is not a non-profit organization.

Visas: Visas are required by all foreigners entering Indonesia although, and can be acquired upon entry.
Once you arrive in Indonesia immigration forms will be available at the airport. For $25 USD you will receive a one month tourist visas. Longer visas have to be obtained outside the country. Visas are available from Indonesian embassies and consulates in most countries.

Health risks: Dengue fever, malaria and cholera are all present in Indonesia. Immunization against cholera, hepatitis A and B, and C are good ideas if you decide to live here. We will keep you updated as to any outstanding health issues.

Time: GMT/UTC plus eight hours (the whole of Indonesia is set to Beijing time).

Electricity: 220V, 50 AC; plugs can be three-pronged angled, three-pronged round, two flat pins or two narrow round pins.

Weights & measures: Metric

Indonesia uses Rupiah for currency. (see exchange rate)Credit cards are becoming more common in Indonesia, but cash remains the preferred form of payment. You can access funds from your home accounts using Cirrus and Visa Plus ATM cards in the bank machines of larger local banks.
You can transfer money from just about any bank in Indonesia to your own bank at home. You can get a money order or electronically transfer up to 100% of your salary.
Opening an account is very easy. Once you have your Kitas(Work Visa) and registration card, you can open your account.
All you need are the proper documents, which include an employment statement provided by the school , passport, residence card, and a copy of your contract.

Banks include:

BCA Bank Central Asia

HSBC(Hong Kong bank)

Citi Bank

and many more

If you don’t have an account Western Union is widely available here.


If you don’t have your own computer Internet cafes(Warnets) are readily available.

Generally clean- with a variety of services, from printing to scanning, available.

International calls can be made easily from your home or from a Wartel(a telephone center)that has facilities for local,national and international calls.

Faxes can usually be sent from a wartel,if not your school should have this facility.


Shopping is one of the major pastimes in Indonesia. If you are an enthusiastic shopper, you will fit right in. You can shop at street stalls, some of the largest open markets in the world, big department stores, and small specialty shops. Whether your looking to shop in an air-conditioned supermarket or mall, or looking to rough it in a more traditional market, you’ll find electronics, t-shirts, handicrafts or souvenirs. There are better bargains to be had in the markets, especially with custom-made goods, leather items, knit shirts, and tennis shoes, and knock offs. Don’t be afraid to haggle.


Teachers always have ideas about what to bring to Indonesia. Shoes were most frequently mentioned - in the form of sturdy walking shoes, wide-sized shoes, and warm boots. For some overall advice, if you are happy with the shoes you have, bring enough to last your sojourn. Don’t count on finding the same thing in Indonesia (especially good quality for reasonable prices). The only exception is athletic shoes; sometimes these are cheaper in Indonesia.

With regard to all clothing, “Western large sizes” can be difficult to find, especially for women, and extra large sizes are non-existent. Women may have difficulty finding larger sizes undergarments. However, if you would like custom-made clothing at affordable prices, Indonesia is a great place to obtain them.


Indonesia has restaurants. By and large, they sell Indonesian food, but there are alternatives as well. Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean and Western foods are available, but relatively expensive. American fast food chains are here. Some hotels and restaurants offer American, French, and Italian food. Vegetarian restaurants are few and far between, though they do exist. Most Chinese food contains meat and/or seafood or is cooked with meat broth, but the amounts used are small and it’s easy to ask for no meat.

Generally, people acquire a taste for Indonesian food; if not, they eat Chinese,Korean,Japanese or fast food and fantasize about what’s not available.” Bottled water is cheap and many teachers have it delivered to their apartments. If you plan to cook Western food in Indonesia, you’ll probably want to bring some herbs and spices with you.
Red and black pepper, garlic powder, ginger, and cinnamon are easily obtainable. Many Western items are available as special imports, but they are expensive. If you are used to limiting your intake of salt, sugar, or saturated fats, you will find it more difficult in Indonesia. Both Indonesian and Chinese food can be quite tasty, and oily, and fatty and salty. In moderate amounts it may even be healthy.

If you are vegetarian you should bring yeast extract tablets with you if you use them, or any form of vitamin tablets. Fruit is not that expensive. Vegetables are cheaper. Being unhealthy is the most expensive.

