It seems so long ago now. The winter after "Star Trek: Generations" came out was a period of great change for me. First of all, I got connected to the internet. But more importantly I joined the world of Star Trek fandom.

The first meeting I attended of DS495, an independent group located in Washington DC, had guest speakers from a local theater store. They were passing around a Klingon forehead. It looked pretty dorky on most folks. Then I tried it on. My inner Klingon was released.

I immediately knew any costume I built had to have Klingon Kleavage. Thus began my journey into structural mechanics.

Kleavage How To

Back to the internet. One of the first sites I hit was the Klingon Language Institute. The place for the correct usage of thlIngan Hol as written by Marc Okrand. Though there are many official words for different body parts, in the Klingon Dictionary, there wasn't one for the one nearest & dearest to my heart.

A few months later, at my first Shoreleave convention, my friend Marsha introduced me to Marc. I told him of my need. Unfortunately he is trying very hard to keep Klingon a G-rated language. (You'll notice that the swear words are not translated.) But he was amused at the idea of the KKKW. So he said he'd think about it.

Exactly one year later, I saw Marc in the hallway at Shoreleave 18. He flagged me down & said, "I've got something for you." There was the word ngech, which means "valley" in tlhIngan Hol. He approved the secondary meaning of the word. The next weekend he verified to the KLI community, at the qep'a' wejDIch, that ngech also now means cleavage.

My other pages.

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth Volunteers Homepage - Including the tale of the Han Haul.

For everything else my slush-page.

Infinite Visions December '97

Towson Vulkon March '98

WarriorCon September '97

My Dollies