Mike Daigle - 10/21/00 14:54:50
My Email:mikeakagod@hotmail.com
Favorite Star Wars character: luke/bobba fett/vader
Where are you from?: live/Moncton.NB/born/Hamilton.Ont.
How did you find us?: serching for S.W.merchandise
Favorite Homepage?: this one so far

exellent site/love the sound bytes

Captain Proton - 08/29/00 12:02:20
My URL:http://voyager.2y.net/
My Email:captain_proton@voyager.2y.net
Favorite Star Wars character: Luke
Where are you from?: The Federation Starship Voyager (hee hee)
How did you find us?: The Force provided the answer


Kristine evans - 07/20/00 17:32:02
My Email:Krislex5@hotmail.com
Favorite Star Wars character: jar jar binks
Where are you from?: stroud ontario
How did you find us?: well I was looking for brittany spears and I tiped in brittany then I pointed to the pitcher of nickey and then to you


King_Armageddon - 05/10/00 20:33:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/king_armageddon
My Email:jedim1@hotmail.com
Favorite Star Wars character: Luke Skywalker
Where are you from?: Poland
How did you find us?: Webcrawler
Favorite Homepage?: you and WWF

This site is cool.

jacob r - 03/01/00 09:47:44
My URL:http://-
My Email:-.
Favorite Star Wars character: w. antillies
Where are you from?: denmark


Amidalla - 01/21/00 06:26:33
My URL:http://cmk.8k.com
My Email:cmk225@concentric.net
Favorite Star Wars character: Yoda
Where are you from?: Georgia
How did you find us?: I talked to the creator
Favorite Homepage?: http://cmk.8k.com

Well the site is cool. And I thought I would tell ya.

Hope - 01/17/00 05:42:36
My Email:h_yelvington@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Florida
How did you find us?: jedi (himself)

Just checking things out!

Hope - 01/17/00 05:41:45
My Email:h_yelvington@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Florida
How did you find us?: jedi (himself)

Just checking things out!

Allison "Sunshine" - 01/08/00 06:37:18
Where are you from?: IL
How did you find us?: you andy
Favorite Homepage?: yours

Nice page :-) Keep up the good work!

Kozby - 08/16/99 04:25:39
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~kozby/kozby.html
Favorite Star Wars character: Darth Maul
Where are you from?: AZ
How did you find us?: Surfed On

Awsome Star Wars page. I can not wait until Episode 2 information is released. Please visit my page if you have any free time. Than

Badawg - 05/17/99 03:06:53
My URL:/Area51/Rampart/9181
My Email:Badawg@geocities.com
Favorite Star Wars character: the sandworms...oh yeah,that was "Dune"
Where are you from?: the 3rd planet


You have accessed a restricted area...please stay online,Federal Agents will be there shortly.

Badawgs Web Designs
Trust No One
Deny Everything

You have a nice site...keep up the good work


Abi Latham - 01/07/99 04:05:31
My Email:MarvinIRL@aol.com
Favorite Star Wars character: Ewoks
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
How did you find us?: Good ol' Drew
Favorite Homepage?: Collin Raye and Garth Brooks pages

Drew, Great page. It is sooo good to be talking to you after such a long time. Only now have I realised how I missed talking to you. I am happy to hear you are well. Hope we always keep in touch. I value our friendship and only hope it gets stronger. Cal, great page. I am a big Star Wars fan but havent seen the movies in a number of years. I will definatly keep coming back here. :o)

Nicole - 12/28/98 05:31:47
My Email:nicole224@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: NY
How did you find us?: ohhhh....from a friend

Andy, great job hon!!!! I am sure your next page will be just as good!!!!

10/16/98 04:05:39
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

samantha - 07/27/98 04:11:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/8133/
My Email:samantha1112@hotmail.com
Favorite Star Wars character: many
Where are you from?: australia
How did you find us?: you signed my book
Favorite Homepage?: many

just returning the fav cool page you have

Wildheart - 07/14/98 17:03:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/4996
My Email:wildheart@rocketmail.com
Favorite Star Wars character: Luke......I had such a crush on Mark Hamil when Star Wars 1st came out....*l*
Where are you from?: West Texas
How did you find us?: Katherine/Bonochick's guestbook
Favorite Homepage?: Mine!!!!!!....hahahaha........

hey $amu$....great page.....I saw Star Wars before you were even born!!!!....see ya in the Park!!!!