Fast food is readily available. Pizza Hut,McDonalds,Wendy’s,KFC,A&W and Doner Kebab are the big names

Personal Items

Most of the necessities are available in some form, including many locally-made versions of North American brands.
Also, if you are fond of using name brand, over-the-counter medications (e.g., Tylenol, Benadryl, Rolaids), bring them with you. Those remedies for diarrhea and hacking coughs are especially useful. Contact Lenses: Bausch and Lomb, Coopervision, and local brands of contact lenses are available. Disposable contact lenses can also be found. Alcon (Flexcare, Preflex) and Bausch and Lomb products are available at some pharmacies, but usually though the optical stores. These products usually run 150-200% of U.S. prices.

Chinese brands of enzyme tablets are available, but their imported counterparts are expensive. Other product lines tend to be more widely avail able and less expensive. Many teachers have been quoted as saying, “Oh, I wish I had brought … with me.” This is usually in reference to board games, computers, greeting cards, novels, and craft materials (e.g., knitting, and cross-stitch).

Some instructors bring enough personal items to last a few months and have the rest shipped to them. However, mail can be slow and sometimes gets lost.

Teaching Materials

If you have personal materials that you are able to bring with you, do so. While there are bookstores in Indonesia with sections, they are usually quite expensive, since the majority of these items are imported. Especially useful are game ideas as well as activities that can be transferred across any subject area and level of ability. Most schools have such games as Scrabble and Word Up available for use in the classroom, but quantities are limited and tend to get used often.

Postal Services

Indonesian mail service is less than good, and rates can be more expensive than North American postal service rates. Airmail to North America usually takes four to ten days, but delays are not uncommon. Surface mail can take as long as two or three months.

Registered mail and express mail services EMS, as well as private services (e.g., DHL, Federal Express) are also available. It is best to have mail sent to your institute address rather than your home address.

Cost Of Living

Rice 1 kilo 15,000 RUPIAH
Pasta packet imported 12,000 RUPIAH
Orange Juice 1 lt. 16,000 RUPIAH
Coffee jar instant 30,000 RUPIAH
Tea box of bags 30,000 RUPIAH
Can of Coke 3-5,000 RUPIAH
Beer 3-10,000 RUPIAH
Chicken fillets 1 kilo 20,000 RUPIAH
Sliced ham 8 slices 60,000 RUPIAH
Sliced bread half loaf 4,000 RUPIAH
Baguette 9,000 RUPIAH
Pastry 10-15,000 RUPIAH
Instant noodles 2-5,000 RUPIAH
Chocolate bar (western) 10,000 RUPIAH+

MiniBus 2,000 RUPIAH
Taxi 4,000 RUPIAH+ 1,000 RUPIAH per Km
Minimum charges(pickup on street) 5,000 RUPIAH (Telephone request) 10,000 RUPIAH
Train to Jakarta 60,000RUPIAH (single)

Train to Yojyakarta 30,000 RUPIAH (single)

Train to Banyuwanyi (near Bali) 50,000 RUPIAH (single)
Flight to Jakarta 500,000 RUPIAH (one-way)

Flight to Bali 500,000 RUPIAH (one-way)

Eating Out:
Local Lunch Box (rice, meat and two veg) 5,000-10,000 RUPIAH
McDonalds (burger, large fries and coke) 20,000 Rp
Chinese Restaurant (3 dishes + rice for 2) 30,000 – 50,000 RUPIAH
KFC 30,000 RUPIAH+

Beer (depending on brand and venue) 15,000-40,000 RUPIAH

In the supermarket

Bottled Local Beer 10,000-15,000 RUPIAH
Canned Local Beer 8,000-13,000 RUPIAH
Orange Juice 30-40 RUPIAH


Most of Indonesia’s sightseeing attractions are accessible to the dedicated traveler. Singapore, Malaysia, or Hong Kong are not out of reach.

There are many open air theaters and cultural sites where individual performers and groups appear, especially in Jakarta. Indonesia has an active traditional theatrical and musical community.

Home Entertainment

A few good local stations. Trans TV is a local favorite as it has two English-language movies every night. Cable isn’t needed for local channels. A cheap rabbit ears device is enough. Cable is available for those who need ESPN, Star movies/sports, HBO or Discovery channel.


There is at least one English language radio station.

