On a September weekend in 1997, a unique con happened...
A non Creation Xena convention. It had a great location. Great guests. But way too few attendees.
Now on to my photos
Here's Kevin Smith (Ares) looking delightfully scruffy. Although he does look like he's about to sing the Lumberjack song.
He was taken from this world way too early. [sigh]
Next up, Karl Urban
That boy has more energy than the Energizer Bunny. And he restrains it so well playing Cupid or Caesar. I didn't have a thing for either character untill seeing him in person.
"Everybody say, 'Ello Mum!'"
Robert Trebor (See, it's a palindrome!) shows us how to read his comicbook.
And here I am after winning Best In Show in the Masquerade.
I came bouncing out, and then the MC asked if I could do it again! He asked nicely, so I obliged.
I then addressed the audience, in a cheezy French accent. "Bonjour! I am zee Burgundy Mink. An in zis town, ve do not need a 'ero like 'Ercule. Nonononono. Ve need sumting new... Sumting diffarent... Like Zima!" And pulled out a bottle of Zima. The MC voiced over, "Yes Zima. For when the bad accents & the 20th Century in-jokes go just a bit too far."
As I was leaving the stage, I did a low bow to the judges table, pulled a burgundy rose from my hat, kissed it, and tossed it to Robert Trebor.
Photo by James V. Gleason ŠThe Washington Blade Inc.
And here are the obligatory photos with the stars.

This is my favorite. Cause we're both in character!
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