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 11:57:54
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Pretty Lips - 06/22/98 02:14:44
My Email:adrianyo@yahoo.com
Favorite Star Wars character: Han Solo-- he's SOOO sexy!!! =)
Where are you from?: Detroit, MI, but stuck in NC
How did you find us?: Samus-- of course!!!

Nice work guys!!! See ya in the chat!!

Fleet Admiral Taylor - 06/07/98 15:00:16
My URL:http://www.iaw.on.ca/~btaylor1/index.html
My Email:btaylor1@iaw.com
Favorite Star Wars character: Emperor Palpatine
Where are you from?: Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada
How did you find us?: Link from Docking Bay on Yavin IV
Favorite Homepage?: Can't say ???

A nice site!! 8-)

Deidre - 05/07/98 03:03:32
My Email:ddugmore@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: London in the UK
How did you find us?: Samus introduced me. *S*
Favorite Homepage?: Samus's

Thank you for inviting me here. It was a real pleasure view your page and pictures. Thank You Love Deidre

Susan - 05/03/98 05:24:28
My Email:SioxieQ@webtv.net
Favorite Star Wars character: luke
Where are you from?: MD
How did you find us?: Samus
Favorite Homepage?: ???

very nice Andy...now i know your real name good work on the page. i am glad you told me about this because i learned a lot more about you! see ya!

Lindsey King - 04/26/98 13:20:25
My Email:TKing1958@aol.com
Favorite Star Wars character: ????????????????
Where are you from?: Kilgore, TX
How did you find us?: AOL Search
Favorite Homepage?: ??????????

I thought your page was really neat. I was just here to get some information for my friend and I really liked it myself. One thing you could do to improve your homepage is to get some info on star wars. THANKS A MILLION!

st.maartin - 04/22/98 17:13:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/mastmaartin
My Email:p.carberry@rivers.org
Favorite Star Wars character: Yak face
Where are you from?: BOSTON
How did you find us?: FRIEND
Favorite Homepage?: yours

please visit mine and then E-mail me PLEASE

willy - 04/01/98 07:44:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/KWO
My Email:wamdog@webtv.net
Favorite Star Wars character: LUKE
Where are you from?: CT
How did you find us?: surfed in

great website. return of the the jedi is my all time favorite. keep up the good work.

Summer Breeze - 02/08/98 02:59:34
My Email:You already know it
Favorite Star Wars character: You know who
Where are you from?: You know where
How did you find us?: You
Favorite Homepage?: The best.....*S*...*skotc*


fancy freckles™~ - 01/29/98 05:47:36
My URL:http://webtv.net
My Email:fancyfreckle@webtv.net
Favorite Star Wars character: the princess chic
Where are you from?: North Carolina
How did you find us?: you told me

good page!!!! I only wished my looked this good!!!!

Bono - 01/23/98 04:18:20
My Email:liamnoel@nbnet.nb.ca
Favorite Star Wars character: Chewy
Where are you from?: Same place as you
How did you find us?: You , hehehe
Favorite Homepage?: an INXS page

Cool page , a definite fan of the cult movie series , hehehe . I hopefully will someday have the best INXS page on the net ... Later buddy , see you in school : )

Rita Nyberg - 01/23/98 00:28:17
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/u/n/bunnie24.html
My Email:9130min@uslink.net
Favorite Star Wars character: R2D2
Where are you from?: Minnesota
How did you find us?: referral

Great web site.

Mike Bastarache - 01/21/98 11:06:12
My URL:http://www.theforce.net
My Email:pablo@nbnet.nb.ca
Favorite Star Wars character: Ben Kenobi
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find us?: You told me about it
Favorite Homepage?: www.theforce.net

Not bad for your first web page. It only gets better from here. You should add stuff about the prequels.

~Gabriella~ - 01/21/98 05:08:24
My Email:mtsatska@learn.senecac.on.ca
Where are you from?: Ontario
How did you find us?: Samus

Andy, great page hon...keep up the great work... *hugs and kotc*

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