Swimming Pools

Swimming is popular in Indonesia. There are a lot of public pools and most fitness clubs and hotels have nice facilities.


Indonesia is such a mountainous country that hiking is always an option. There are a number of trails and passes that you can explore. Early morning is the best time.

Fitness Clubs

There are some private health and sports clubs.

Atlas, Tresor, Celebrity Fitness

Books, newspapers magazines and videos


Gramedia, Trimedia and Gunung Agung all have English language sections. Sogo supermarket has a fairly swank bookstore.
Bring a couple of novels and swap with friends.

Newspapers and Magazines

Time, Newsweek, the Economist, GQ, Esquire, Premiere and a few other magazines are available in Indonesia for the English only speaker. Don’t expect to find Playboy or Penthouse here.

A daily newspaper, The Jakarta Post, published in Jarkata but distributed daily in Surabaya. The Jarkat post magazine also accepts contributions from writers. So it may represent an oppourtunity for aspiring journalists.

Movie going is made easy in Indonesia by the 21 Chain of Cinemas.


You can rent a wide selection of new and old movies on VCD or DVD. In some stores you will find a large sampling of Chinese,Hong Kong, and Indonesian. The bulk of the selection, old or new, is American.


Lots of bars, discos and cafés and restaurants are available.

Dining Out
There are also a number of nightclubs, discos, cafés, bars and karaoke clubs in downtown Surabaya and the surrounding areas.
Leisure time in the various cities can be spent in a number of ways. You could go native and take to the shopping streets; bowling is another very popular pastime; there are bars and discos to dance and drink the night away in and there are restaurants of every denomination. The more up-market western bars and restaurants can be expensive and dining in these on a regular basis would be a strain on your purse strings to say the least. However, there are other western eateries in which one can eat at affordable prices, such as 80 RUPIAH per head inclusive of beer.

Generally beers are quite steep in nightclubs at a cost of around 30-40,000 RUPIAH and wine is very expensive and can cost as much as 60RUPIAH per glass. However, eating in local restaurants and drinking Bintang beer is very affordable and living in this way you’ll find that your wages will go a long way. A large lunch or dinner in a local mid-range restaurant will cost from 20-30,000 RUPIAH per person including beer or a soft drink.

Coffee Shops

Coffee shops and café are a major hangout for Chinese. You’ll find these by exploring, or by asking older students,staff or teachers.

Religious Services

A number of different religions are represented in Indonesia.Five are officially recognized; Islam, Hinduism,Buddhism, Catholicism and Christianity are the two most common. Yes those last two are consided quite distinct here. Mosques,temples and churches abound and some services are available in English.


Applicants for teaching/or study positions in Indonesia are advised to contact their Embassy. The Embassy should have an information service for people considering an extended visit to a foreign country.

Getting around

Public transportation is inexpensive. Indonesia is accessible, and has a fair amount of cheap taxis and buses. Transportation within Indonesia is cheap and convenient. Nearly all areas within Indonesia are connected by a network of air service, trains, boats, ferries and buses.

Indonesian Lessons
There are a number of schools and there are private lessons available. Ask around.

Martial Arts
Do you want to study Silat, Tae Kwon Do, Wushu, Kung Fu or Tai Chi. View it as alternative fitness or cultural enrichment. Take a chance.


Applicants for teaching positions in Indonesia are encouraged to contact their Embassy, which has an information service for people considering an extended visit to a foreign country.

Medical Care

You’ll always here stories about how bad doctors are, even at home. Indonesian medical care and dental care is clean, prompt, courteous and not at all expensive

Tefl Indonesia is the Indonesian Branch of TEFL International We offer an intensive TESOL training program.
The course runs one month (120 hours). It’s four weeks long, Monday to Friday and starts at 9:00am ending most nights at 5:00pm
It includes classroom inputs on Grammar, phonology, structure, writing, lesson planning, choosing materials, language awareness and evaluating students. It also includes in class teaching practice. These practices are observed and evaluated and trainees are expected to reach a level of competence at the end of the course.
Detailed course information

* Fill out an Application Form and take that next step towards learning amidst the big city buzz and excitement of Surabaya.

How much are the fees for a TESOL Course?

* $1,590 (including accommodation)
* $1,490 (excluding accommodation)

As far as currency conversion …check out http://www.xecurrency.com It’s bank rates are fairly accurate and you can get a daily update on currency fluctuations.

