In the time between when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Areus, there was an age undreamed of: The age of Lakeview Golf.
Selecteth from the following:
By Crom, the course was Lakeview!
Lakeview Golf Outings
2000 2001
GeorgeRomano 70 72 142 GeorgeRomano 72 71 143
Metro Cirata 80 71 151 Rich West 74 74 148
Russ Columbus 82 76 158 Russ Columbus 72 80 152
Rich West 81 80 161 Jack Wagner 76 78 154
TonyOrtiz 79 82 161 Tom Kiel 82 87 161
Rick Supko 85 79 164 Metro Cirata 81 85 166
Jack Wagner 77 89 166 Cliff O'Hara 81 91 172
Don Dietz 85 83 168 M. Watrovsky 79 95 174
Ed Supko 87 83 170 Don Dietz 81 99 180
Cliff O’Hara 85 92 177 Damien Fereday 98 84 182
Damien Fereday 115 96 211