Course Information


Final Payment

The balance of your course fees can be paid by credit card (but only MasterCard and Visa), cash or traveler’s checks in USD. All accounts must be settled by the first day of the course. Please note – if you choose to pay cash in Indonesian Rupiah, the associated exchange rate to USD will be determined by the Course Director as advised by the exchange rate offered at www.xe.com/ucc.

Visa and Passport Information

All visitors to Indonesia are required to carry a passport valid for at least six months after arrival date. Visitors to Indonesia from the United Kingdom, North America, Australia and New Zealand can stay in Indonesia for a maximum of 30 days on a tourist visa. This can not be extended without leaving the country. Citizens from all other countries should contact their local consulate to obtain current travel regulations.

For more information on obtaining visas please visit.

*As this information is subject to change at any time, we advise everyone to contact your local consulate for current travel regulations prior to planning your trip.

Working in Indonesia

If you are planning on seeking work in Indonesia, please bring along your original diploma and transcripts from College, Technical School or High School, as well as a copy of your birth certificate.

There is great demand for qualified TEFL teachers throughout the world. TEFL International provides the following services in this area:

Contact information and details of schools in the region of your choice

Contact information and details of selected schools worldwide

Details of selected vacancies available worldwide

Details of the most popular web sites of TEFL vacancies and information

Internet access for job searches and on-line applications

Sessions covering CV preparation, advice about applications and interviews and all available information about teaching conditions (in the trainees preferred destinations).

TEFL International has been very successful in assisting our course graduates locate teaching job opportunities and vacancies.

Getting to Surabaya

There is an international airport in Surabaya welcoming direct flights from Europe, Singapore and Hong Kong, although more available and inexpensive flights go to Jakarta. From Jakarta, many airlines run inexpensive flights directly to Surabaya, offering breathtaking views of Indonesia’s landscape.
These flights cost less than 50 USD one way. Buses and trains do run from Jakarta to Surabaya, and the twelve-hour ride will cost approximately 10 USD.
The train station is just outside of the center of Surabaya. A taxi can take you to the school.

Transportation upon arrival

Your accommodation is available starting on the Thursday before the course begins through the Monday following the final week. We hope you will plan to arrive in Surabaya by Saturday at the latest, as this will give you a chance to relax and get accustomed to your surroundings before the course begins.

On Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday prior to the course start date, between 8am and 8pm, we provide transportation from Surabaya airport to your local accommodation.
If you are traveling to Surabaya by bus during these days, call us prior to boarding the bus, and we will pick you up at your scheduled arrival time at the bus station. For those arriving at any other time please contact us for further details.

Here is the contact information:

Netty Poernomo
Course Director
telp: 62 31 731 7352
fax:62 31 734 6323

Tefl International Indonesia
Campus Address
Raya Darmo Permai 111/A-9
Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Important Note

Regardless of your arrival day and time, we ask that you assist us in preparing for all arrivals by providing us with your travel arrangements via email at admin@teflintl.com. Please do so as soon as your travel plans are confirmed and at least one week prior to your scheduled arrival time.
Help us help you by providing this information!

Early Arrivals

If you wish to arrive in Surabaya before the Thursday when your accommodation is available, TEFL International can provide assistance in finding reasonably priced and well located rooms.

Accommodation details

Accommodation in Surabaya will consist of a private room (unless otherwise requested) located either near the school or in an apartment within a five-minute walk to the school. All rooms have a private bath and are clean, comfortable and adequately furnished.
All rooms are also located within easy reach of various restaurants, bars and entertainment sites.

Bedding is provided; however, you will need to bring your own towels. We provide free, weekly cleaning service during the course for all rooms, and laundry service is available at a nominal fee.

You are more than welcome to invite friends or family members to stay in your room during the course - just please let us know as soon as possible. There is a minimal extra charge per additional person per room.

Please be assured that any special requests or requirements regarding accommodation will be taken into account, and TEFL International will make every effort to oblige.

School Location and Facilities

The school building is located in the heart of Surabaya Town, offering easy access to exploring all the best beaches, entertainment and tourist sites the city has to offer. The building is spacious and comfortable, with large classrooms, whiteboards and complete resource materials.

The school phone, fax and internet facilities are available for trainee use with prior approval from the School Manager. Outgoing mail can be left at the front desk and will be posted the following morning. We simply charge you the same price that the post office charges us.

Training Schedule

The first class will take place Monday morning at 9:30 a.m., at which time we will provide a complete course schedule. Sessions generally run between 9:30 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. with regular breaks.

There will be a welcome meal provided by the school on the first day of the course.

Trainees are expected to attend all input and other sessions included on the schedule unless they are sick and require medical treatment. This is particularly important for Teaching Practice (TP) as it is very difficult to arrange alternate TP times.

Course Dress and Requirements

For all input and tutorial sessions at the training location, there are no specific dress requirements, yet we ask that you be mindful of your peers and respectful of the fact that you are a visitor in another country.

During Teaching Practice, however, there are specific dress requirements that adhere to the local working culture and basic ideas of professionalism. All trainees are expected to dress “casually smart” according to the following guidelines:


Shoulders should be covered; sleeveless shirts are acceptable, but very thin straps or tank tops are not. No low-cut necklines or very short skirts. Bare midriffs must not be visible, even when lifting arms up. Open-toed shoes are acceptable except when visiting local schools.


Long pants; no raggedy jeans. Short- or long-sleeved shirt with a collar; a tie is not required. Sandals are acceptable, yet closed shoes are preferred and required when visiting local schools. Long hair should be neatly tied back into a pony-tail.

*Note – in the event that we visit local schools for Teaching Practice, please be prepared to dress professionally. Women are to be neatly dressed with covered shoulders and knees, men in long pants and button-down shirts (ties will be provided). Only closed-toed shoes will be acceptable for both women and men. No tennis shoes or jeans, please.


Please bring a pen and a notebook for taking notes during class. All relevant course books and materials will be provided, and the school has a large resource library for reference.

Photocopying, fax, telephone and internet facilities are available for use by trainees.

Trainee Post-Course Evaluations

Each trainee will be asked to complete a written evaluation form at the end of the course, which will remain anonymous and confidential. These evaluations are aimed to give trainees the opportunity to provide feedback regarding anything to do with the course, trainers, accommodation, and so forth.

In addition, we welcome your open and honest feedback at any stage during the course, so that we can continue to improve the training course and the facilities provided at the training location. Your thoughts are truly invaluable, so please share them!


In-Town Transportation

The easiest way to make your way around surabaya is taxi. When hiring, make certain the taxi has a meter. There is a local bus network that circles the city; however, it is very slow and unreliable. Cars and motorcycles are available for hire locally.

Drinking Water

Tap water is deemed unsafe to drink in Indonesia; therefore, therefore you should only drink bottled water during your stay.
Bottled water is very inexpensive and readily available in the school and throughout the city. Ice in hotels and restaurants is always purified and therefore safe.


All types of shopping facilities exist in the city – from international supermarkets and department stores to small shops selling local handicrafts and markets selling fresh produce. No doubt you will find plenty to buy in Surabaya!

Local Weather Conditions

The average climate conditions in Surabaya are tropical throughout the year - hot and humid during the day with cool, temperate breezes at night. The local rainy season lasts from October through April.
During this time, heavy tropical rains fall mainly in the late afternoon, yet the remainder of the day offers clear skies and stunning sunsets. Daily highs average 30-34ºC in the hottest months, with a nighttime low of 21ºC.

As this description is an average, we highly recommend that you check current weather conditions prior to departure to assist you in your travel preparations.

Get Acquainted!

Beautiful beaches, dramatic scenery, fascinating sights, elephant and rain forest trekking, internationally renowned cuisine, a wide variety of water sports, an intense and pulsating nightlife.
Surabaya has something to please everyone! And all can be enjoyed on a very limited budget, so you should never be bored during your free time.
Before your arrival, we highly recommend you purchase a descriptive guide book or do some online research to familiarize yourself and get acquainted with Surabaya and all it has to offer.
For more information on Surabaya and the country of Indonesia, we recommend the following sites:

Lonely Planet Online www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/south_east_asia/Indonesia Surabaya-Guide Surabaya Tourism Surabaya Indonesia Travel

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email: n_poernomo@yahoo.com
Yahoo Chat: duplez@yahoo.com
MSN Chat:duper@hotmail.com
Telephone:62 31 731 7352 (Indonesia)

We look forward to welcoming you to Surabaya!

Join the TESOL Course Indonesia, Surabaya. You’ll work hard, and you’ll be prepared to Teach English Abroad.


Indonesia, Surabaya - TEFL Course Schedule (TESOL Certification)

04 August - 29 August 2008
01 September - 26 September 2008
06 October - 31 October 2008
03 November - 28 November 2008
01 December - 26 December 2008
05 January -30 January 2009
02 February - 27 February 2009
02 March - 27 March 2009
06 April - 01 May 2009
04 May - 29 May 2009
01 June - 26 June 2009
06 July -31 July 2009
03 August - 28 August 2009
07 September - 02 October 2009
05 October - 30 October 2009
02 November - 27 November 2009
30 November - 25 December 2009

Current effort …working towards a subsidized course and three month placement within Indonesia. Details to follow.

Please contact me with any more questions



62 31 5669425

Try Skype



Yours sincerely, Wayne Duplessis
Invite your friends

We're looking at the future

This is the ongoing story of a life in Asia.
It's 2005 ... So ... hello

I'll try to bring you up to date yet again.

I was back with English First.
I'm a teacher. Mostly move around schools.
I used to teach three days a week at Al-Azhar. Part of a chain of private Muslim schools. Kids were well-behaved. Then again, Damian was well behaved compared to most Chinese kids.


The movie
After some deliberations and some deep soul-searching I have decided 'What the heck!

Here's a link to the movie script. Caveat.

The Movie This is fiction. Although the underlying themes and feelings are based on real events - this story, nor these characters, represent the whole of Indonesian society. Neither do events follow the strict chronological order of events. It was written by Chris Hogan and Wayne Duplessis

In some aspects the story came out of my experiences in South Korea which predated my time in Indonesia.

Anyway,read it. Enjoy it. Comment on it. Let's get a deal and produce it.

Chris Hogan is now in Los Angeles, hard at work on a new series.


My Resume

We were in Changsha,the capital of Hunan Province

We were living in the city of Jinzhou.

Jinzhou is a small city in China's Liaoning province


If you find something interesting here, sign the guestbook.
We want to read your comments.




Get certified in Indonesia
TEFL International in Indonesia

A little bit of bliss in Bali
No, I'm not trying for overt alliteration.

A friend has a villa for rent in Bali.
Bali is nice.
Lisa is nice.

Bali is bliss

Contact her.
It'll be nice.








Emily's Site








Travels with My Angst




Bali ... Christmas on the Island of the Gods

We returned from Bali yesterday.It's good to be home.


It's about Surabaya.

An old Update.

An introduction to the author's children.

Adventures with the author, his family and their friends.

An introduction to the author.


An introduction to the author's wife.

Hello and welcome to GLORY SPUNBOND SHOP. This is a special shop that sell items made from spunbond for home, office, and industrial needs. We make SHOPPING BAGS, PROMOTIONAL BAGS, CLOTHES COVERS, SHOE BAGDS, MULTIFUNCTION BOXES, WEDDING SOUVENIR BAGS, CAKE BAGS, LAUNDRY BAGS, EXCLUSIVE OFFICE STATIONERY, ETC...

Edgar Rice Burrough's Writer's Guidelines.

The Chronicles

An introduction to the author's novel.




Movies ...
Go here if you like movies.


A Husband's Perspective

Laugh, or I'll cut yer ... off!
A Python to constrict your worries and squeeze a laugh out of you.



STUDENT WRITERS WANTED ... Your contributions are welcome.

You'll also find a great link for Indo-info.
Sign both guestbooks.


(Enter, and abandon all preconceptions)Coming to Indonesia ... visit here first.

Heroic Fantasy

Classic TV


Vantage Point Online


Here's a fairly exhaustive evaluation of life in Indonesia.

From health care to economic policy, it's probably here.


Sign Guestbook View Guestbook



The number of times I've been asked, "Where are you from?"




Email Wayne at duplez@yahoo.com.
Come back soon.

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Characters are the trademarks of DC comics, Marvel Comics, King Features Syndicate and Ben Percic.

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... "There are more things on Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

Is Hamlet advising his young friend?
Or is he perhaps chiding Horatio?






My Life,and a day in it. Follow the continuing adventures of the author, his wife Emily, their children, and their friends.

My wife and I go out for drinks. After the rioting, there was time for relaxation and reflection.

My wife and I Pictures of the author, his wife Emily, their children, and their friends.

My Wife Pictures of the author's wife, Emily.

Page Three An introduction to the novel guidelines of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Burroughs showed us a unique vision of Mars through the eyes of warrior, adventurer and astral traveler John Carter. Through the eyes of David Innes he showed us the world within our own, Pellucidar. He even took the time to bring a little known creation to life.

I don't imagine anyone has ever heard of TARZAN?

Novel Ideas The science fiction novel that has been ten years in the writing. What had began as a short story grew into an exploration of a new culture and its people.

Misused Heroes An introduction to the trials and tribulations of comic book heroes. Not only must they jump through hoops, they must also be subject to the whims of disinterested writers, unwitting pawns in power and personality struggles, and wasted material on the scrap-heap of a fickle marketplace.

Legends An introduction to the real world of heroes and heroines.

Mutants When they reach puberty strange things begin to happen. We all know about the terror of your voice cracking for the first time, or finding hair where you didn't expect it to be.
What happens when your voice doesn't crack, it shatters - concrete!?!
What happens when it's not hair you find, but feathers?

For me Superboy will always be a young Kal-El learning about his awesome responsibilities and witnessing the wonders of many universes.

Movies An introduction to the world of cinematic heroes, heroines, wimps, damsels, villains, cads, winners, losers, creators and destroyers.

Classic TV An introduction to the flickering world of memories. Peer past this border and you may catch a glimpse of yesterday.

Heroic Fantasy

Barbarians will delight at the sullen one's exploits. If you're a Conan fan, or an aspiring writer; this could be your forum.

Teaching is my life An introduction to the world of education. One teacher's ruminations on the state of the craft. You'll also find links to other teachers.

Tongue Twisters A chance to wrap your tongue and your mind around some new concepts. If pronunciation is your weakness, this might be the formula for your success.

Prepositions An introduction to the world of IN, ON and AT. So come in, and read what's on the page.

Mess An introduction to Wayne's world of wonder, and confusion.

Who's a better team than these two?
Lois and Clark are the definitive couple.

Which one is the best archer?
Is it Oliver Queen or Clint Barton
Which one is the Green Arrow and which one is Hawkeye?

... widow of a hotshot test pilot, pawn of an unscrupulous government,
spy for that government and then for another.
She's an adventurer,
She's a reformed criminal,
and she's finally a hero.
So why haven't they made a Black Widow movie? ?
(Natasha Romanov ... widow, pawn, spy, adventurer, reformed criminal, hero)




Peter Garner ... a hero out of time


United to battle those menaces that no single hero could hope to confront, these are the Avengers.

Justice League
A team of heroes, perhaps inspired by the original Justice Society. At its core, the best of the DC universe.
Fantastic Four
A brilliant scientist forever reaching outward, a superbly skilled pilot with a monsterous temper, a beautiful woman hiding her intelligence and strength behind a glamourous facade, and a hotheaded,impulsive teenager.
Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Susan Storm and Johnny Storm. They will become Mr. Fantastic, the Thing, the Invisible Woman, and the Human Torch.
Legion of Superheroes
Another age of heroes. From many planets, and even from the distant reaches of time, they have joined to protect the universe.
Scott Summers leads the XMEN against a variety of foes, from robots to evil mutants; from cosmic threats to good, old-fashioned bigotry.


Wonder Woman

... the first among equals.


Welcome to the world of genetically-enhanced/challenged heroes and heroines.


Misused creation

Green Lantern An introduction to the cosmic adventures of Hal Jordan. The best and the brightest member of the Green Lanterns Corps

Superboy An introduction to the 'new and improved' Superboy

Spiderman An introduction to the adventures of Peter Parker. Accept no substitutes.

Wolverine An introduction to Logan. Is he an ageless warrior, or a pawn?

Green Arrow A hero that gets in the face of crime. Dead? No freaking way, man.

Ironman An introduction to the Golden Avenger.

From Armor Wars, to battles with the bottle, old Shellhead's had his fair share of air turbulence. He's going to be a movie star. Look for Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark again. Downey has signed to portray the troubled Billionaire and armoured avenger in a sequel.



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    An introduction to the world of web heroes and heroines

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